Participants : Y. Aso, M. Eisenmann, D. Haba, S. Singh, K. Somiya, K. Takeshita, H. Wang

'Complete Birefringence and Jones matrix characterization using Arbitrary Polarization' to be submitted in Optics Express

Article will be circulated to MIR group

Currently upgrading spectrophotometer with polarizer to measure absorption spectrum with s-polarized light

Plan to measure all sapphire samples of NAOJ

In longer term will measure with p-pol aswell

Now writing Master thesis (in japanese but abstract will be in English)

Also computing inspiral range with new sensors

Carl Blair will come to Japan in 2 weeks to work part in KAGRA part in Tokyo

Possibility to have also visit of Australian students to work on birefringence

BNU student (Chenjie) will come for 1 year to work on birefringence compensation

ICRR inter-university report on January 29th..

Next meeting likely to be on February 4th

KAGRA/Subgroups/MIR/Meetings/Minutes20250116 (last edited 2025-01-15 18:31:25 by marc.eisenmann)