Participants : Y. Aso, M. Eisenmann, D. Haba, S. Singh, K. Somiya, K. Takeshita, H. Wang ---- * Birefringence characterization paper presentation (S. Singh): 'Complete Birefringence and Jones matrix characterization using Arbitrary Polarization' to be submitted in Optics Express Article will be circulated to MIR group * Sapphire spectroscopy (M. Eisenmann): Currently upgrading spectrophotometer with polarizer to measure absorption spectrum with s-polarized light Plan to measure all sapphire samples of NAOJ In longer term will measure with p-pol aswell * Weigthed PDs (D. Haba) Now writing Master thesis (in japanese but abstract will be in English) Also computing inspiral range with new sensors * Visitors (H. Wang) Carl Blair will come to Japan in 2 weeks to work part in KAGRA part in Tokyo Possibility to have also visit of Australian students to work on birefringence BNU student (Chenjie) will come for 1 year to work on birefringence compensation * Next meeting ICRR inter-university report on January 29th.. Next meeting likely to be on February 4th