Differences between revisions 4 and 9 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2019-12-10 09:49:57
Size: 2138
Revision 9 as of 2019-12-11 11:52:10
Size: 2318
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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   * Detection range is about 10kpc (or 30kpc(?))    * Detection range is about 40kpc at maximum
Line 16: Line 16:
    * [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/EngineeringRun/ER191217_24/ | wiki]]
Line 17: Line 18:
 * Conference  *
* Conference
Line 19: Line 22:
  * Yokozawa, TTanaka     * Yokozawa, TTanaka
Line 21: Line 24:
 * PEM injection
  * Shaker injection1 (TTanaka, Yokozawa)
   * Where is the PZT shaker driver?
   * Acoustic injection -> Shaker injection
  * acoustic injection (TTanaka, Yokozawa)
   * PSL, REFL and AS table injection
   * Analysis is ongoing
  * magnetic field injection (Niigata Tanaka, Fujikawa, Yokozawa)
   * Effect of the air cooler magnetic field
   * AS, REFL table injection
  * PEM injection
   * Shaker injection1 (TTanaka, Yokozawa)
  * Where is the PZT shaker driver?
    * Acoustic injection -> Shaker injection
   * acoustic injection (TTanaka, Yokozawa)
  * PSL, REFL and AS table injection
    * Analysis is ongoing
  * magnetic field injection (Niigata Tanaka, Fujikawa, Yokozawa)
    * Effect of the air cooler magnetic field
  * AS, REFL table injection 
Line 32: Line 35:
 * Newtonian noise measurement
  * Thank you for Virgo PEM member!
  * Francesca mainly measured the newtonian noise
  * Newtonian noise measurement
  * Thank you for Virgo PEM member!
  * Francesca mainly measured the newtonian noise
Line 36: Line 39:
 * PEM measurement
  * Sunday morning : PEM injection
  * 10th Dec. : Xend environmental check
  * Someday : Effect of the sound to DARM displacement
  * Someday : Environmental check around BS (including the POP)
  * Someday : Evaluation of the table cover
  * Someday : SR2 and SR3 optical lever (Reflection light from SRM?)
  * PEM measurement
   * Sunday morning : PEM injection
  * 10th Dec. : Xend environmental check
   * Someday : Effect of the sound to DARM displacement
  * Someday : Environmental check around BS (including the POP)
   * Someday : Evaluation of the table cover
  * Someday : SR2 and SR3 optical lever (Reflection light from SRM?) 
Line 44: Line 47:
 * Visitors from LV
  * Adam, Sheila (-12/13)
  * Camilla (-12/20)
  * Visitors from LV
  * Adam, Sheila (-12/13)
   * Camilla (-12/20)
Line 66: Line 69:
  * Fujikawa (During the move)
   * Lock loss study
   * fujimopy
  * Fujikawa
   * Lock loss study [[attachment:FujikawaMTG_191211.pdf]]
   * fujimopy  [[attachment:PEMmtg_191211lock.pdf]]

Weekly PEM meeting

  • 2019/12/10(Tue) 16:00-(JST)
  • Regular meeting meeting (Japanese)
  • Web meeting with Zoom2 (Zoom2)


  • General issue
    • Interferometer status
      • Detection range is about 40kpc at maximum
      • There is still some peaks in the lower frequency
      • Mostly AS PD noise at higher frequency
      • Peaks appeared at higher frequency
      • December 17-24 24h engineering run
    • Conference
      • JPS (2010/3/16-19 @ Nagoya)
        • Yokozawa, TTanaka
    • PEM injection
      • Shaker injection1 (TTanaka, Yokozawa)
        • Where is the PZT shaker driver?
        • Acoustic injection -> Shaker injection

      • acoustic injection (TTanaka, Yokozawa)
        • PSL, REFL and AS table injection
        • Analysis is ongoing
      • magnetic field injection (Niigata Tanaka, Fujikawa, Yokozawa)
        • Effect of the air cooler magnetic field
        • AS, REFL table injection
    • Newtonian noise measurement
      • Thank you for Virgo PEM member!
      • Francesca mainly measured the newtonian noise
    • PEM measurement
      • Sunday morning : PEM injection
      • 10th Dec. : Xend environmental check
      • Someday : Effect of the sound to DARM displacement
      • Someday : Environmental check around BS (including the POP)
      • Someday : Evaluation of the table cover
      • Someday : SR2 and SR3 optical lever (Reflection light from SRM?)
    • Visitors from LV
      • Adam, Sheila (-12/13)
      • Camilla (-12/20)
  • Each progress
    • Yokozawa
      • Short report about newtonian noise measurement(Virgo PEM effort)
      • Short report about jitter noise at PSL room(Camilla effort)
      • Current serious noises
    • Washimi
      • Lockloss study
      • Volt monitor for the optical table
      • Polish-up of Acuostic reverberation time (on-going)
    • Kozakai
      • Trigger analysis with silent run
    • TTanaka(ICRR)
      • Acoustic injection with FPMI
    • Fujikawa
    • TTanaka(Niigata)
      • Magnetic field from air cooler and compressor
      • Magnetic field injection to AS and REFL table
    • etc

KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Meeting/191210/Agenda (last edited 2019-12-11 16:43:23 by taiki.tanaka)