Weekly PEM meeting
- 2020/02/18(Tue) 16:00-(JST)
- Regular meeting meeting (Japanese)
Web meeting with Zoom2 (Zoom2)
General issue
- Interferometer status
- The noise improvement for the 1Mpc sensitivity is ongoing
- CARM noise improved
- MICH and PRCL feedforward
- Suspension control
- Higher power laser
- etc
- Engineering run from evening of the 20th(Thu.)
- The noise improvement for the 1Mpc sensitivity is ongoing
- PEM plan remaining two weeks
- PEM injection
- Shaker and Acoustic injection
- PSL, REFL and AS table injection again
- Shaker and Acoustic injection
- Hammering test
Hammering test @ Y-end : around 2/15 (JGW-G2011419)
- Discussion about the PEM flags
- Turning off the instruments was completed
- Check the sensitivity when we turned on the FFU
- Microphone spectrum comparison
- Set portable PEMs to the some point for the O3 run
- Yend chamber?
- Around OMC, AS table?
- PEM injection
- Conference
- Application of the author list
- [kagra 03345] from Somiya-san e-mail
- Deadline : 29th Feb.
- エフォート率など相談がありましたら横澤までご連絡ください。
Each progress
- Yokozawa
- What should we do this week
- Washimi
- etc