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* Online meeting [[https://www.lowbg.org/ugap/ws/am2020/index.html?LangP=JP&InputContents=Prog]] * Washimi has an invited talk on 6/3 |
* Online meeting [[https://www.lowbg.org/ugap/ws/am2020/index.html?LangP=JP&InputContents=Prog|web]] * Washimi has an invited talk on 6/3 [[xxx|slide]] |
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* PEM meeting schedule * Washimi needs to join the VIS meeting (Fri. 14:00-15:30) |
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* Acoustic reverberation (Washimi+Virgo) | * Acoustic reverberation paper (Washimi+Virgo) |
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* Magnetic field in the underground experiment (Washimi+) * 1-year Geomagnetism * 1-year Schumann resonance |
* Magnetic field paper (Washimi+) * 1-year Geomagnetism in underground * 1-year Schumann resonance in underground |
Weekly PEM meeting
- 2020/05/29(Fri) 14:00-
- Regular meeting
Zoom2 : https://zoom.us/j/6676627462
Conference issue
- JPS meeting
Online meeting web
- deadline 6/4
- 新学術地下宇宙 (6/2-4)
General issue
- Interferometer status
- Now interferometer is "suspend mode"
- Measurements without interferometer
- Keep the IMC lock
- Check the green laser flash
- Earthquakes at Hida area is serious
- Large frequency
- Close from KAGRA. Damage to alignment
- Now interferometer is "suspend mode"
- Tasks for post-commissioning
- Scattered light (One of the hammering test)
- OMC chamber vibration RMS
- PEM injection
- Line noise investigation by PEM
Vibration measurement for OpLevs (+Ushiba, 6/1,2)
- PEM meeting schedule
- Washimi needs to join the VIS meeting (Fri. 14:00-15:30)
Jurnal paper issue
- KAGRA summary paper(Yokozawa)
- Part of the KAGRA overview paper
PTEP (Overview of KAGRA : (3) Detector characterization, calibration, physical environment, and data quality)klog11664
- Installation
- Technical issue
- Acoustic injection paper (Washimi)
- Target journal : Classical and Quantum Gravity
- Request 3+8 hours data taking to commissioning
- Portable PEMs (Yokozawa+)
Target journal->to be discussed later
- Chromebook+USB PEMs, aco power supply+BNC PEMs+KAGRA DAQ
- Ground motion paper (Yokozawa)
- Technical note
- Just for memo(忘備録)
- If we can summary for special issue, we will start the discussion for journal paper
- Lock loss study by earthquake
- Micro-seismic motion
- Seasonal ground motion
- Newtonian noise
- Baseline compensation
- Human activity and its effect
- etc.
- PEM summary note (Yokozawa+)
- Just for memo, technical note
- What we did toward the observation
- If we can summary for special issue, we will start the discussion for journal paper
- PEM map
- Lock loss study
- Scattered light
- etc.
- Acoustic reverberation paper (Washimi+Virgo)
KAGRA data & Virgo data
- Magnetic field paper (Washimi+)
- 1-year Geomagnetism in underground
- 1-year Schumann resonance in underground
- Mag. field in EXC chamber
- Coherence between PRFPMI and MAGs
- Lightning effect on PRFPMI (3/22 event)
- Other topic
- If you have interested in, please contact to Yokozawa and Washimi first
- We took many environmental data
- Six Seismometer(Miyo+)
- Many microphones and accelerometers(Yokozawa+)
- Weather vs environment
- Temperature vs suspension
- Earthquake vs magnetic-field
- Non linearity noise study
- Line noise investigation(Yokozawa+)
- ICA analysis (Kume, Yokoyama)