= Minute of PEM meeting = ---- * Date: 2020/09/25 17:00-18:00(JST) * Attendance: Yokozawa, Washimi, Ohkawa, Fujikawa, Oshino, Yokoyama, Kume * Regular meeting === Minutes === * KAGRA schedule [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/DocDB/0120/G2012041/001/ChamberOpen-Schedule200925-2.pdf|JGW12041]] * - 7th Oct. RSE lock trial * 5th Oct. - 12th(19th) Oct. Start the cleaning * 8th Oct. - 21st Oct. Warming up cryogenic ducts(IX, IY, EY) * 14th Oct. blackout (13th, 15th working date for blackout) * 19th Oct. - 23rd Oct. Clean work by company * 22nd Oct. - 25th Oct. break vacuum * 26th Oct. - Open chambers * Call for discussion * Some measurement if we can lock the DRFPMI * Acoustic injection with portable PEMs * Noise investigation * PEM measurement during blackout * Prepare the DAQ during blackout * Seismometer + magnetometer + Infrasound microphone + GND * PEM DAQ racks * Use only IX and IY racks * Move the position of IX and IY racks * New PEMs toward O4 * Many microphone * Not only tables but also booth * Position of magnetometer * Position of seismometer * Additional PEMs to PSL room * 120Hz noise * glitch study * Lock loss study * control loop of the ETMX MNR? * If you have new idea or discussion item, please write here * Fujikawa will visit Kamioka from 4th Oct. to 17th Oct. * ICA analysis * PR booth injection analysis * Now frequency domain -> move to time domain * Next PEM meeting 17:00- 2nd Oct.