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* Discussion 1/29 [[|memo]] | * Discussion 1/29 [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Meeting/210129/PCounter|memo]] |
Weekly PEM meeting
- 2021/02/05(Fri) 17:30-
- Regular meeting
Zoom2 :
Conference issue
- Future meeting
- 2/12(Fri) Regular
- 2/19(Fri) VK PEM meeting
- 2/26(Fri) Regular
JPS meeting URL
- オフライン解析によるKAGRAデータの雑音除去(Kume)
- If you have some presentation about PEM related, please contact to me.
General issue
Interferometer schedule JGW12041
- VIS upgrade
- IMC beam centering
- Stray beam treatment
- Type-C suspension commissioning
- IYC experience
- Temperature control
Evaluation meeting URL
- Make brief summary
Discussion item
- Call candidate for seismometer data analysis person
- Seismic motion during O3GK
- Turn over Fujikawa-san's analysis
- Detail analysis for micro-seismic motion
- Earthquake information
- Some human activity(1-10 Hz) behavior
- Self noise evaluation
- About 3month for postdoc or doctor student, half year for master(2nd) student?
Start the investigation for measurement of the newtonian noise : NN meeting (URL)
- Portable water fluid monitor
- Permanent water fluid monitor at Yend
- March(?)
Discussion for particle counters JGW-G2112501
- ISO class1 measurable particle counter at the entrance of PSL room
- Before measurement, we need to measure with other particle counter
- Effect of KOACH filter
- Floor measurement
Discussion 1/29 memo
- ISO class1 measurable particle counter at the entrance of PSL room
Contribution to PEM for joining the author list Working list
- KAGRA Environmental study (Including (future) newtonian noise measurement)
- Noise evaluation using PEMs (Including lock loss study and offline subtraction)
- Setting monitors (Cabling, making monitor, ondotori maintenance)
- Others
Jurnal paper issue
PTEP (2) : noise budget(K.Yamamoto, Kokeyama, Washimi) Check list, slack <<Writing>>
- NB plot has been finalised
- PWT is writing the draft for each part
PTEP (3) : CAL, DET, PEM, GIF (Yokozawa) <<3rd Submitted done>> JGW-P2011664
Acoustic injection paper (Washimi) <<Submitted>> JGW-P2012122
- Submitted to CQG on 2020/12/26, Awaiting Referee Reports
LIGO O3 PEM paper has been openrd in arXiv:2101.09935
Lightening paper (Washimi) <<Submitted to CPC>> JGW-P2112426
- CPC has discussed this issue and decided to ask me to make the data used in this paper to be playground data, because currently they have no definite criteria to judge which KAGRA data can be used in a shot-author-list paper.
- Washimi plan to hold a seminar in near future to explain this paper and playground-data application.
Fractal paper Alessandro) <<Submitted to CPC>> JGW-P2112438
- No objection for playground data.
Seismic NN paper (with Virgo) <<DRAFT CIRCULATION>>
Reverberation time paper (Washimi+) <<Start writing>>
ICA for E-run/O3GK (Kume, Yokoyama) <<Analysis ON GOING>>
Portable PEMs (Yokozawa+) <<Start writing>>
Preparation for O4
- PEM table
- k1ctr plan
- Cabling, DELL PC update
- k1ctr plan
- New PC for weather station
- Oshino-san prepared
URL(only ICRR network)
- Cabling issue
- Cleaning the center area
- PEM cabling plan
- BS-IYC cabling (March or April?)
- New cable rack
- cabling, moving from IX0
- Noise mitigation / Environment stability
- GND issue
- IXV 40kHz glitch, moving mass?
- Yokozawa started the summary and plan for presentation at chief meeting
- Temperature control
- IYC dry air, temperature is good now
- GND issue
- PEM sensors
- Re-install the ACCs, MICs, MAGs before commissioning start
- water fluid monitor
Magnetometers for Schumann resonance MFS-06e
- read out of the lightning sensor
- Infrasound monitor @ Atotsu, Mozumi, tunnel (+ Toyama?)
- Infrasound microphone (ACO4152NHA, 0.05 - 8000 Hz)
- PEM injection
- Acoustic injection at X/Y-end
- Magnetic injection
- After O4
- RF monitor
- Tiltmeter
- RI detector
- Newtonian noise
Memo for working list in this physical year
- Find time when Yokozawa and Washimi-san can work
- Bird watching
- Change battery operation to AC power supply operation (We bought 20 AC taps)
- Measurement by particle counter
- Plan is ongoing
- Transfer function from vacuum chamber leg to table
- If possible
- Bird watching
- PEM rack MCF
- Cable diagram for IOO
- Yokozawa and Nakano-san
Progress report
- Yokozawa
- Temperature control
- Washimi
- no reports
- Kume
- ICA analysis related with PEM
- Fujikawa
- Master thesis