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Weekly PEM meeting
- 2022/06/24(Fri) 17:00-
- Regular meeting
Zoom2 :
General announcement
- (LVK inner information) O4 will start from March 2023
- Important discussion with ET people
- Magnetic field
- Meeting of Seismic noise and infrastructure noise (11th July?)
- If you want to join the discussion, please let Yokozawa know.
- Visiting to Virgo site
- By C2C budget
- Contact to Virgo people
- End of October -
- Task list 2022
- Author list committee ask us to make task list 2022
- Deadline Jun.4.
Task list 2021 pdf
- If you have question or comments, please let Yokozawa know.
Meeting and Conference issue
- ET underground infrastructure and noise meeting
- July 11, 11:00am CEST
- KAGRA F2F meeting
- LVK meeting
- 12-15 September
- Cardiff Unviersity, UK
- JPS meeting
- 2022/9/6-8 Okayama
- Washimi : Infrasound
- Hoshino : Seismic and ocean
- 日本天文学会
- 9/13-15
- 新潟大学
- ET symposium in Budapest, Hungary
- GR23 in Beijin, China
- GWPAW2022 in Melbourne Australia
- GRASS 2022 in Padova, Italy
Other meetings url
If you have some presentation about PEM related, please contact to me.
Business travel
- Depending on the situation of COVID-19
- To Kamioka
- No
- From Kamioka
- No
General issue
- Overall schedule
- 6/20 - 6/24 Leak of End Y
- 6/27 - Repair the leak point and start the pumping down
- 6/20 - 7/1 Suspension commissioning Type-Bp
- 7/4 - 7/8 Interferometer commissioning
- 7/11 - 7/22 Suspension commissioning Type-B
- 7/25 - 7/29 Acceptance check
- 8/1 - Closing the center area
- Mid size baffle installation
- ISS installation
- High power laser installation
- Procedure toward X arm commissioning
- Radiation shield cooling Xend
- IM temperature is ~90 K
- Finesse is not changed
- Radiation shield cooling Xend
- Mid-size baffle
First contact -> Suspension health check -> Mid size baffle install
PR2 -> Done
SR2 -> Done
PRM -> Done
BS -> Done
PR3 -> Done
SR3 -> First contact
SRM -> Disassembling -> First contact
- Y arm commissioning
- EY leak done : Repair the leak next Monday
- IY : We will start the duct shield cooling, depending on the pressure level and health check
- Schedule
- Type-Bp's suspension health check
- PEM schedule
- Re-installation of PEMs toward O4
出張PEM injection (planning form)
- TAMA300 (June 22)
Jurnal paper issue
PTEP (2) : noise budget(K.Yamamoto, Kokeyama, Washimi) JGW-P2113405
- It has been accepted
- ICA for E-run/O3GK (Kume, Kobayashi)
- Sibmitted to CPC
- Tonga paper (Washimi+)
- CPC circuration has been closed (6/21)
- Many comments from Yokoyama-san (mainly English corrections)
- Micro seismic analysis (Hoshino)
- writing
- Acoustic reverberation time paper (Washimi+)
- Suspend
- Re-measurement before O4?
Preparation for O4
- MEDM screen script
- Just by preparing the channel list, it can reconstruct easily
- Re-rolating the PEMs
- IY0 re-location
- Combination of MAG + barometer
- Combination of SEIS + barometer
- Minor change of End PEM channel
- Barometers and infrasound placement underground
- Magnetic field underground
- Discuss with Virgo member next week
- Fan, ...
- Seismic and infrastructure noise
- Magnetmeters for the Schumann resonance
- ADU (Washimi)
- Discussing with technicians (AEL, FCL)
PEM injection (planning form)
Low-frequency sound injectorklog16829
- Acoustic injection at X/Y-end
- Magnetic injection (I want to start the preparation soon)
- After O4
- RF monitor with mokugo
- Tiltmeter
- RI detector
- Newtonian noise
- Discussion with DET members
- Daily summary page PEM
Progress report
- Yuzurihara
- Pastavi
- Data Quality Report
- Data quality evaluation
- No special report
- Suzuki
- Water simulation
- Hoshino
- Seismic motion analysis
- Kume
- Report of paper progress
- Fukunaga
- Schumann resonance
- Kiyota
- Take over Kobayashi-san's work
- Nishizawa
- Magnetic field analysis
- Washimi
- Rain fall and Water drain
- PEM works at TAMA300
Seismic and acoustic measurements
hammering test
- Yokozawa