Weekly PEM meeting
- 2022/10/28(Fri) 17:00-
- Regular meeting
Zoom2 : https://zoom.us/j/6676627462
General announcement
- KAGRA visiting plan
- Welcome to visit KAGRA site
- Please contact to Ohashi-san
- Important discussion with ET people
- Magnetic field from infrastructure
- If you want to join the discussion, please let Yokozawa know.
- Visiting to Virgo site
- By C2C budget
- Contact to Virgo people
- Next year?
- Washimi will visit Virgo in mid. Nov (NAOJ budget)
Meeting and Conference issue
- 第3回新学術「地下宇宙」若手研究会@つくば国際会議場
- 2022年11月23日(水)~24日(木)
- 第8回極低放射能技術研究@筑波大学
- 2022年11月24日(木)~26日(土)
- ET annual meeting @ EGO
- Nov.15-17
- The 30th KAGRA Face-to-Face meeting in hybrid style
- Nov 30-Dec 1, 2022 JST
registration page (Nov. 11th)
- Please have a presentation for master thesis
- JPS meeting (Online)
- Registration : 11/15〜12/1
- GR23 in Beijin, China
- GWPAW2022 in Melbourne Australia
- GRASS 2022 in Padova, Italy
Other meetings url
If you have some presentation about PEM related, please contact to me.
Business travel
- Depending on the situation of COVID-19
- To Kamioka
- 10/16 - 10/26 Kiyota(OMU)
- 10/19 - 10/29 Miyamoto(ICRR)
- 10/23 - 10/29 Fukunaga(OMU)
- From Kamioka
- Washimi go to Itary
- 11/8 : Gran Sasso (GSSI, LNGS)
- 11/10~19 : Virgo
- Washimi go to Itary
General issue
- Overall schedule
- All leak test at center area was performed
- OMC : In air, finalize will be performed early Nov.
- TMSY : In vac, leak test done
- Opened the gate valves between IMC and IMM
- All leak test at center area was performed
- Interferometer overall
- Initial alignment experiment
- 16:00- everyday
- PRMI lock trial
- Search the good alignment
- FPMI lock succeeded
Latest sensitivity klog22097
- Calibration evaluation
- Control filter optimization
- Interferometer characterization
- X arm commissioning
- End X IM 81K
- We will start the noise budget of the new oplev again
- OMC ASC using the Xend test mass
- Signal was detected in OMC PD
- Y arm commissioning
- IY duct shield cooling
- New high power laser
- PMC locked
- Control loop done
- Characterization is ongoing
- ASC preparation
- Sensing matrix measurements
- Initial alignment experiment
- Schedule
- PEM schedule
- Re-installation of PEMs toward O4
出張PEM injection (planning form)
Jurnal paper issue
- ICA for E-run/O3GK (Kume, Kobayashi)
- Micro seismic analysis (Hoshino)
- writing
- Acoustic reverberation time paper (Washimi+)
- Suspend
- Re-measurement before O4?
Preparation for O4
- Weather station
- Weather in KAGRA entrance
- New weather station
- Calibration
- Investigation of the PEM injection is just started
- New DAC preparation
- Prepared the new mini rack
- Acoustic injection at PSL/IMMCS/X/Y-end
- Magnetic injection (After Washimi-san visiting to Virgo)
- Portable PEM injectors
- Voltmeter preparation
- Detail by Kiyota-san
- Model and channel name update
- Schumann resonance outside
- Measured from end of Aug.
- Prepared the AC power supply and LAN cable(Today?)
- After O4
- RF monitor with mokugo
- Tiltmeter
- RI detector
- Newtonian noise
- Discussion with DET members
- Daily summary page PEM
Progress report
- Yuzurihara
- Pastavi
Data Quality Report slide
- Data quality evaluation
- Suzuki
- Water simulation
- Hoshino
- Seismic motion analysis
- Miyamoto
- Weather analysis
- Kume
- Report of paper progress
- Fukunaga
- Schumann resonance
- Kiyota
- Power line noise investigation
- Nishizawa
- Water newtonian noise
- Magnetic field analysis
- Washimi
- Virgo visitting plan
- Yokozawa
- Report of the VK PEM meeting