⇤ ← Revision 1 as of 2023-04-14 06:46:59
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Size: 5063
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* 2023/04/07(Fri) 17:00- | * 2023/04/14(Fri) 17:00- |
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* 2023年度、よろしくお願いします。 |
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* Meeting schedule * If there are no objections, I will keep the PEM meeting at Friday 17:00(JST) |
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* Hoshino? | * Hoshino |
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* Yokozawa will present about KAGRA PEM | * Yokozawa will present about KAGRA PEM (oral) |
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* Limiting hotel | |
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* IMMT1 pitch would generate the XY asymmetry(transmittance power) * Most problem would be solved * Tapping test POP/PSL * Report later |
* BPC at center area * Problem of the discrepancy between green and IR * Problem of how to align to the OMC after ASC performing |
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* Next week | * To find the time |
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* Tapping test at PSL room |
Weekly PEM meeting
- 2023/04/14(Fri) 17:00-
- Regular meeting
Zoom2 : https://zoom.us/j/6676627462
General announcement
- If you or your student/stuff have interested in the new PEM activity, please contact to me
- O4a run will start from 24th May
- 4 weeks run it will finish 21st Junne
- Mostly onsite and Mitaka member will have a shift for observation
- Not disagree that offsite member come KAGRA during run
- CAL/DET week from 17th May
- We will stop the innterferometer update
- KAGRA visiting plan
- Now, the budget of KAGRA is limiting, but if you want to visit Kamioka, please contact to Yokozawa
- RRT shift
Meeting and Conference issue
XIII Einstein Telescope Symposium https://indico.ego-gw.it/event/562/abstracts/
- May 8–12, in Cagliari Italy
- Washimi (online) : Schumann resonance amprification
- Somiya (online) : Water NN
- GWADW 2023
- 21 - 27 May, Elba, Italy
- One day could be the day for "KAGRA commissioning support" and "experiences/results in KAGRA" presentation
- The 3rd generation can be a large topics because ET is now proceeding.
- 10th KIW
- 29,30th May
- C2C support possible, if you have interested in having the presentation about PEM, please contact to me
- Washimi (SOC)
- Hoshino
ICRC 2023 url
- Nagoya
- Deadline 2/20
- Yokozawa will present about KAGRA PEM (oral)
- Washimi will present about Schumann resonance and SGWB
- JPS meeting (Tohoku U)
- Limiting hotel
Other meetings url
If you have some presentation about PEM related, please contact to me.
Business travel
- Depending on the situation of COVID-19
- To Kamioka
- No
- From Kamioka
- No
General issue
- PRFPMI locked
- 1.2 W output from IMC (7 W when O3GK)
- Best 1.0 Mpc (?)
- Activities this week
- ASC using wave front sensors and ADS, BPC and so on
- BPC at center area
- Problem of the discrepancy between green and IR
- Problem of how to align to the OMC after ASC performing
- MICH and PRCL feed forward implementation
- To find the time
- ASC using wave front sensors and ADS, BPC and so on
- (Future) Interferometer characterization
- Increasing the power at REFL table
- MICH controls investigation
- POP table to REFL table
- Simulation
- Alignment sensing and controls
- Control filter optimization
- Suspension control
- Now evaluating the suspension control noise
- Increased the laser power
- 1.2 W output from IMC (7 W when O3GK)
出張PEM injection (planning form)
Jurnal paper issue
- Micro seismic analysis (Hoshino)
- writing
- Acoustic reverberation time paper (Washimi+)
- Suspend
- Re-measurement before O4?
- Tonga GIF paper
- Referee comments
Preparation for O4
- Discussion of the portable PEM channels
- Still under investigation with the results of the tapping test
- Finalize the PEM installation
- Accelerometer to C chamber and TMS table (Maybe postpone after O4a, lower priority)
- Microphone to C chamber (Maybe postpone after O4a, lower priority)
- Investigation of the PEM injection is just started
- Tapping test is higher priority
- Acoustic injection preparation
- Output sound smaller compared from O3GK's
- Magnetic injection
- After O4a?
- Voltmeter preparation
- We made the PEM channel
- AC power monitoring
- Bought transreducer
- Prepared
- DC power monitoring
- Arrived at Kamioka
- We made the PEM channel
- After O4
- RF monitor with mokugo
- Tiltmeter
- RI detector
- Newtonian noise
- Discussion with DET members
- Daily summary page PEM
Progress report
- Yuzurihara
- Pastavi
Data Quality Report slide
- Data quality evaluation
- Hoshino
- Seismic motion analysis
- Sato
- Sound source analysid
- Miyamoto
- Weather analysis
- Kume
- Noise subtraction
- Nishizawa
- Water newtonian noise
- Magnetic field analysis
- Washimi
- Yokozawa
- Morning silent run