== Virgo-KAGRA PEM meeting == * 2024-10-10(Thu) 17:00-18:00(JST), 8:00-9:00(UTC) 10:00-11:00(CEST) * ICRR Zoom : [[https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/4552189674?pwd=ejhjWDlCaFFFRVkyMm42UzBxRmRLdz09&omn=87519724769|ICRR Zoom]] * How to access the JGWdoc for LV people : [[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-L2000007]] * Video Record : Later === Agenda === * Status reports * KAGRA detector status (Yokozawa) * Virgo status (Irene) * effect of correlated noise on SGWB search using a correlated magnetic injection between LHO and LLO (Kamiel) * Discussion about visiting KAGRA * Others * Next meeting October