== Weekly PEM meeting == * 2025/01/10(Fri) 17:00- * Regular meeting * Zoom2 : https://zoom.us/j/6676627462 ==== General announcement ==== * Happy new year 2025 * 本年もよろしくお願いします。 * 2025年はO4b観測に向けた感度向上、O4b観測を計画 * O4 PEM paperをpublishしたいので、ご協力いただける方はご連絡ください。 * Author list 2024 * Thank you for your contribution * Virgo ENV member have some plan to visit KAGRA about 1 month * Jan., Feb. or Mar. one month * Plan * Noise hunting (PEM injection) toward the 10 Mpc would be first priority * Power supply operation * Magnetic injection * Additional NN measurement * Other * O4a noise budget paper * If you have a plan to write the paper using O4a data and PEM, please let me know. * Start the investigation for the new subsystem, noise subtraction, under the SEO. * Establish next year ==== Meeting and Conference issue ==== * JPS meeting * Online * Ohashi * Estimation of the microseismic motion at the KAGRA site using neural networks (II) * Sato * 重力波望遠鏡KAGRAにおける音響雑音 * Other meetings [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/DAWG/conferences|url]] If you have some presentation about PEM related, please contact to me. ==== Business travel ==== * To Kamioka * Ozaki (Aoyama 1/13-18) * From Kamioka * Yokozawa (Kashiwa 1/21-22) ==== General issue ==== * Commissioning * PRFPMI * cooling down ongoing * Suspension commissioning for the cooled suspension * Prepare for the high power operation * 出張PEM injection ([[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=14016|planning form]]) ==== Jurnal paper issue ==== [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Reports/JurnalPaperIssue|Details are here!]] * O4 PEM paper * Start to investigate the topics * Schumann Resonance paper * Todo list work * 1 Hz seismic motion paper * Start the investigation ==== Preparation for O4b ==== * Coil preparation for magnetic injection * Voltmeter preparation * AC power monitor installation * DC power monitor installation ==== Progress report ==== * Sato * Acoustic injection analysis * Ohashi * Microseismic noise with machine learning * Kume, Ueno * Noise subtraction * Nishizawa * Water newtonian noise * Magnetic field analysis * Washimi * 128 Hz noise investigation * Yokozawa * Noise hunting ==== Place for memo ==== * [[https://www.gw-openscience.org/O3/o3aspeclines/|Line noise list in O3a public data]] * [[https://pubplan.ligo.org/CW/KAGRA_VectorDM.html|Summary page for KAGRA O3 vector dark matter]]