# How to write configuration file for daily summary page 1. Login {{{ ssh -Y controls@k1sum0 cd git/ligo-summary-pages/configurations/k1 }}} 2. Modify your configuration file. * If there is no configuration file for your subgroup, copy a configuration file for other subgroup. * If you generate new configuration file, tell the subgroup name to TYamamoto to include the automatic generation of daily summary page. 3. To learn how to write it, read good examples of other configuration files ({{{git/ligo-summary-pages/configurations/k1/*.ini}}} and {{{git/ligo-summary-pages/configurations/l1/*.ini}}}). ----- == Minimum manual == * '''[tab-uniquename]''' * Use the following sentences (up to the next `[tab-uniquename]`) in order to construct one page. * '''Parent = ''' '''''foo''''' * The subsystem name where this page is included in. * The subsystem names are displayed on the top of the summary page. * '''name = ''' '''''bar''''' * The title of this page. * '''shortname = ''' '''''baz''''' * Displaced name in the pull down menu in the each subsystem in order to identify this page. * '''0 = ''' '''''channelname,options plot-type''''' * The definition of one graph. The multi-graph can be drawn in one page by incrementing the left hand side of '=' * '''''channel''''' * Only DQ channels and EPICS channels are available. (TP channels are not available.) * Multi-channel can be drawn in one graph by itemizing channel names separated by comma(,). * In order to use trend data, '.max', '.min', '.mean', or '.rms' must be added as the suffix of the channel name. * '''''options''''' * 'm-trend' and 's-trend' are defined as the minute-trend and the second-trend respectively. * ''options'' must be defined for individual channels. * '''''plot-type''''' * We can available 'timeseries', 'plot-spectrum', 'plot-spectrogram', 'plot-coherence-spectrum', 'plot-coherence-spectrogram', etc. * ''plot-type'' must be defined only once in the end of the graph's definition. * ''' 0-title = ''' '''''foobar''''' * The graph's title displayed at top of graph. * ''' 0-label = ''' '''''foobaz''''' * The legend of each plot. When the multi-channels are drawn in one graph, we can itemize the legends separated by comma(,). * ''' 0-ylabel = ''' '''''barbaz''''' * The title of the y-axis === Example === {{{ ; Semi-colon means this line is the comment ; Half-width space are required on both side of equal(=). ; When the multi-channels are drawn in one graph, the indent is required. [tab-TST-test0] parent = TST name = test page shortname = test 0 = K1:FEC-7_CPU_METER.max,m-trend, K1:FEC-8_CPU_METER.min,s-trend, timeseries 0-title = IFO 0-label = LSC,ASC0 0-ylabel = 'time [us]' 1 = K1:IMC-SERVO_SLOW_DAQ_OUT_DQ, plot-spectrum }}}