Installation of KAGRA summary pages

ROOT set up

The following should be performed as the root user

Summary pages setup

Automation setup

Automation notes

The automation is handled using HTCondor's timescheduling system.

Monitoring setup

I (Duncan) have installed Ganglia on k1sum0 to allow web-based monitoring of the CPU/memory/disk/network etc. This is achieved as follows:

The Ganglia output is viewable on http://k1sum0/ganglia/.

Ganglia is designed to monitor an entire cluster of machines; this page might be useful if you wish to add other machines to the Ganglia output.

After Installation

After the installation of gwpy and the daily-summary tools, TYo installed emacs.

> su 
> apt-get install emacs

After the installation of gwpy and the daily-summary tools, TY installed sudo and nfs-common. nfs-common is required we use nfs as the mount type on /etc/fstab.

> su -
> apt-get install sudo nfs-common
> emacs -nw /etc/fstab
k1nfs0:/export/users       /users       nfs            rw,bg,soft  0 0
> mount -a