Differences between revisions 2 and 129 (spanning 127 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2018-07-25 07:45:25
Size: 2634
Revision 129 as of 2018-12-18 14:20:50
Size: 1723
Editor: KousekiMiyo
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= Physical Environment Monitors Subgroup = = Physical Environment Monitors (PEM) Subgroup =
||<#A9D0F5> '''Meeting''' ||<#A9D0F5> '''General Information ''' ||<#A9D0F5> '''Current Github Projects''' ||<#A9D0F5> '''Documents'''||<#A9D0F5> '''Link'''||
|| [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Meeting|PEM Meeting]] || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Channels |PEM Channels]] || [[https://github.com/gw-pem/kagra-pem/projects/5|Argent Problem]] || --- || [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=8435|PEM plan(pdf)]] ||
|| [[KAGRA/Commissioning|Commisioning Meeting]] || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/List |PEM Equipments]] || [[https://github.com/gw-pem/kagra-pem/projects/4|PEM Data Quality Flag]] || --- || [[http://pem.ligo.org|LIGO PEM]] ||
|| || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/ADC | Available ADC list]] || [[https://github.com/gw-pem/kagra-pem/projects/3|Monitor Characterization ]] || [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9295|PEM JGWdoc Tree]] || [[https://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yamat/KAGRA/bruco | BrucoSummary]] ||
|| || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/knowhow|Usefull KnowHow]] || --- || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/SummaryPage | SummaryPageInfo]] || [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Bruco | KAGRA-Bruco]] ||
 [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/PemInjection |PEM Injection]]
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== General informations ==
 * [[https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=gnvnsdgg87ir8jmo1j6v9nn4ic%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Asia%2FTokyo|Schedule]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/Shift|Shift]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/Official_figs|Official figures]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/CAL_Meeting|CAL Meeting]]

== bKAGRA phase3 ==
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/Gcal|Gravity field calibrator]]

== bKAGRA phase2 ==
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/Pcal|Photon Calibrator]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/Front-end|Front-end]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/Low-latency_and_offline|Low-latency and offline]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/DARM_model|DARM model]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/Hardware_injection|Hardware injection test]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/Pcal_verification|Verification of Calibration]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/Sys_error|Systematic errors assignment]]

== bKAGRA phase1 ==
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/phase1|bKAGRA phase1 calibration memo]]
 * [[KAGRA/Commissioning/Phase1/Operation/MeasurementsSummary|Measurements Summary]]
 * [[KAGRA/Commissioning/Phase1/Operation/MeasurementsSummary/CWInjection|CW injections]]
 * [[KAGRA/Commissioning/Phase1/Operation/ChannelList|Important channels]]

== Tasks ==
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/WG/tasks|Tasks and milestones]]

== CAL-related publications and talks ==
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/pubs|Publication and talks]]

== References ==
 * [[http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6382/aab658/meta|LIGO h(t) reconstruction CQG 35,095015]]
 * [[https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.96.102001|LIGO calibration uncertainty PRD 96, 102001]]
 * [[https://dcc.ligo.org/P1500248/public|aLIGO calibration LIGO-P1500248]]
 * [[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-P1600063/public|aLIGO time dependent calibration LIGO-P1600063]],[[http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0264-9381/34/1/015002/meta|CQG 34,1]]
 * [[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-P1500249/public|aLIGO Pcal LIGO-P1500249]],[[https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.4967303|RSI 87, 114503]]
 * [[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-E1300707/public|LIGO Pcal documents tree LIGO-E1300707]]
 * [[https://dcc.ligo.org/public/0122/G1501518/014/darmschematics-v14.pdf|LIGO CAL subway map]]
== Member list ==

 * 灰野 禎一 Sadakazu Haino (Academis Sinica)

 * 井上 優貴 Yuki Inoue (Academia Sinica) - Instrumentation and Verification of the Calibration
 * 山本 尚弘 Takahiro Yamamoto (ICRR) - Online and offline reconstruction
 * 横澤 孝章 Takaaki Yokozawa (ICRR) - Injection and assignment of systematic errors

== Definition and scope ==
 1. ~+PEM is sensing system to check the detector health, noise source and h(t) data quality+~
 2. ~+__'''Selection, installation and maintenance of PEMs in KAGRA detector are the main tasks'''__ so that the data necessary for commissioning procedure are collected.+~
From [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=8401| JGW-E1808401]]
== Others ==
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/TASK/OLD | Old issue]]

Physical Environment Monitors (PEM) Subgroup


General Information

Current Github Projects



PEM Meeting

PEM Channels

Argent Problem


PEM plan(pdf)

Commisioning Meeting

PEM Equipments

PEM Data Quality Flag



Available ADC list

Monitor Characterization

PEM JGWdoc Tree


Usefull KnowHow




Definition and scope

  1. PEM is sensing system to check the detector health, noise source and h(t) data quality

  2. Selection, installation and maintenance of PEMs in KAGRA detector are the main tasks so that the data necessary for commissioning procedure are collected.

From JGW-E1808401


KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM (last edited 2023-11-08 14:27:12 by tatsuki.washimi)