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Revision 13 as of 2021-02-03 19:38:28
Size: 1661
Revision 14 as of 2021-02-03 19:42:34
Size: 1705
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 * xxx  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15914]]



Today's activities

Workers: Akutsu, N. Sato, K. Tanaka, Nakano

  • All
    • Found that flanges of MCF and MCE chambers were not protected by white tapes although there were viton o-rings on. We protected these by white tapes. -> Informed this to SEO already.

  • MCi
    • Relocated the connector plate.
    • Attached adapter structures for black shields onto the pillars of the MCi suspension. (But not yet the black plates.)
  • MCo
    • Found the connector plate on the MCo suspension was hard to relocate on the optical table in the chamber due to short wires from actuator coils.

  • MCe
    • Relocated the connector plate.
    • Found the birmndy connector was loose!! Maybe VIS needs to check the other suspensions...
    • Before working, I (Akutsu) stopped the laser source for the tilt sensor; I did not know what was the proper process to stop the laser source, and I could not find any type number of this Thorlabs driver, so we could not search for the manual, so I just turned it off. Ashikarazu.

Next plan

  • Wash some screws.
  • Have VIS to modify the MCo connector.
  • Have VIs to check whether the birndy connectors on the suspension structures are loose or not; at leaast, that for MCe is loose.
  • Have VIS to consider how to tame/fix the electric wires from the coil actuators so that they won't cross the laser beams.
  • Check the ghost beams.


  • 2 metal rack shelves in the clean booth (each for MCF and MCE); the height must be lower than 180 cm due to lower ceiling of the relevant clean booths.
  • 1 sticky mat to get the dirt off our feet.

KAGRA/Subgroups/SysInt/IMC_O4/2021-02-03 (last edited 2021-02-03 20:40:13 by TomotadaAkutsu)