Differences between revisions 32 and 39 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 32 as of 2020-09-23 17:51:50
Size: 1790
Editor: KousekiMiyo
Revision 39 as of 2020-09-23 18:03:39
Size: 2178
Editor: KousekiMiyo
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 12: Line 12:
KAGRA requirements
  * design sensitivity
DAC limit.

Suspension model
 * plant model : rigid body model by SUMCON
* control model : LTI model by Matlab simlink
* noise model : seismic noise, control noise
 * KAGRA requirements
  * Input the design sensitivity (ref. xxx)
  * Input the
DAC limit (ref. xxx)
Suspension model
  * plant model : rigid body model by SUMCON (ref. xxx)
* control model : LTI model by Matlab simlink (ref. xxx)
* noise model : seismic noise, control noise (ref. xxx)
Line 25: Line 24:
 *  * Transfer function
  * transfer function of the suspension (ref. xxx)
 * Noises
  * requirement for sensor noises (ref. xxx)
  * requirement for actuator noises (ref. xxx)
Line 30: Line 33:
=== B01 === === B01 : Tower is installed? ===
Line 46: Line 49:
=== B02 === === B02 : Payload is installed? ===
Line 50: Line 53:
=== B03 === === B03 : The whole suspension is working in air? ===
Line 54: Line 57:
=== B04 === === B04 : The whole suspension is working in vacuum?===
Line 61: Line 64:
=== C01 === === C01 : ===

Acceptance Test

Flow chart


A: Design phase

Check sheets templates for A

A01 : Could the simulation satisfy the requirement?


  • KAGRA requirements
    • Input the design sensitivity (ref. xxx)
    • Input the DAC limit (ref. xxx)
  • Suspension model
    • plant model : rigid body model by SUMCON (ref. xxx)
    • control model : LTI model by Matlab simlink (ref. xxx)
    • noise model : seismic noise, control noise (ref. xxx)



  • Transfer function
    • transfer function of the suspension (ref. xxx)
  • Noises
    • requirement for sensor noises (ref. xxx)
    • requirement for actuator noises (ref. xxx)

B: Installation phase

Check sheets templates for B

B01 : Tower is installed?

  • Cable connection
    • Resistance (Ohom)
    • Continuity (OK/NO)
  • Calibration (LVDT, ACC)
    • Calibration (plot, polarity, coefficient)
    • Sensor noise (plot)
  • Working point and dynamic range with FR, Limit SW
    • Range (from -mm to +mm)
    • Minimum range (mm)
    • Optimal point (mm)
    • Limit SW (on/off)
  • Tuned frequencies of GAS Filter/IP
    • Frequency (TF, actuator efficiency)
    • Maximum frequency (Hz)

B02 : Payload is installed?

  • Please write
    • aaaa

B03 : The whole suspension is working in air?

  • Please write
    • aaaa

=== B04 : The whole suspension is working in vacuum?===

  • Please write
    • aaaa

C: Integration phase

Check sheets templates for C

C01 :

  • Damping time
    • RMS in spectrum (plot)
  • Healthy check
    • Transfer function (plot)
    • Resonant frequencies (PreQUA)
  • Noise budget
    • Spectrum (plot)
  • Automation
    • check the guardian transition


  • Please write
    • aaaa

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/Acceptance Test (last edited 2020-12-04 11:38:31 by KousekiMiyo)