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Revision 1 as of 2019-04-05 10:52:09
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Editor: MarkBarton
Revision 2 as of 2019-04-05 10:58:48
Size: 974
Editor: MarkBarton
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== Vertical Height Check ==

== Transfer Functions ==

Scripts for automated taking of TFs are at `/kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/TypeBData/scripts/`.

The script creates a new folder under `/kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/TypeBData/XXX/TF/Measurements/YYYYMMDD/` where XXX is the name of a suspension (BS/SR2/SR3/SRM) and YYYY, MM and DD refer to the current date.

As of 2019-04-05 there is no script for the optic transfer functions yet because there is still no reliable templates.

The references in the IP files for BS are out of date because we removed weight from the IP, thus changing the resonant frequencies.

Move to /kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/TypeBData/scripts/
Type one of
./run_measurement_IM XXX
./run_measurement_GAS XXX
./run_measurement_IP XXX
replacing XXX with a suspension name.

KAGRA VIS Operations Manual - Health Check for Type B Suspensions

This page describes how to do a health check on a Type B suspension.

Vertical Height Check

Transfer Functions

Scripts for automated taking of TFs are at /kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/TypeBData/scripts/.

The script creates a new folder under /kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/TypeBData/XXX/TF/Measurements/YYYYMMDD/ where XXX is the name of a suspension (BS/SR2/SR3/SRM) and YYYY, MM and DD refer to the current date.

As of 2019-04-05 there is no script for the optic transfer functions yet because there is still no reliable templates.

The references in the IP files for BS are out of date because we removed weight from the IP, thus changing the resonant frequencies.

Move to /kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/TypeBData/scripts/ Type one of

./run_measurement_IM XXX
./run_measurement_GAS XXX
./run_measurement_IP XXX

replacing XXX with a suspension name.

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OpsManual/TypeB/HealthCheck (last edited 2019-04-05 11:53:39 by MarkBarton)