Differences between revisions 20 and 115 (spanning 95 versions)
Revision 20 as of 2016-06-03 13:44:30
Size: 1835
Editor: MarkBarton
Revision 115 as of 2017-01-05 12:57:24
Size: 1206
Editor: MarkBarton
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 * Type B Past Week Summary
  * Fabian worked on IM and dummy BS assembly: [[https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMNVSExyP3TuyhK4s_VD-ARDlNoCPCf13ZDbHUlwOw14AKgj4XUe0vYg27dQ12icQ?key=SjJ0dXJ1bjN2OGVCN3d6RnoySEtFSjVJUmVwSlZR|photos1]], [[https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPQdoB5vYN1VcD32TkA4QSGldODvKRwiT5h-m122ahSpWmFyyrO5MX-9ajL1LeRIg?key=VFFuUVktcEtlMURQUldhZUlRcGFhbzNDeU5IN3NB|photos2]]
   * A hole in a picomotor holder was too small. ATC staff solved this isue quickly and Hirata-san cleaned the piece.
   * Some ballast discs for the dummy optic were dirty (seen by visual inspection). Hirata-san cleaned them.
   * Some arrows were cleaned from the mirrors for the dummy optic.
  * Hirata-san worked on checking Mirapro's assembly frame design - some minor issues with rail system found.
  * Hirata-san measured another filter.
  * Hirata-san washed a large batch of parts.
  * All parts for gluing of dummy BS are in hand. We arranged with Tatsumi-san to glue magnets at Mitaka on 6/6, glue flags at Kashiwa on 6/8, and inspect bonds and bring dummy BS back to Mitaka 6/13.
  * Mark worked on solutions to allow a [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/dummyBS|larger mirror on dummy BS]]. After discussions with Simon and Akutsu-san we decided to go with a stainless steel plate solution. The gluing can go ahead and we can attach the plates later.
  * Mark worked on list of items for purchase in FY2016.
  * Mark worked more on [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4235|E1504235 BS Assembly Procedure]] ([[https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=D5CCFA70A378E0D0!195&authkey=!AM_usynuo9QI57g&ithint=folder,webloc|Draft on OneDrive]])
 * Activity report for weeks of 12/26 and 1/2

Dear Mark,

I did for Type-B as below,
・modified parts list and screw list for Payload.
・sent lists to i-ject and asked for quotes.
(But we need to send latest list again.)
・made drawings for some jigs and some parts for payload.

For PR
・searched glueing jigs.
・washed and assembled recoilmass base for mirror hanging jigs, and sent them to Kamioka.
・washed additional masses for IM and sent them to Kamioka.

For others
・washed IMMT plate and send them to Kamioka.

Best regards,

Succinctly, it is as follows:

1. Mechanical design:

    a. Pull down system to fix the power recycling IM to the EQ stop.
    b. EQ stop for the BS recoil mass.

2. Checked assembly PR/SR drawings. There were few corrections/changes.

3. Checked fastener list. There were few corrections/changes.

4. Checked component list for the manufacture order. There were few corrections/changes.

5. I helped in searching for the PR mirror box missing pieces at Mitaka.



Scraps of text for incorporation in the VIS Meeting Minutes


  • Activity report for weeks of 12/26 and 1/2

Dear Mark,

I did for Type-B as below,
・modified parts list and screw list for Payload.
・sent lists to i-ject and asked for quotes.
(But we need to send latest list again.)
・made drawings for some jigs and some parts for payload.

For PR
・searched glueing jigs.
・washed and assembled recoilmass base for mirror hanging jigs, and sent them to Kamioka.
・washed additional masses for IM and sent them to Kamioka.

For others
・washed IMMT plate and send them to Kamioka.

Best regards,


Succinctly, it is as follows: 

1. Mechanical design:

    a. Pull down system to fix the power recycling IM to the EQ stop.
    b. EQ stop for the BS recoil mass.

2. Checked assembly PR/SR drawings. There were few corrections/changes.

3. Checked fastener list. There were few corrections/changes.

4. Checked component list for the manufacture order. There were few corrections/changes.

5. I helped in searching for the PR mirror box missing pieces at Mitaka.



KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/Minutes (last edited 2022-10-28 10:02:46 by fabian.arellano)