Differences between revisions 21 and 387 (spanning 366 versions)
Revision 21 as of 2016-06-03 14:29:12
Size: 5968
Editor: MarkBarton
Revision 387 as of 2019-02-01 14:08:02
Size: 3522
Editor: MarkBarton
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 * Type B Past Week Summary
  * Fabian worked on IM and dummy BS assembly: [[https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMNVSExyP3TuyhK4s_VD-ARDlNoCPCf13ZDbHUlwOw14AKgj4XUe0vYg27dQ12icQ?key=SjJ0dXJ1bjN2OGVCN3d6RnoySEtFSjVJUmVwSlZR|photos1]], [[https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPQdoB5vYN1VcD32TkA4QSGldODvKRwiT5h-m122ahSpWmFyyrO5MX-9ajL1LeRIg?key=VFFuUVktcEtlMURQUldhZUlRcGFhbzNDeU5IN3NB|photos2]]
   * A hole in a picomotor holder was too small. ATC staff solved this isue quickly and Hirata-san cleaned the piece.
   * Some ballast discs for the dummy optic were dirty (seen by visual inspection). Hirata-san cleaned them.
   * Some arrows were cleaned from the mirrors for the dummy optic.
  * Hirata-san worked on checking Mirapro's assembly frame design - some minor issues with rail system found.
  * Hirata-san measured another filter.
  * Hirata-san washed a large batch of parts.
  * All parts for gluing of dummy BS are in hand. We arranged with Tatsumi-san to glue magnets at Mitaka on 6/6, glue flags at Kashiwa on 6/8, and inspect bonds and bring dummy BS back to Mitaka 6/13.
  * Mark worked on solutions to allow a [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/dummyBS|larger mirror on dummy BS]]. After discussions with Simon and Akutsu-san we decided to go with a stainless steel plate solution. The gluing can go ahead and we can attach the plates later.
  * Mark worked on list of items for purchase in FY2016.
  * Mark worked on finding connectors for vacuum-compatible geophone adapters.
  * Mark worked more on [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4235|E1504235 BS Assembly Procedure]] ([[https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=D5CCFA70A378E0D0!195&authkey=!AM_usynuo9QI57g&ithint=folder,webloc|Draft on OneDrive]])
 * '''Discussions '''
  * Crane will not be available on 13-14 of June.
  * Review: '''fix the date (Mark) '''
  * Measurement of iKAGRA BS position will be done in the second week of June. Then it will be taken out of the chamber after that (Ohishi)
 * IM, RM, IRM, dummy BS assembly
  * Fabian assembled the dummy BS and started on the IM.
  * Still need to find SDC-treated hook for maraging wire in IM. Still not found. Spare hook is being SDC-treated. Can be added later.
  * Will start assembly 5/30
 * Wires
  * Fabian analysis RM wire thickness versus mode frequency: [[https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=1447B05D5B571A84!442&authkey=!AKrjBW2W8vMKyAY&ithint=file,pdf|link]], [[https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=1447B05D5B571A84!421&authkey=!ALZY-tFtMCYI9Pw&ithint=file,pdf|another link]],[[https://pfalig.bn1301.livefilestore.com/y3mT7oHnuBfD9_7Ata6H90opTVY5IIIm78MQ8Rl-lChfSUtGhGiEP-mlB1rQuzliimi-pmL1JfYTKCUY_Tgan0Bfa2jq5EeSXWiCracw_5ulsm2iuf6RHJcz0ot34DaeWqdUjFnU6fILnyau69WFkBmUcTwfGYBNwSrs27eyK-jc90/RM_wire.pdf?psid=1|yet another link]] (From last week: [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5106|T1605106]] /[[https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=1447B05D5B571A84!354&ithint=file,docx&app=Word&authkey=!AO5CHNP3xlO5RjY|draft]])
 * Can we make SR wire breakers bigger?
  * Fukushima-san has not yet started the work. He will start soon (as of 5/27).
 * Flags, Metal Prisms, Sapphire prisms RECEIVED
 * Mirror box and Flag/Prism gluing
  * All parts in hand.
  * Magnet gluing and check of parts at Mitaka, Monday 6/6.
  * Gluing at Kashiwa, Wednesday 6/8.
  * Inspection of bonds and return to Mitaka, 6/13.
 * An extra structure attached to the EQ stop to prevent tipping over of the BS - no action since last week.
 * Not enough crane height problem (Hirata, Saito) - no action since last week
 * Ballast masses for payload
  * Initial batch received - ordered extra smaller ones to allow for adjustments.
 * Lower breadboard stuff
  * Assembly procedure
   * '''Need to be incorporated into the procedure document. Discuss with Takahashi (Mark)'''
  * Breadboard springs (in manufacture, expected end of July)
  * Nail-head parts: quote from Mirapro received, not urgent, will be combined with assembly frame order.
 * BS Assembly Frame Design (Mark, Hirata)
  * Hirata-san found issues with rail system part - organizing fix.
 * Clean bag
  * Ordered - expected 6/8.
 * 2D and 3D CAD
  * [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5035|E1605035 VIS Document and Drawing Tree (BS)]]
 * Electronics
  * [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=3600|JGW-D1503600 - BS Suspension Cabling]]
  * [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5111|E1605111 BS Suspension Electronic Items List]]
  * [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=3901|D1503901 In-Vacuum Cable Detail]]
  * Item list and timetable was given to Miyakawa-san - some corrections received and added to schematic but not yet posted.
  * Status on AEL boxes OK according to Miyakawa-san.
  * Signal generator and cable to be used for BS test. May order NIKHEF cards later if concern about AC-driven units in racks.
  * Need to get new longer versions of some previously ordered BF-PI and SF-PI cables (Takahashi).
  * Need to check previously ordered TM-BF and IM-BF OSEM cables have been flipped (Takahashi).
  * Decided to hand-make cables for geophones because previously ordered cables have no conductor on pin 5.
  * Stepper drive box (requested by Sekiguchi-san [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=3385|T1503385]]) is being designed, should be ready in time.
  * Mark looking for connectors for geophone adapters.
 * Procedure documents
  * Mark worked on BS Assembly Procedure [[https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=D5CCFA70A378E0D0!195&authkey=!AM_usynuo9QI57g&ithint=folder,webloc|E1504235 draft]]
=== Type B (Mark) ===
==== Report for week of 1/28 ====
 * Etc
  * Mark inventoried lots of items and updated the [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/Status|Status]] page.
 * SR2
  * Hirata-san helped with installing the obelisk on the LBB, and added counterweights to get the LBB level and at the right height for the first rough alignment. However the springs were still at or near the top stops, so he later pulled down the LBB with excess mass, locked the blades at the bottom of their range and reset the LBB rods and damping magnet ring, aiming off by 10 mm so that it would be correct when the LBB was allowed to rise to midrange on the blades. He left it pressed down for now so that Hirose-san could apply FC. Early next week he will release it and do the final ballasting.
  * Hirose-san applied and removed FC on both sides of the optic for cleanliness.
  * Mirapro hooked the LBB.
 * SR3
  * Enzo installed IM damping filters.
  * Mark installed a BIO Converter for the stepper remote enable (which will eventually also be used for the WD).
  * Fabian researched buoyancy compensation and pre-applied as much as possible to SR3. The total compensation needed is 0.19 mm for F0, 0.48 mm for SF and 0.46 mm for BF, total 1.23 mm. 1.0 mm had been applied with the jacks. The initial plan was to apply the calculated amounts at each level but then offset F0 1.0 mm lower to undo the jack adjustment. However SF was stuck approximately 1 mm lower than it needed to end up, so the buoyancy correction for it will have to be done at F0, and F0 will end up quite close to nominal.
 * Fabian also offloaded the IM pico yaw adjustment done by Enomoto-kun-tachi to the F0 yaw stepper. This left the OSEMs well-centered, so we will not need to adjust them and the LBB can be released.
 * SRM
  * Enzo fixed the broken triple in-air pico adapter cable and we plugged it back in.
  * Fabian calibrated the F0 FR.
  * Enzo and Terrence installed the arc weights and geophones, tuned and centered the IP, and centered and calibrated the FRs.
  * Mirapro helped us with the camera viewport issue by giving us a gasket of the same type but a different brand from their stock, which snapped easily into place. We then installed the viewport on the tank. Kokeyama-san will help us add the camera and camera LAN cable next week.
  * Simon gave us all the remaining items for the SRM OL except the 3D stage for the LEN QPD.

==== Plan for week of 2/4 ====
 * Mark, Enzo, Fabian, Terrence at Kamioka Mon-Fri.
 * Hirata-san at Kamioka Mon+TBD.
 * Etc
  * Split SR2, SR3 and SRM RT models.
  * Get rid of the power reel behind SRM and plug stuff into the new power point instead.
 * BS
  * Run BNC cables for stepper remote enable, plug into BIO, debug.
 * SR2
  * Do buoyancy correction.
  * Install camera viewport.
  * Install camera.
  * Run BNC cables for stepper remote enable, plug into BIO, debug.
 * SR3
  * Release LBB.
  * Ballast LBB.
  * Install camera viewport.
  * Install camera.
  * Debug stepper remote enable.
 * SRM
  * Install camera.
  * Ballast LBB.
  * Do buoyancy correction.
  * Set up OL.
  * Debug stepper remote enable.

==== Vacation/Travel Info ====
 * Constitution Day, 2/11.
 * Mark and Enzo at KIW in Perugia, 2/12-18.
 * Enzo vacation, 3/5.
 * Enzo et al. Farewell Party, 3/7.
 * Enzo at JPS then final vacation, 3/13-29
 * Terrence's last day, 3/29.

Scraps of text for incorporation in the VIS Meeting Minutes


Type B (Mark)

Report for week of 1/28

  • Etc
    • Mark inventoried lots of items and updated the Status page.

  • SR2
    • Hirata-san helped with installing the obelisk on the LBB, and added counterweights to get the LBB level and at the right height for the first rough alignment. However the springs were still at or near the top stops, so he later pulled down the LBB with excess mass, locked the blades at the bottom of their range and reset the LBB rods and damping magnet ring, aiming off by 10 mm so that it would be correct when the LBB was allowed to rise to midrange on the blades. He left it pressed down for now so that Hirose-san could apply FC. Early next week he will release it and do the final ballasting.
    • Hirose-san applied and removed FC on both sides of the optic for cleanliness.
    • Mirapro hooked the LBB.
  • SR3
    • Enzo installed IM damping filters.
    • Mark installed a BIO Converter for the stepper remote enable (which will eventually also be used for the WD).
    • Fabian researched buoyancy compensation and pre-applied as much as possible to SR3. The total compensation needed is 0.19 mm for F0, 0.48 mm for SF and 0.46 mm for BF, total 1.23 mm. 1.0 mm had been applied with the jacks. The initial plan was to apply the calculated amounts at each level but then offset F0 1.0 mm lower to undo the jack adjustment. However SF was stuck approximately 1 mm lower than it needed to end up, so the buoyancy correction for it will have to be done at F0, and F0 will end up quite close to nominal.
  • Fabian also offloaded the IM pico yaw adjustment done by Enomoto-kun-tachi to the F0 yaw stepper. This left the OSEMs well-centered, so we will not need to adjust them and the LBB can be released.
  • SRM
    • Enzo fixed the broken triple in-air pico adapter cable and we plugged it back in.
    • Fabian calibrated the F0 FR.
    • Enzo and Terrence installed the arc weights and geophones, tuned and centered the IP, and centered and calibrated the FRs.
    • Mirapro helped us with the camera viewport issue by giving us a gasket of the same type but a different brand from their stock, which snapped easily into place. We then installed the viewport on the tank. Kokeyama-san will help us add the camera and camera LAN cable next week.
    • Simon gave us all the remaining items for the SRM OL except the 3D stage for the LEN QPD.

Plan for week of 2/4

  • Mark, Enzo, Fabian, Terrence at Kamioka Mon-Fri.
  • Hirata-san at Kamioka Mon+TBD.
  • Etc
    • Split SR2, SR3 and SRM RT models.
    • Get rid of the power reel behind SRM and plug stuff into the new power point instead.
  • BS
    • Run BNC cables for stepper remote enable, plug into BIO, debug.
  • SR2
    • Do buoyancy correction.
    • Install camera viewport.
    • Install camera.
    • Run BNC cables for stepper remote enable, plug into BIO, debug.
  • SR3
    • Release LBB.
    • Ballast LBB.
    • Install camera viewport.
    • Install camera.
    • Debug stepper remote enable.
  • SRM
    • Install camera.
    • Ballast LBB.
    • Do buoyancy correction.
    • Set up OL.
    • Debug stepper remote enable.

Vacation/Travel Info

  • Constitution Day, 2/11.
  • Mark and Enzo at KIW in Perugia, 2/12-18.
  • Enzo vacation, 3/5.
  • Enzo et al. Farewell Party, 3/7.
  • Enzo at JPS then final vacation, 3/13-29
  • Terrence's last day, 3/29.

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/Minutes (last edited 2022-10-28 10:02:46 by fabian.arellano)