Differences between revisions 33 and 231 (spanning 198 versions)
Revision 33 as of 2016-07-01 10:13:45
Size: 2574
Editor: MarkBarton
Revision 231 as of 2018-02-09 13:35:01
Size: 1829
Editor: MarkBarton
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Type B Past Week Summary
  * Mark and Fabian worked at Kamioka with Fujii-san:
   * We attempted to measure the tilt sensitivity of the accelerometers by adding shims under the legs but gave up when we discovered that picking up and putting down the accelerometer perturbs the zero point even without shims. We will probably need a special tilt stage to do this properly.
   * We took some frequency and Q measurements. The results were amplitude dependent. Joris thinks that this is due to not operating the accelerometers close enough to zero DC output.
   * We set up for a test of the geophone noise. One geophone is reading half the output of the others - one side of a differential signal has probably failed.
  * Hirata-san:
   * Received extra compensation masses and washed them.
   * Received PI guides, assembled them and shipped them to Kamioka.
   * Removed adhesive from base of BS flags in preparation for regluing.
   * Did assembly drawings for cable clamps and other add-on parts for BF and SF.
 * Type B ongoing issues
  * Wires
   * Need to decide RM wire thickness and order BS and RM wires. Lead time is a few days from Nilaco.
  * OSEMs
   * Akutsu-san is working to get wide-mouth OSEMs
  * Longer cables for BF->PI and SF->PI.
   * Takahashi-san has ordered extra connectors (due any day) and will get a company to make the cables.
  * Feedthrough Adapters
   * Need large quantity of male and female D-Sub 9, IDC ribbon connectors - Takahashi-san is getting a quote.
  * Can we make SR wire breakers bigger?
   * Fukushima-san will start on machining test soon (as of 5/27).
  * Installation stuff
   * "Ceiling" work in BS clean booth (removal of second floor section) scheduled for Fri 7/1.
   * Assembly frame construction scheduled for 7/4
  * Ballast masses for payload
   * Initial batch received - ordered extra smaller ones to allow for adjustments.
  * Lower breadboard stuff
   * Installation to be incorporated into the procedure document. Mark/Takahashi to discuss.
   * Breadboard springs (in manufacture, expected end of July)
   * Nail-head parts: quote from Mirapro received, not urgent, will be combined with assembly frame order.
  * Documents
   * BS Assembly Procedure [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4235| E1504235]], [[https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=D5CCFA70A378E0D0!195&authkey=!AM_usynuo9QI57g&ithint=folder,webloc|E1504235 draft]]
=== Type B (Mark) ===
==== Report for week of 1/29 ====
 * Mark made two sets of in-air pico splitter cables (each with a triple for IM and a double for BF) for SR2 and SR3.
 * Fabian, Hirata-san and Kozu-kun worked on cabling and testing the IM pitch/roll/yaw picos, the BF FR and the BF LVDT. The LVDT connections were initially unreliable and Hirata-san had to redo the pins on the coil wires.
 * Fabian installed ballast masses in the BF.
 * Mark worked on schedule.
 * Mark did inventory of the stepper motor drivers (many were not accounted for on the wiki and/or JGWDoc and one is missing) and reserved two for SR3.
 * We emptied out the external cleanroom in preparation for installing SS sheet.

==== Plan for week of 2/13 ====
 * No work Monday (建国記念の日の振替休日)
 * Enzo on vacation
 * Hirata-san at Mitaka Tue (self-evaluation interview).
 * Shoda-san at Mitaka.
 * All others at Kamioka.
 * -
 * Build IRM around IM.
 * Cable/test/adjust IM OSEMs.
 * Do TFs from IM OSEMs to IM OSEMs, OL pitch/yaw.

==== Plan for week of 2/19 ====
 * Enzo back from Tuesday.
 * Shoda-san at Mitaka.
 * Hirata-san at Mitaka Mon+Tue (to receive and wash parts).
 * All others at Kamioka.
 * -
 * Lift BF/... section and check total mass and balance.
 * Cable and test BF picos.
 * Add section of SS up to SF ring.
 * Bring in SF.
 * Hook BF/... section.
 * Route cables up to under SF.
 * Check/adjust total mass of BF/... section.

==== Plan for week of 2/26 ====
 * Shoda-san at Mitaka.
 * -
 * Add Cu segments to SF cap.
 * Lift SF/... section and check total mass and balance.

==== Vacation Info ====
 * Enzo 1/30-2/19.
 * Fabian 4/2-4/27 vacation (then gone).

Scraps of text for incorporation in the VIS Meeting Minutes


Type B (Mark)

Report for week of 1/29

  • Mark made two sets of in-air pico splitter cables (each with a triple for IM and a double for BF) for SR2 and SR3.
  • Fabian, Hirata-san and Kozu-kun worked on cabling and testing the IM pitch/roll/yaw picos, the BF FR and the BF LVDT. The LVDT connections were initially unreliable and Hirata-san had to redo the pins on the coil wires.
  • Fabian installed ballast masses in the BF.
  • Mark worked on schedule.
  • Mark did inventory of the stepper motor drivers (many were not accounted for on the wiki and/or JGWDoc and one is missing) and reserved two for SR3.
  • We emptied out the external cleanroom in preparation for installing SS sheet.

Plan for week of 2/13

  • No work Monday (建国記念の日の振替休日)
  • Enzo on vacation
  • Hirata-san at Mitaka Tue (self-evaluation interview).
  • Shoda-san at Mitaka.
  • All others at Kamioka.
  • -
  • Build IRM around IM.
  • Cable/test/adjust IM OSEMs.
  • Do TFs from IM OSEMs to IM OSEMs, OL pitch/yaw.

Plan for week of 2/19

  • Enzo back from Tuesday.
  • Shoda-san at Mitaka.
  • Hirata-san at Mitaka Mon+Tue (to receive and wash parts).
  • All others at Kamioka.
  • -
  • Lift BF/... section and check total mass and balance.
  • Cable and test BF picos.
  • Add section of SS up to SF ring.
  • Bring in SF.
  • Hook BF/... section.
  • Route cables up to under SF.
  • Check/adjust total mass of BF/... section.

Plan for week of 2/26

  • Shoda-san at Mitaka.
  • -
  • Add Cu segments to SF cap.
  • Lift SF/... section and check total mass and balance.

Vacation Info

  • Enzo 1/30-2/19.
  • Fabian 4/2-4/27 vacation (then gone).

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/Minutes (last edited 2022-10-28 10:02:46 by fabian.arellano)