Differences between revisions 69 and 239 (spanning 170 versions)
Revision 69 as of 2016-09-30 13:35:26
Size: 2709
Editor: MarkBarton
Revision 239 as of 2018-02-19 12:56:13
Size: 3651
Editor: MarkBarton
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Type B Past Week Summary, weeks of 9/19 and 9/26
  * Fabian, Mark and Kuwahara-kun did BS installation at Kamioka:
   * The BS clean booth was modified 9/20-21 to allow crane access. The area was fairly clean when Fabian inspected it on 9/26, but there were lots of metal flakes stuck to tape holding foil over the slit in the top of the clean bag.
   * Mark created a new Type B rtcds model and MEDM screens for the BS, adapting the TypeBb/PR3.
   * Mark and Kokeyama-san debugged the new model, fixing several issues.
   * Kuwahara-kun derived OSEM2EUL and EUL2OSEM matrices.
   * Mark set up OSEMINF filters using measured OSEM calibration data to return outputs in µm.
   * Mark took free-swing data on the TM stage to get the pendulum mode frequencies for comparison to the SUMCON model.
   * Mark and Fabian debugged the coil output to the OSEMs. (At first the coil drive was not giving output because it did not have BIO inputs and so was reading the test input, not the main input. And for a while output failed because of a loose cable to the sat amp.)
   * Mark took fixed-sine TFs to check the polarity of the coil-magnet combinations.
   * Mark installed a BIO card in the PR2 rack and added cables from the TM voltage and current monitors to as-yet unused IM OSEM inputs to check the calibration.
   * Fabian wrapped the assembly frame in cling wrap to see if it helped with wind during TFs.
  * Hirata-san:
   * Finished 3D CAD of SRM in tanks (but some work was lost due to a hard disk crash).
   * Did 3D and 2D for new maraging rods, stub flags for PR/SR (ditto re hard disk).
   * Measured/tested Type A BF #8 and started assembling #9.
 * Longer term to-do list
  * Do Inventor assembly for SRx in chamber and on assembly frame (Hirata) - SR2/SR3 DONE, SRM ongoing.
   * Part "disk security" top has to be modified - screw positions do not match.
  * Write more of payload assembly procedure (Fabian) - ONGOING
  * Write more of BS Assembly Procedure [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4235| E1504235]], [[https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=D5CCFA70A378E0D0!195&authkey=!AM_usynuo9QI57g&ithint=folder,webloc|E1504235 draft]] (Mark) - ONGOING
  * Lower breadboard installation to be incorporated into the procedure document.
  * Work on BS simulation (Fabian)
  * Do BS Simulink model (Mark, Kokeyama) - TM/IM/BF level DONE
  * Do 2D drawings of SR2 parts (Hirata)
  * Redesign SRx IM wire clamps for larger prisms, remachined RMs
  * Order SRM/PRM parts (Hirata/Shoda)
  * Order SRx fasteners (Hirata)
=== Type B (Mark) ===
==== Report for week of 1/29 ====
 * Fabian and Kozu-kun tested the FR stepper, and calibrated the keystone height as a function of FR position.
 * Fabian, Hirata-san and Kozu-kun installed and adjusted the IRM, IM OSEMs and associated cables.
 * Mark derived the diagonalization matrices for SR, posted them as [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=7663| T1807663]] and entered them in the on-line system.
 * Mark fixed the GASALL screen, which had some elements hardwired to BS and did not work for SR2.
 * Mark initialized the watchdog section of the SR2 model (filters, thresholds etc).
 * Mark re-entered the IM OSEM2EUL offsets and gains, which had been entered by Enzo, but had not been saved and had been lost.
 * Mark identified and fixed a bug in the SF2 whereby the watchdog trigger was derived from the AND of the error signals from the various stages instead of the OR. Thus all stages would have to overload before the watchdog tripped. All other VIS models were similarly affected, and all affected library parts have been fixed, but the other models need to be rebuilt, which should be done at the earliest opportunity, e.g., early next week after the scheduled power outage on Sun 2/18.
 * Mark fixed the indicators for the watchdog on the OVERALL screen, which also had bad logic.
 * Mark tried using Shoda-san's measurement script to do TFs. It ran successfully, but the first data set was no good because of two issues: the excitation was apparently too large (even after a reduction by 20) and the SENSALIGN matrix was not initialized.
 * Hirata-san negotiated with Kimura-san to get the SRM tank mushroom installed (this will probably happen from Tue on the week of 3/5).
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  ==== Plan for week of 2/19 ====
 * Shoda-san at Mitaka.
 * Hirata-san at Mitaka Mon+Tue (to receive and wash parts), then Kamioka Wed-Fri.
 * Enzo back from Tuesday, at Kamioka.
 * Kozu-kun at Kamioka but limited availability (preparing poster).
 * All others at Kamioka.
 * -
 * Do TFs from IM OSEMs to IM OSEMs, OL pitch/yaw.
 * Sort out cables per Enzo's master plan.
 * Lift BF/... section and check total mass and balance.
 * Cable and test BF picos.
 * Add section of SS up to SF ring.
 * Bring in SF.
 * Hook BF/... section.
 * Route cables up to under SF.
 * Check/adjust total mass of BF/... section.

==== Plan for week of 2/26 ====
 * Shoda-san at Mitaka.
 * -
 * Add Cu segments to SF cap.
 * Lift SF/... section and check total mass and balance.

==== Plan for week of 3/5 ====
 * Shoda-san at Mitaka.
 * Hirata-san vacation Mon 3/5, then Kamioka
 * Others at Kamioka.
 * -
 * Get SRM tank mushroom section installed (Hirata-san, Kimura-san)
 * SR3 rack setup.

==== Plan for week of 3/12 ====
 * Shoda-san at Mitaka.
 * Mark at ASJ (Chiba) Fri 3/16.
 * Hirata-san vacation Mon 3/5, then Kamioka

==== Plan for week of 3/19 ====
 * Mark at LVC meeting
 * Shoda-san at Mitaka

==== Plan for week of 3/26 ====
 * Mark ????
 * Shoda-san, Fabian at Mitaka
 * Others ???

==== To-Do Lists, Schedule ====
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/March2018]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/April2018]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/ToDoBS]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/ToDoSR]]
 * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=7779|JGW-L1807779-v1 Type B Schedule (SR)]]

==== Vacation Info ====
 * Enzo 1/30-2/19.
 * Hirata-san vacation Mon 3/5
 * Fabian 3/26-4/27 vacation (then gone).

Scraps of text for incorporation in the VIS Meeting Minutes


Type B (Mark)

Report for week of 1/29

  • Fabian and Kozu-kun tested the FR stepper, and calibrated the keystone height as a function of FR position.
  • Fabian, Hirata-san and Kozu-kun installed and adjusted the IRM, IM OSEMs and associated cables.
  • Mark derived the diagonalization matrices for SR, posted them as T1807663 and entered them in the on-line system.

  • Mark fixed the GASALL screen, which had some elements hardwired to BS and did not work for SR2.
  • Mark initialized the watchdog section of the SR2 model (filters, thresholds etc).
  • Mark re-entered the IM OSEM2EUL offsets and gains, which had been entered by Enzo, but had not been saved and had been lost.
  • Mark identified and fixed a bug in the SF2 whereby the watchdog trigger was derived from the AND of the error signals from the various stages instead of the OR. Thus all stages would have to overload before the watchdog tripped. All other VIS models were similarly affected, and all affected library parts have been fixed, but the other models need to be rebuilt, which should be done at the earliest opportunity, e.g., early next week after the scheduled power outage on Sun 2/18.
  • Mark fixed the indicators for the watchdog on the OVERALL screen, which also had bad logic.
  • Mark tried using Shoda-san's measurement script to do TFs. It ran successfully, but the first data set was no good because of two issues: the excitation was apparently too large (even after a reduction by 20) and the SENSALIGN matrix was not initialized.
  • Hirata-san negotiated with Kimura-san to get the SRM tank mushroom installed (this will probably happen from Tue on the week of 3/5).

Plan for week of 2/19

  • Shoda-san at Mitaka.
  • Hirata-san at Mitaka Mon+Tue (to receive and wash parts), then Kamioka Wed-Fri.
  • Enzo back from Tuesday, at Kamioka.
  • Kozu-kun at Kamioka but limited availability (preparing poster).
  • All others at Kamioka.
  • -
  • Do TFs from IM OSEMs to IM OSEMs, OL pitch/yaw.
  • Sort out cables per Enzo's master plan.
  • Lift BF/... section and check total mass and balance.
  • Cable and test BF picos.
  • Add section of SS up to SF ring.
  • Bring in SF.
  • Hook BF/... section.
  • Route cables up to under SF.
  • Check/adjust total mass of BF/... section.

Plan for week of 2/26

  • Shoda-san at Mitaka.
  • -
  • Add Cu segments to SF cap.
  • Lift SF/... section and check total mass and balance.

Plan for week of 3/5

  • Shoda-san at Mitaka.
  • Hirata-san vacation Mon 3/5, then Kamioka
  • Others at Kamioka.
  • -
  • Get SRM tank mushroom section installed (Hirata-san, Kimura-san)
  • SR3 rack setup.

Plan for week of 3/12

  • Shoda-san at Mitaka.
  • Mark at ASJ (Chiba) Fri 3/16.
  • Hirata-san vacation Mon 3/5, then Kamioka

Plan for week of 3/19

  • Mark at LVC meeting
  • Shoda-san at Mitaka

Plan for week of 3/26

  • Mark ????
  • Shoda-san, Fabian at Mitaka
  • Others ???

To-Do Lists, Schedule

Vacation Info

  • Enzo 1/30-2/19.
  • Hirata-san vacation Mon 3/5
  • Fabian 3/26-4/27 vacation (then gone).

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/Minutes (last edited 2022-10-28 10:02:46 by fabian.arellano)