Differences between revisions 2 and 73 (spanning 71 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2019-01-07 08:03:46
Size: 7471
Editor: MarkBarton
Revision 73 as of 2019-06-16 17:25:32
Size: 8074
Editor: MarkBarton
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Archived items are at ../ToDoOld.
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Archived items are at [[../ToDoOld]]. [[#EveryWeek|Every Week]]
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[[#EveryWeek |Every Week]]

[[#ComingWeeks |Coming Weeks]]
[[#ComingWeeks|Coming Weeks]]
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== Every Week ==
=== Facilities ===
 * Vacuum and roll floor.
 * Wipe ladders.
 * Tidy tools, parts.
 * Get stuff from [[../WishList]]
== Paper ==
 * --(Review Type Bp paper)--
 * --(Choose paper title)-- -> "Vibration isolation systems for the beam splitter and signal recycling mirrors of the KAGRA gravitational wave detector"?
 * --(Create JGWDoc number for paper)-- -> [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9836|P1909836]]
 * --(Decide paper author list)-- -> KAGRA Author List 2019?
 * Write Type B paper abstract
 * Write paper outline
 * Write Type B paper Section 1 Introduction
 * Vibration isolation systems in KAGRA
  * Write Section 2.1 Overview
   * Steal or reproduce Type Bp Figure 1 (optic layout)
   * Steal or reproduce Type Bp paper Figure 2 (suspension comparison)
 * Write Section 2.2 Requirements for Type B
 * Write Section 3 Design of the Type-B suspension
  * Write Section 3.1 Mechanical
   * Choose photo of Type B suspension in mid-air
   * Make diagram of Type B in vacuum chamber
  * Write Section 3.2 Sensors and Actuators
  * Write Section 3.3 Control and Damping
   * Make controls diagram like Type Bp paper Figure 7
 * Write Section 4 Measured performance
  * Write Section 4.1 Damping Time
   * Make decay time plot like Type Bp paper Figure 8
  * Write Section 4.2 Residual Velocity
  * Write Section 4.3 Residual Angular Fluctuations
  * Write Section 4.4 Vibration Isolation Performance
 * Write Section 5 Summary
 * Write Section 6 Acknowledgments
 * Write References Section
  * Find Type A reference
  * Find cryogenic payload reference
  * Find bKAGRA reference
  * Find LIGO-India reference
  * --(Find NS-NS detection reference)--
  * --(Find initial detection reference)--
Line 18: Line 46:
== Tunnel ==
=== Etc ===
 * Tidy up.
 * Move charging station to more convenient location (e.g., near -X entrance).
 * Find and inventory all gluing tools.
 * Put pointy-tipped screw in RM trolley for BS
 * Put FC on SRM-W and install it in its holder with 1.4 mm shims ready for possible use.
Line 19: Line 54:
=== 2019-01-07,14,21 ===
==== BS (top priority) ====
 * Check that the suspension is floating.
 * Re-center OL and log value to capture yaw position.
 * Look for cracks in F0 blades.
 * Install new double-sided F0 fishing rod (need to get blades) and (if necessary) auxiliary !CuBe spring.
 * Check that current defective yaw adjuster is at least locating the suspension in yaw.
 * Remove and service or swap out geophones (one has high noise, one has DC offset, all have flipped pinouts). Could use new geophones originally intended for SRM to save time.
 * Replace geophones and add more arc weights to IP to get a lower frequency.
 * Re-calibrate F0 GAS LVDT.
 * Adjust amount of mass on F0 keystone to get correct height, and secure in place.
 * Confirm the positions of the IP LVDTs and Actuators, and update T1707205 if necessary.
 * Install camera viewport???
== Shakedown/Characterization ==
=== BS ===
=== SR2 ===
 * Measure decay time, rms with and without control.
 * Do FEA model of IRM side plates.
Line 34: Line 60:
==== SRM ====
 * Test new yaw mechanism.
 * Adjust F0 keystone mass to give desired height and secure weights in place.
 * Measure height of RM/TM relative to SS and height of SS relative to tank or Telada-san's reference. Raise suspension on jacks if necessary.
 * Borrow LED from SR2 and check/adjust optic pitch; return LED to SR2.
 * Install Enomoto-kun's beam target plate (if available).
 * Seal geophones.
 * Install geophones and arc weights.
 * Center and tune IP.
 * Install OL viewport (already available).
 * Install camera viewport if available. (At a minimum, remove flange cover temporarily and check that there is a good view of the HR surface.)
 * Hook LBB and add just enough ballast to have it bouncing.
 * Add additional ballast to LBB to set desired height (only if someone will be putting stuff on it).
 * Set up OL (needs various parts).
=== SR3 ===
 * Put SR3 cleanbooth electronics in minirack.
 * Check pico adapter cables.
Line 49: Line 64:
==== SR3 ====
 * Install/test new yaw mechanism.
 * Adjust height.
 * Realign OL.
 * Install camera viewport (already available).
 * Measure height of RM/TM relative to SS and height of SS relative to tank or Telada-san's reference. Raise suspension on jacks if necessary.
 * Add additional ballast to LBB to set desired height (only if someone will be putting stuff on it).
=== SRM ===
 * Check pico adapter cables.
 * Debug 240 Hz noise in LVDT.
 * Check keystone lock screws in BF (on next vent).
Line 57: Line 69:
==== SR2 ====
 * Adjust height.
 * Remove tape, writing etc on PI and PI items.
 * Add new feedthrough to lower part of tank (with Izumi-san-tachi)?
 * Install cable for MIF pico on LBB (with Izumi-san-tachi)?
 * Add ballast mass to LBB.
 * Measure height of RM/TM relative to SS and height of SS relative to tank or Telada-san's reference. Raise suspension on jacks if necessary.
== SDF ==
  * Document SDF in Operations Manual
  * Make SDF states for Type B, e.g.:
   * SAFE
Line 65: Line 77:
== MEDM ==
  * Fix DAC screen (split model issue).
Line 66: Line 80:
== Tasks To Be Scheduled ==
==== BS ====
 * Tune BS LBB (adjust table height, damper height) - DON'T BOTHER (unless there's an excuse to open the lower half of the tank).
 * Replace BS F0 thrust bearing and yaw adjuster - BIG JOB, DON'T BOTHER (unless lack of yaw adjustment becomes a major problem).
== Guardian ==
 * Rethink Guardian to
Line 71: Line 83:
==== SR2 ==== == RTM ==
 * Make cycle times of BS models the same as for SRx.
 * Remove TM_OSEM subsystem from payload model.
 * Remove GEOWHITEN from IP of top model.
 * WD/Guardian related
  * Add temperature alarms.
  * Add secondary watchdog with lower threshold that puts all outputs to HOLD and then gets Guardian to ramp them down.
Line 73: Line 92:
==== SR3 ==== == Simulation ==
 * Create controls design description (cf [[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T1100378/public|LIGO-T1100378]]).
 * --(Get a good set of TFs and put them in a common directory:)--
  * --(Directory: /kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/TypeBData/SR2/simulation/TF/ )--
  * --(Content: diaggui xml files and regular text files.)--
 * --(Compare the Matlab prediction with the measurements.)--
  * --(In a reasonable way tune the parameters of the simulation in ordet to get a good agreement.)--
  * --(It should include resonant peaks not predicted by the simulation.)--
  * --(Write a klog about this. )--
 * --(Given the fact that Takanori's Matlab simulation provides the TFs in units of [m/N] calculate a calibration factor for each GAS LVDT and IP and IM virtual actuator, which are in units of [µm/cnt]. )--
 * Collect the measurements of LVDT and OSEM readout noise and put them in a common directory:
  * Location: /kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/TypeBData/SR2/simulation/sensor_readout_noise/
  * Content: duaggui xml files and regular text files.
 * Check Panwei's measurements of OSEM noise. Pay special attention to the conversion into m/rtHz from V/rtHz.
 * Calculate the readut noise of the virtual sensors from the readout noise of the real ones.
  * --(IP LVDT.)--
  * --(IP Geo: where's the data for SR2 geophones?)-- There's information in entry [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=6106|6106]]. For SRM the plots are at [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=8177|8177]] but where's the data?
  * --(GAS LVDT (no virtual sensors) )--
  * --(IM OSEMS )--
  * Oplev
 * Estimate coil driver noise. It seems this is not expected to contribute significantly but we should still know.
 * Convert real actuation noise to virtual actuation noise.
 * --(Check whether the Matlab simulation implements the output of the length sensing oplev)--.
 * Extract the filters designed by Enzo, Terrence and Lucia from the filter bank using Foton and write them in a format compatible with Takanori's simulation: --(IP LVDT)--, IP GEO, --(blending filters)--, --(GAS)--, --(IM)--, optic.
 * Check the whether the oplev takes into account the ground motion movement in
  * longitudinal displacement: NO
  * Pitch and yaw
 * In the simulation, what are the assumed coupling between
  * LVDT-L ==> OpLev-PTM.
  * IP GEO-L ==> OpLev-PTM.
  * Longitudinal ground motion ==> OpLev-PTM.
  * OSEM-L ==> OpLev-PTM
  * And the above quantities with Oplev-YTM.
 * Does the simulation take into account the 1/300 rads of the tunnel slope?
 * In the software modify the control feeback loop topology in order to have the same as in the real system.
 * Tune the filters in order to account for the differences between simulation and measurement.
 * As sanity check for the simulation, check the stability criteria and compare with Enzo's.
 * Ask whether there is a recent measurement of seismic motion at the the central room.
Line 75: Line 131:
==== SRM ====
 * Find two geophone cables used by Okutomi-san. (I looked in the second floor EXV room but didn't find them - Mark.)
 * Find one geophone cable ordered for SRM but missing.
 * Rearrange miswired geophone cable.
 * Rebuild defective geophone cable.

=== Tunnel ===
 * Get at least one BIO Converter chassis fully connected (CONTEC BIO card, WD and stepper motor chassis) for implementation and test of stepper motor reset function.
 * Check SR2, SR3 TM coil gains for magnet polarity compensation.
 * Replace chipped magnets (12x12x12 mm) in SR3 IP, H1 and H2.

=== Mitaka or remotely ===
 * Write generic Type B Guardian; make BS and SR3 inherit from it; make analog WD optional for now (all suspensions will get them eventually).
 * (Continue to) soak the sapphire prisms off the dummy BS for reuse on the SRM metal mass.
 * Install damping filters for SR2.
 * Review DAC channel requests.
 * Split SRx real-time models?

== ASAP ==
 * --(Get picomotor drivers back on line.)--
 * --(Debug BS BIO connections, especially PI IP.)--

=== Main Assembly Sequence ===
 * Necessary for phase-I★★★
  * --(Modify IP LVDT damping filters to include set point.)--
  * --(TFs.)--
  * '''''EXCHANGE YAW/VERT FRs at F0'''''

 * Necessary for phase-II★★
  * Debug BS geophones.
  * Flip circuit boards in BS geophones to make them the same as SRx.
  * Calibrate IP LVDT actuation against IP LVDT sensing. (Klog 3553? http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=3553)
  * Design PI Sensor blending filter.
  * Tune the LVDT sensitivity
  * Measure IP period; adjust ballast mass.

 * At some point (remotely)★
  * Improve OL offloading.
  * Improve GAS offloading.
  * Spectral analysis of Oplev.
  * Design, install angular lock servo using OL. (Almost done for phase-I)
  * Adjust gains and debug damping for IM OSEMs and GAS LVDTs. (Almost done for phase-I)
  * Subtract DC level of Geophones.
  * Spectra analysis of PI sensors (PI LVDTs and Geophones).
  * Calibrate IP LVDT sensing against IP LVDT actuation, IP FRs.
  * Set all EQ stops to TBD clearance.
  * Modify the model for IP coil driver control

=== Documentation and Operation Manual ===
 * Add useful info from Enzo's notebook to BSData.

== Tasks Not To Forget ==
=== Major Tasks ===
 * --(Move safety bars from BS AF area to SR2 area.)--
 * Update circuit diagram.
 * (Time permitting) Try adding mass to IP.
 * Update BS Install Procedure with screenshots from new on-assembly-frame 3D CAD.
 * Finish assembly drawing for LBB and LBB damper ring and post on JGWDoc (Hirata-san).
 * Figure out how to make PI yaw adjustment reliable.

=== Minor Tasks ===
==== Mechanical ====
 * Put pointy-tipped screw in RM trolley for BS
 * --(Return/replace temporary ballast mass (dog clamps).)--
 * Characterize replacement F0.
 * --(Wipe/clean arc weights that were rained on.)--

==== Electrical ====
== Electronics ==
 * Pick better resistor values for sat amps (to give closer to 32K open-light values).
 * Install Tanaka-san's LVDT sig gen cards when available).
 * Install Tanaka-san's hardware watchdogs.
 * Test and permanently enable stepper remote enable system.
Line 146: Line 137:
  * --(Make generic to Type B.)--
Line 147: Line 139:
  * Organize stepper reset system and watchdog BIO.
  * Include information on assignment of channels to feedthrough positions.
  * Reflect gender-changers and non-flipping feedthrough adapters.
  * Reflect actual cable lengths.
  * Include LVDT pin size (1 mm).
  * Include Stepper pin size (1.6 mm).
  * --(Add stepper remote enable system.)--
  * --(Add note about gender-changers and non-flipping feedthrough adapters.)--
  * --(Correct default stepper channel assignments and link to wiki for changes.)--
  * --(Remove note about steppers with limit switches (we didn't use them).)--
  * --(Include LVDT pin size (1 mm).)--
  * --(Include Stepper pin size (1.6 mm).)--
Line 159: Line 151:
  * --(Include blank page for watchdog.)--
  * Include ''actual'' watchdog.
  * Include information on assignment of channels to feedthrough positions (or summarize on wiki and add link).
Line 160: Line 155:
==== Real-time and SUMCON models ====
 * Create SUMCON models for full BS and major installation milestones.
 * Create controls design description (cf [[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T1100378/public|LIGO-T1100378]]).
 * Make table of ADC/DAC assignments and check for consistency with D1503600 and k1visbs (Enzo, Mark)
 * Understand/document/debug Kokeyama-san's DIO stuff.
 * Measure LPCD and HPCD output filter response.
 * Design and install software compensation filters for LPCD and HPCD output filters.
== Documentation and Operation Manual ==
 * Add useful info from Enzo's notebook to BSData/etc.

== OLs ==
 * Design/procure/install permanent hard protective boxes.

== One Day, If Ever Needed ==
=== BS ===
 * Tune BS LBB (adjust table height, damper height) - DON'T BOTHER (unless there's an excuse to open the lower half of the tank).
 * Replace BS F0 thrust bearing - BIG JOB - NOT WORTH IT.

=== SR3 ===
 * Replace chipped magnets (12x12x12 mm) in SR3 IP, H1 and H2.

=== SRM ===
 * Install Enomoto-kun's beam target plate (if/when available).

VIS Type B To-Do List

Archived items are at ../ToDoOld.

Every Week

Coming Weeks


  • Review Type Bp paper

  • Choose paper title -> "Vibration isolation systems for the beam splitter and signal recycling mirrors of the KAGRA gravitational wave detector"?

  • Create JGWDoc number for paper -> P1909836

  • Decide paper author list -> KAGRA Author List 2019?

  • Write Type B paper abstract
  • Write paper outline
  • Write Type B paper Section 1 Introduction
  • Vibration isolation systems in KAGRA
    • Write Section 2.1 Overview
      • Steal or reproduce Type Bp Figure 1 (optic layout)
      • Steal or reproduce Type Bp paper Figure 2 (suspension comparison)
  • Write Section 2.2 Requirements for Type B
  • Write Section 3 Design of the Type-B suspension
    • Write Section 3.1 Mechanical
      • Choose photo of Type B suspension in mid-air
      • Make diagram of Type B in vacuum chamber
    • Write Section 3.2 Sensors and Actuators
    • Write Section 3.3 Control and Damping
      • Make controls diagram like Type Bp paper Figure 7
  • Write Section 4 Measured performance
    • Write Section 4.1 Damping Time
      • Make decay time plot like Type Bp paper Figure 8
    • Write Section 4.2 Residual Velocity
    • Write Section 4.3 Residual Angular Fluctuations
    • Write Section 4.4 Vibration Isolation Performance
  • Write Section 5 Summary
  • Write Section 6 Acknowledgments
  • Write References Section
    • Find Type A reference
    • Find cryogenic payload reference
    • Find bKAGRA reference
    • Find LIGO-India reference
    • Find NS-NS detection reference

    • Find initial detection reference



  • Tidy up.
  • Move charging station to more convenient location (e.g., near -X entrance).
  • Find and inventory all gluing tools.
  • Put pointy-tipped screw in RM trolley for BS
  • Put FC on SRM-W and install it in its holder with 1.4 mm shims ready for possible use.




  • Measure decay time, rms with and without control.
  • Do FEA model of IRM side plates.


  • Put SR3 cleanbooth electronics in minirack.
  • Check pico adapter cables.


  • Check pico adapter cables.
  • Debug 240 Hz noise in LVDT.
  • Check keystone lock screws in BF (on next vent).


  • Document SDF in Operations Manual
  • Make SDF states for Type B, e.g.:
    • SAFE


  • Fix DAC screen (split model issue).


  • Rethink Guardian to


  • Make cycle times of BS models the same as for SRx.
  • Remove TM_OSEM subsystem from payload model.
  • Remove GEOWHITEN from IP of top model.
  • Remove ISIINF->CART2EUL->ISIWIT from IM.

  • WD/Guardian related
    • Add temperature alarms.
    • Add secondary watchdog with lower threshold that puts all outputs to HOLD and then gets Guardian to ramp them down.


  • Create controls design description (cf LIGO-T1100378).

  • Get a good set of TFs and put them in a common directory:

    • Directory: /kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/TypeBData/SR2/simulation/TF/

    • Content: diaggui xml files and regular text files.

  • Compare the Matlab prediction with the measurements.

    • In a reasonable way tune the parameters of the simulation in ordet to get a good agreement.

    • It should include resonant peaks not predicted by the simulation.

    • Write a klog about this.

  • Given the fact that Takanori's Matlab simulation provides the TFs in units of [m/N] calculate a calibration factor for each GAS LVDT and IP and IM virtual actuator, which are in units of [µm/cnt].

  • Collect the measurements of LVDT and OSEM readout noise and put them in a common directory:
    • Location: /kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/TypeBData/SR2/simulation/sensor_readout_noise/
    • Content: duaggui xml files and regular text files.
  • Check Panwei's measurements of OSEM noise. Pay special attention to the conversion into m/rtHz from V/rtHz.
  • Calculate the readut noise of the virtual sensors from the readout noise of the real ones.
    • IP LVDT.

    • IP Geo: where's the data for SR2 geophones? There's information in entry 6106. For SRM the plots are at 8177 but where's the data?

    • GAS LVDT (no virtual sensors)

    • IM OSEMS

    • Oplev
  • Estimate coil driver noise. It seems this is not expected to contribute significantly but we should still know.
  • Convert real actuation noise to virtual actuation noise.
  • Check whether the Matlab simulation implements the output of the length sensing oplev.

  • Extract the filters designed by Enzo, Terrence and Lucia from the filter bank using Foton and write them in a format compatible with Takanori's simulation: IP LVDT, IP GEO, blending filters, GAS, IM, optic.

  • Check the whether the oplev takes into account the ground motion movement in
    • longitudinal displacement: NO
    • Pitch and yaw
  • In the simulation, what are the assumed coupling between
    • LVDT-L ==> OpLev-PTM.

    • IP GEO-L ==> OpLev-PTM.

    • Longitudinal ground motion ==> OpLev-PTM.

    • OSEM-L ==> OpLev-PTM

    • And the above quantities with Oplev-YTM.
  • Does the simulation take into account the 1/300 rads of the tunnel slope?
  • In the software modify the control feeback loop topology in order to have the same as in the real system.
  • Tune the filters in order to account for the differences between simulation and measurement.
  • As sanity check for the simulation, check the stability criteria and compare with Enzo's.
  • Ask whether there is a recent measurement of seismic motion at the the central room.


  • Pick better resistor values for sat amps (to give closer to 32K open-light values).
  • Install Tanaka-san's LVDT sig gen cards when available).
  • Install Tanaka-san's hardware watchdogs.
  • Test and permanently enable stepper remote enable system.
  • Update BS Circuit diagram, D1503600
    • Make generic to Type B.

    • Note removal of LED/PD on TM OSEMs.

    • Add stepper remote enable system.

    • Add note about gender-changers and non-flipping feedthrough adapters.

    • Correct default stepper channel assignments and link to wiki for changes.

    • Remove note about steppers with limit switches (we didn't use them).

    • Include LVDT pin size (1 mm).

    • Include Stepper pin size (1.6 mm).

    • Undo renumbering of IP items.

    • Page 10: "DIO Card # 0" should be "DIO Card # 1"

    • Include OutConfigBoards on OL page (Sheet 18).

    • Update HPCD section to reflect:

      • All three GAS channels are on HPCD #1 and DIO Card #2, CNB cables, Sheet 13.

      • Three IP channels are on HPCD #0 and DIO Card #2, CNA cables, Sheet 15.

    • Include blank page for watchdog.

    • Include actual watchdog.

    • Include information on assignment of channels to feedthrough positions (or summarize on wiki and add link).

Documentation and Operation Manual

  • Add useful info from Enzo's notebook to BSData/etc.


  • Design/procure/install permanent hard protective boxes.

One Day, If Ever Needed


  • Tune BS LBB (adjust table height, damper height) - DON'T BOTHER (unless there's an excuse to open the lower half of the tank).
  • Replace BS F0 thrust bearing - BIG JOB - NOT WORTH IT.


  • Replace chipped magnets (12x12x12 mm) in SR3 IP, H1 and H2.


  • Install Enomoto-kun's beam target plate (if/when available).

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/ToDo (last edited 2019-12-18 12:38:30 by fabian.arellano)