Differences between revisions 9 and 41 (spanning 32 versions)
Revision 9 as of 2019-01-18 14:11:25
Size: 7394
Editor: MarkBarton
Revision 41 as of 2019-02-14 19:22:49
Size: 7150
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Archived items are at ../ToDoOld.
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Archived items are at [[../ToDoOld]]. [[#EveryWeek|Every Week]]
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[[#EveryWeek |Every Week]]

[[#ComingWeeks |Coming Weeks]]
[[#ComingWeeks|Coming Weeks]]
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 * Get stuff from [[../WishList]]  * Get stuff from ../WishList

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=== 2019-01-21 ===
=== 2019-02-12 ===
 * Monday is public holiday.
Line 22: Line 23:
 * Work with Akutsu-san to get additional two camera viewports (for SR2 and SRM).
 * Open all dead geophones, replace preamps, test, seal, retest.
 * Get rid of all cable reels.
 * Wipe inside tanks with Vectra-Alpha wipes and ethanol.
 * Choose optimum BIO Config board switch settings for all OLs. See [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2081| D1302081]] for what each switch does. Four of them are gain stages (24 dB, 12 dB, 6 dB, 3 dB), and three are filters (all 1 Hz zero, 10 Hz pole). Please clarify the switch numbering and functions (switch "1" = circuit board B0 = group 1, filter A1; position 1 = enable?), make a cheat sheet and put a copy in each rack.
Line 26: Line 26:
==== BS (top priority) ====
 * Install a working set of geophones, e.g., from SR3.
 * Fix touching issue?
 * Adjust amount of mass on F0 keystone to get correct height, and secure in place.
 * Recenter the OL.

==== SRM ====
 * Raise suspension 3.5 mm on jacks.
 * Check/improve payload alignment and IM OSEMs. Recheck optic pitch with OL as needed.\
 * Adjust F0 keystone trim to give desired height and secure weights in place.
 * Install geophones and arc weights.
 * Center and tune IP.
 * Hook LBB and add just enough ballast to have it bouncing.
 * Add additional ballast to LBB to set desired height (only if someone will be putting stuff on it).
 * Wipe inside tank with Vectra-Alpha wipes and IPA.
 * Set up TILT OL.
 * Install Enomoto-kun's beam target plate (when available).
==== SR3 ====
 * Survey optic height and raise suspension on jacks as necessary.
 * Reinstall OL LED (original one borrowed for SR2 - probably use new one to be supplied by Simon), probably change collimator, and realign OL.
 * Install camera viewport (already available).
 * Measure height of RM/TM relative to SS and height of SS relative to tank or Telada-san's reference. Raise suspension on jacks if necessary.
 * Add additional ballast to LBB to set desired height (only if someone will be putting stuff on it).
==== SR2 ====
 * Survey optic height and raise suspension on jacks as necessary.
 * Remove tape, writing etc on PI and PI items.
 * Add ballast mass to LBB to have it bouncing.
 * Measure height of RM/TM relative to SS and height of SS relative to tank or Telada-san's reference. Raise suspension on jacks if necessary.

=== 2019-01-28 ===
Line 57: Line 27:
==== SRM ====
 * Install camera viewport. (Mirapro will be available 1/28)
 * Setup LEN OL.
==== SR3 ====
 * Install camera.
 * Run cables for camera.
==== SR2 ====
 * Add camera viewport (when available).
 * Add new feedthrough to lower part of tank (with Izumi-san-tachi)?
 * Install cable for MIF pico on LBB (with Izumi-san-tachi)?
 * Add additional mass to LBB to have it at the desired height
 * Install camera.
 * Run cables for camera.

== Tasks To Be Scheduled ==
==== BS ====
 * Tune BS LBB (adjust table height, damper height) - DON'T BOTHER (unless there's an excuse to open the lower half of the tank).
 * Replace BS F0 thrust bearing and yaw adjuster - BIG JOB, DON'T BOTHER (unless lack of yaw adjustment becomes a major problem).
 * Check focus of BS camera.
 * Debug stepper remote enable.
Line 77: Line 31:
 * Install GAS filter control loops.
 * Debug stepper remote enable.
 * Get rid of SR2 cable reel (shutdown FE and rack, replug everything into new power strip, start up rack and FE).
 * Split model.
Line 79: Line 37:
 * Debug stepper remote enable.
 * Split model.
Line 81: Line 41:
 * Find two geophone cables used by Okutomi-san. (I looked in the second floor EXV room but didn't find them - Mark.)
 * Find one geophone cable ordered for SRM but missing.
 * Rearrange miswired geophone cable.
 * Rebuild defective geophone cable.
 * Put FC on SRM-W and install it in its holder with 1.4 mm shims ready for possible use.
 * Debug OL, especially whitening filter. Note that WF S1808108 has a mysterious note on its JGWDoc page suggesting it may have a fault.
 * Set up LEN OL (if/when 3D QPD stage arrives).
 * Debug stepper remote enable.
 * Check BIO connections for possible swap of GAS/IP.
Line 87: Line 46:
=== Tunnel ===
 * Get at least one BIO Converter chassis fully connected (CONTEC BIO card, WD and stepper motor chassis) for implementation and test of stepper motor reset function.
 * Check SR2, SR3 TM coil gains for magnet polarity compensation.
 * Replace chipped magnets (12x12x12 mm) in SR3 IP, H1 and H2.
Line 92: Line 47:
=== Mitaka or remotely ===
 * Write generic Type B Guardian; make BS and SR3 inherit from it; make analog WD optional for now (all suspensions will get them eventually).
 * (Continue to) soak the sapphire prisms off the dummy BS for reuse on the SRM metal mass.
 * Install damping filters for SR2.
 * Review DAC channel requests.
 * Split SRx real-time models?
=== Real-Time Model ===
 * See [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OpsManual/Simulink]]
 * Restart k1vissrmt (Wednesday during maintenance??):
  * Re-convert filter files. (?)
  * --(Stop SRM Guardian (just stop it dead - don't transition to SAFE; don't let it meddle at all).)--
  * --(Make fresh safe.snap.)--
  * --(Note all TEST and OPTICALIGN offsets.)--
  * --(Put large ramp times (≈30++ s) in all DAMP, TEST and OPTICALIGN filters.)--
  * --(Turn off all DAMP, TEST, and OPTICALIGN filter offsets and master switch.)--
  * --(Restart k1vissrmt. If there are gross problems, consider restarting the whole FE.)--
  * --(Restore safe.snap.)--
  * --(Debug OVERVIEW, IP and WD screens (check for white channels etc).)--
  * Restore OPTICALIGN offsets (if necessary), transfer TEST offsets to new ALIGN filters and set long ramp times.
  * --(Set new WD thresholds for IP LVDT and ACC.)--
  * Enable all DAMP, ALIGN, and OPTICALIGN offsets.
  * Make sure SRM Guardian is pointing to generic Type B Guardian.
  * Adjust Type B Guardian code to set long ramp times on all DAMP, ALIGN and OPTICALIGN filters. Wrap the ALIGN stuff in an if block for now to not break BS/SR2/SR3.
  * Reenable Guardian if/when satisfied.
 * --(Rebuild and restart k1visbst and initialize/test as for SRM.)--
 * --(Create new k1vissr2t, k1vissr2p, k1vissr3t, k1vissr3p based on k1vissrmt and k1vissrmp. Be sure to update DCUID numbers:)--
  * --(SR2 FECT=54, FECP=55)--
  * --(SR3 FECT=56, FECP=57)--
  * --(SRM FECT=58, FECP=59)--
 * --(Update DCUID numbers also in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/vis/common/medm/vissr2_overview_macro.txt and vissr3_overview_macro.txt.)--
 * --(Rebuild, restart k1vissr2t, k1vissr2p, k1vissr3t, k1vissr3p and initialize/test as for SRM/BS. )--
 * --(For SR2, just before restarting with the new real-time models, power the whole front end down and replug everything into the new power strip.)--
  * --(Turn off all DC-powered boxes.)--
  * --(Shut down the FE computer using the web server at [[]]. )--
  * --(Turn off the IO chassis using the switch on the front.)--
  * --(Turn off the DC power supplies.)--
  * --(Replug all AC-powered stuff (DC supplies, IO chassis, signal generator, routers) into the new power strip that is already there.)--
  * --(Restore everything in reverse order.)--
  * --(Reset the signal generator: 10 kHz, 5 Vpp, sine wave, ON.)--
Line 99: Line 81:
== ASAP ==
 * --(Get picomotor drivers back on line.)--
 * --(Debug BS BIO connections, especially PI IP.)--

=== Main Assembly Sequence ===
 * Necessary for phase-I★★★
  * --(Modify IP LVDT damping filters to include set point.)--
  * --(TFs.)--
  * '''''EXCHANGE YAW/VERT FRs at F0'''''

 * Necessary for phase-II★★
  * Debug BS geophones.
  * Flip circuit boards in BS geophones to make them the same as SRx.
  * Calibrate IP LVDT actuation against IP LVDT sensing. (Klog 3553? http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=3553)
  * Design PI Sensor blending filter.
  * Tune the LVDT sensitivity
  * Measure IP period; adjust ballast mass.

 * At some point (remotely)★
  * Improve OL offloading.
  * Improve GAS offloading.
  * Spectral analysis of Oplev.
  * Design, install angular lock servo using OL. (Almost done for phase-I)
  * Adjust gains and debug damping for IM OSEMs and GAS LVDTs. (Almost done for phase-I)
  * Subtract DC level of Geophones.
  * Spectra analysis of PI sensors (PI LVDTs and Geophones).
  * Calibrate IP LVDT sensing against IP LVDT actuation, IP FRs.
  * Set all EQ stops to TBD clearance.
  * Modify the model for IP coil driver control
=== Guardian ===
 * --(Make all Guardians point to TYPEB.py.)--
 * --(Create a BURT `.req` file to backup the ALIGN settings for IP and GAS.)--
 * --(Create a BURT `.req` file to back up the OPTICALIGN settings for the payload.)--
 * --(Add UI to the MEDM screens to run BURT with either the ALIGN and OPTICALIGN `.req` files and generate `.snap` files with suitable names.)--
 * --(Make sure the SAFE state turns off all ALIGN and OPTICALIGN offsets with long ramp times.)--
 * Have the transition from the SAFE state to the DAMPED state load the ALIGN offsets with long ramp times.
 * Have the transition from the DAMPED state to the ALIGNED state load the OPTICALIGN offsets with long ramp times 9and also enable damping).
Line 132: Line 93:
== Tasks Not To Forget ==
=== Major Tasks ===
 * --(Move safety bars from BS AF area to SR2 area.)--
 * Update circuit diagram.
 * (Time permitting) Try adding mass to IP.
 * Update BS Install Procedure with screenshots from new on-assembly-frame 3D CAD.
 * Finish assembly drawing for LBB and LBB damper ring and post on JGWDoc (Hirata-san).
 * Figure out how to make PI yaw adjustment reliable.
Line 145: Line 96:
 * --(Return/replace temporary ballast mass (dog clamps).)--
 * Characterize replacement F0.
 * --(Wipe/clean arc weights that were rained on.)--
Line 150: Line 98:
==== Electrical ====
== Electrical ==
Line 166: Line 115:
==== Real-time and SUMCON models ==== == Real-time and SUMCON models ==
Line 173: Line 122:

== One Day, If Ever Needed ==
==== BS ====
 * Tune BS LBB (adjust table height, damper height) - DON'T BOTHER (unless there's an excuse to open the lower half of the tank).
 * Replace BS F0 thrust bearing and yaw adjuster - BIG JOB, DON'T BOTHER (unless lack of yaw adjustment becomes a major problem).
 * (Continue to) soak the sapphire prisms off the dummy BS for reuse on the SRM metal mass.
==== SR3 ====
 * Replace chipped magnets (12x12x12 mm) in SR3 IP, H1 and H2.
==== SRM ====
 * Install Enomoto-kun's beam target plate (if/when available).
 * Find two geophone cables used by Okutomi-san. (I looked in the second floor EXV room but didn't find them - Mark.)
 * Find one geophone cable ordered for SRM but missing.
 * Rearrange miswired geophone cable.
 * Rebuild defective geophone cable.
 * Put FC on SRM-W and install it in its holder with 1.4 mm shims ready for possible use.

VIS Type B To-Do List

Archived items are at ../ToDoOld.

Every Week

Coming Weeks

Every Week


  • Vacuum and roll floor.
  • Wipe ladders.
  • Tidy tools, parts.
  • Get stuff from ../WishList


  • Monday is public holiday.


  • Wipe inside tanks with Vectra-Alpha wipes and ethanol.
  • Choose optimum BIO Config board switch settings for all OLs. See D1302081 for what each switch does. Four of them are gain stages (24 dB, 12 dB, 6 dB, 3 dB), and three are filters (all 1 Hz zero, 10 Hz pole). Please clarify the switch numbering and functions (switch "1" = circuit board B0 = group 1, filter A1; position 1 = enable?), make a cheat sheet and put a copy in each rack.


  • Check focus of BS camera.
  • Debug stepper remote enable.


  • Install GAS filter control loops.
  • Debug stepper remote enable.
  • Get rid of SR2 cable reel (shutdown FE and rack, replug everything into new power strip, start up rack and FE).
  • Split model.


  • Debug stepper remote enable.
  • Split model.


  • Debug OL, especially whitening filter. Note that WF S1808108 has a mysterious note on its JGWDoc page suggesting it may have a fault.
  • Set up LEN OL (if/when 3D QPD stage arrives).
  • Debug stepper remote enable.
  • Check BIO connections for possible swap of GAS/IP.

Real-Time Model

  • See KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/OpsManual/Simulink

  • Restart k1vissrmt (Wednesday during maintenance??):
    • Re-convert filter files. (?)
    • Stop SRM Guardian (just stop it dead - don't transition to SAFE; don't let it meddle at all).

    • Make fresh safe.snap.

    • Note all TEST and OPTICALIGN offsets.

    • Put large ramp times (≈30++ s) in all DAMP, TEST and OPTICALIGN filters.

    • Turn off all DAMP, TEST, and OPTICALIGN filter offsets and master switch.

    • Restart k1vissrmt. If there are gross problems, consider restarting the whole FE.

    • Restore safe.snap.

    • Debug OVERVIEW, IP and WD screens (check for white channels etc).

    • Restore OPTICALIGN offsets (if necessary), transfer TEST offsets to new ALIGN filters and set long ramp times.
    • Set new WD thresholds for IP LVDT and ACC.

    • Enable all DAMP, ALIGN, and OPTICALIGN offsets.
    • Make sure SRM Guardian is pointing to generic Type B Guardian.
    • Adjust Type B Guardian code to set long ramp times on all DAMP, ALIGN and OPTICALIGN filters. Wrap the ALIGN stuff in an if block for now to not break BS/SR2/SR3.
    • Reenable Guardian if/when satisfied.
  • Rebuild and restart k1visbst and initialize/test as for SRM.

  • Create new k1vissr2t, k1vissr2p, k1vissr3t, k1vissr3p based on k1vissrmt and k1vissrmp. Be sure to update DCUID numbers:

    • SR2 FECT=54, FECP=55

    • SR3 FECT=56, FECP=57

    • SRM FECT=58, FECP=59

  • Update DCUID numbers also in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/vis/common/medm/vissr2_overview_macro.txt and vissr3_overview_macro.txt.

  • Rebuild, restart k1vissr2t, k1vissr2p, k1vissr3t, k1vissr3p and initialize/test as for SRM/BS.

  • For SR2, just before restarting with the new real-time models, power the whole front end down and replug everything into the new power strip.

    • Turn off all DC-powered boxes.

    • Shut down the FE computer using the web server at

    • Turn off the IO chassis using the switch on the front.

    • Turn off the DC power supplies.

    • Replug all AC-powered stuff (DC supplies, IO chassis, signal generator, routers) into the new power strip that is already there.

    • Restore everything in reverse order.

    • Reset the signal generator: 10 kHz, 5 Vpp, sine wave, ON.


  • Make all Guardians point to TYPEB.py.

  • Create a BURT .req file to backup the ALIGN settings for IP and GAS.

  • Create a BURT .req file to back up the OPTICALIGN settings for the payload.

  • Add UI to the MEDM screens to run BURT with either the ALIGN and OPTICALIGN .req files and generate .snap files with suitable names.

  • Make sure the SAFE state turns off all ALIGN and OPTICALIGN offsets with long ramp times.

  • Have the transition from the SAFE state to the DAMPED state load the ALIGN offsets with long ramp times.
  • Have the transition from the DAMPED state to the ALIGNED state load the OPTICALIGN offsets with long ramp times 9and also enable damping).

Documentation and Operation Manual

  • Add useful info from Enzo's notebook to BSData.

Minor Tasks


  • Put pointy-tipped screw in RM trolley for BS


  • Update BS Circuit diagram, D1503600
    • Note removal of LED/PD on TM OSEMs.

    • Organize stepper reset system and watchdog BIO.
    • Include information on assignment of channels to feedthrough positions.
    • Reflect gender-changers and non-flipping feedthrough adapters.
    • Reflect actual cable lengths.
    • Include LVDT pin size (1 mm).
    • Include Stepper pin size (1.6 mm).
    • Undo renumbering of IP items.

    • Page 10: "DIO Card # 0" should be "DIO Card # 1"

    • Include OutConfigBoards on OL page (Sheet 18).

    • Update HPCD section to reflect:

      • All three GAS channels are on HPCD #1 and DIO Card #2, CNB cables, Sheet 13.

      • Three IP channels are on HPCD #0 and DIO Card #2, CNA cables, Sheet 15.

Real-time and SUMCON models

  • Create SUMCON models for full BS and major installation milestones.
  • Create controls design description (cf LIGO-T1100378).

  • Make table of ADC/DAC assignments and check for consistency with D1503600 and k1visbs (Enzo, Mark)
  • Understand/document/debug Kokeyama-san's DIO stuff.
  • Measure LPCD and HPCD output filter response.
  • Design and install software compensation filters for LPCD and HPCD output filters.

One Day, If Ever Needed


  • Tune BS LBB (adjust table height, damper height) - DON'T BOTHER (unless there's an excuse to open the lower half of the tank).
  • Replace BS F0 thrust bearing and yaw adjuster - BIG JOB, DON'T BOTHER (unless lack of yaw adjustment becomes a major problem).
  • (Continue to) soak the sapphire prisms off the dummy BS for reuse on the SRM metal mass.


  • Replace chipped magnets (12x12x12 mm) in SR3 IP, H1 and H2.


  • Install Enomoto-kun's beam target plate (if/when available).
  • Find two geophone cables used by Okutomi-san. (I looked in the second floor EXV room but didn't find them - Mark.)
  • Find one geophone cable ordered for SRM but missing.
  • Rearrange miswired geophone cable.
  • Rebuild defective geophone cable.
  • Put FC on SRM-W and install it in its holder with 1.4 mm shims ready for possible use.

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/ToDo (last edited 2019-12-18 12:38:30 by fabian.arellano)