Differences between revisions 83 and 200 (spanning 117 versions)
Revision 83 as of 2017-07-06 09:18:41
Size: 5721
Editor: MarkBarton
Revision 200 as of 2018-06-30 18:19:07
Size: 3576
Editor: MarkBarton
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= VIS Type B Near Term To-Do List = = VIS Type B BS Near Term To-Do List =
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[[../ToDoOld|Archived To-Do Items]] [[../ToDoOldBS|Archived BS To-Do Items]]

[[../ToDoSR|SR To-Do Items]]
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[[#RealBSHang|Preparation for Real BS Hang]]

[[#SRPrepTasks|Preparation for SR Installation]]
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== Coming Weeks 2017-06-26 ==
=== Facilities ===
Line 26: Line 22:
=== Design/Documentation/Planning ===
 * Design final BF/SF ballast mass assuming BF can be made to work without rebuild (Fabian).
 * Finish assembly drawing for LBB and LBB damper ring and post on JGWDoc (Hirata-san).
 * Do version of 3D CAD with test-hang arrangement of suspension and LBB damper stuff (Hirata-san).
 * Do version of 3D CAD with final-hang arrangement of suspension and LBB damper stuff (Hirata-san).
== ASAP ==
 * Get picomotor drivers back on line.
 * Debug BS BIO connections, especially PI IP.
Line 33: Line 26:
== BS Prism/Flag gluing ==
 * --(Push Hirose-san to set exact date.)--
 * --(Organize NAOJ vehicle for Mitaka->Kashiwa)--
 * Organize transport company for Kashiwa->Kamioka
  * Akabou Yoshihara Delivery Service (赤帽よしはら運送) yoshihara@akabou.ne.jp (吉原様)
 * Collect all items required.
  * --(Mirror box.)--
  * --(Prisms.)--
  * --(Stub flags.)--
  * --(Magnets: SmCo, 2 mm diameter, 3 mm long)--
  * --(Prism jigs)--
  * --(Flag jigs)--
 * Glue magnets to flags, 2 N, 2 S.
 * --(Organize clean suits.)--
  * --(Make a list of people's sizes)--
  * --(Get Mark/Enzo to bring from Kamioka.)--
=== Main Assembly Sequence ===
 * Necessary for phase-I★★★
  * --(Modify IP LVDT damping filters to include set point.)--
  * --(TFs.)--
  * '''''EXCHANGE YAW/VERT FRs at F0'''''
Line 50: Line 32:
=== Main Assembly ===
 * --(Adjust pitch/yaw/vertical of dummy optic.)--
 * --(Crane tank lid on.)--
 * Start TFs.
 * Necessary for phase-II★★
  * Debug BS geophones.
  * Flip circuit boards in BS geophones to make them the same as SRx.
  * Calibrate IP LVDT actuation against IP LVDT sensing. (Klog 3553? http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=3553)
  * Design PI Sensor blending filter.
  * Re-calibrate F0 GAS LVDT
  * Tune the LVDT sensitivity
  * Measure IP period; adjust ballast mass.
Line 55: Line 41:
=== Electronics ===
 * --(Wash extra F-F gender benders.)--
 * --(Fix broken picomotor cable.)--
 * Install new LVDT driver and set gains.
 * Document LVDT driver rebuild and other changes.
 * --(Debug all cabling!)--
 * --(Fix #0 LVDT actuator coil.)--
 * Get pico drive screens fixed (Miyo-kun)
 * --(Sort out naming convention for PI LVDTs, geophones and horizontal steppers.)--
 * At some point (remotely)★
  * Improve OL offloading.
  * Improve GAS offloading.
  * Spectral analysis of Oplev.
  * Design, install angular lock servo using OL. (Almost done for phase-I)
  * Adjust gains and debug damping for IM OSEMs and GAS LVDTs. (Almost done for phase-I)
  * Subtract DC level of Geophones.
  * Spectra analysis of PI sensors (PI LVDTs and Geophones).
  * Calibrate IP LVDT sensing against IP LVDT actuation, IP FRs.
  * Set all EQ stops to TBD clearance.
  * Modify the model for IP coil driver control
Line 65: Line 53:
=== LSOL ===
 * --(Assist Simon with hardware installation of LSOL.)--
 * --(Assist Simon with modifications to realtime model for LSOL.)--

=== Real-time and SUMCON models ===
 * --(Derive and install PI LVDT matrices.)--
 * --(Check LSOL section of k1visbs model.)--
=== Documentation and Operation Manual ===
 * Add useful info from Enzo's notebook to BSData.
Line 74: Line 57:
== Real BS Hang Tasks == == Tasks Not To Forget ==
Line 76: Line 59:
--( * Final ballast mass design for BF and SF (Fabian).)--
 * Final ballast mass production for BF and SF (Hirata-san). (have quotes)
 * Design of receptacles for rods with 8 mm heads.
 * --(Get final OSEM cables (six of 1.7 m, two of 2.2 m, two of 2.4 m; Sato-san).)--
 * Possible rebuild of BF and/or SF
  * Set up build/test stand for filters.
  * Get filter test weights.
  * Find spare BF blade(s).
 * Prepare real BS:
  * --(Coordinate with Hirose-san)--.
  * Book transport of mirror (Kashiwa or Mitaka to KAGRA)
  * --(Gather mirror box, gluing supplies, prisms, magnets, new flags, new flag jigs)--.
  * Solve problem of lack of scribe line on one side of BS (Mark, Hirata-san).
  * --(Organize cleanroom gear for Kashiwa trip(s).)--
  * Put magnets in flags.
  * Glue flags/prisms at Kashiwa.
 * Reclean stuff:
  * PI (remove Kapton tape etc, etc).
  * LLB damper stuff, especially Cu segments.
 * Try rearranging arc weights to make room for magic wand (3D CAD or actual weights; Fabian or Hirata).
 * If needed based on previous, order longer threaded rods for arc weights on PI (Hirata).
 * Calibrate PI vertical LVDT.
 * Set yoke on PI vertical LVDT (if necessary).
 * Calibrate PI horizontal LVDTs.
 * Unlock BF keystone and try running BF fishing rod to fix sag problem.
 * Move safety bars from BS AF area to SR2 area.
 * Update circuit diagram.
 * (Time permitting) Try adding mass to IP.
 * Update BS Install Procedure with screenshots from new on-assembly-frame 3D CAD.
 * Finish assembly drawing for LBB and LBB damper ring and post on JGWDoc (Hirata-san).
 * Figure out how to make PI yaw adjustment reliable.
Line 104: Line 68:
 * Get clean bag laundered.
Line 106: Line 69:
 * Swap out temporary ballast mass in BF, SF.
Line 108: Line 70:
  * Lock washers for LBB dampers
Line 110: Line 71:
  * Wide-mouth OSEMs from RM to Akutsu-san
 * Adjust height of crossbars below BF.
 * If possible, fix galled pole in BF level of EQ stop.
 * Swap in new F0-SF maraging rod (with 8-mm heads) and new receptacles to match.
 * Check inside SF for lost ruler.
 * Tighten PI yaw return spring.
 * Get Cu O-rings for feedthroughs.
Line 118: Line 72:
Line 119: Line 74:
 * Decide final in-vacuum and in-air cable routing (Enzo).
 * Calibrate all LVDTs (Enzo, Mark).
 * Remove cling wrap in BF and install vacuum-compatible heat shrink.
 * Remove cling wrap on connections for PI vertical stepper and install vacuum-compatible heat shrink (needs wider diameter heat shrink or smaller pins).
 * Rewire PI horizontal steppers with vacuum-compatible cable.
 * Adjust yoke on BF to put top of secondary at 6 mm above top of baseplate (or to give ≈0 counts at nominal height).
 * Update BS Circuit diagram, D1503600
  * --(Note removal of LED/PD on TM OSEMs.)--
  * Include information on assignment of channels to feedthrough positions.
  * Reflect gender-changers and non-flipping feedthrough adapters.
  * Reflect actual cable lengths.
  * Include LVDT pin size (1 mm).
  * Include Stepper pin size (1.6 mm).
  * --(Undo renumbering of IP items.)--
  * --(Page 10: "DIO Card # 0" should be "DIO Card # 1")--
  * --(Include OutConfigBoards on OL page (Sheet 18).)--
  * --(Update HPCD section to reflect:)--
   * --(All three GAS channels are on HPCD #1 and DIO Card #2, CNB cables, Sheet 13.)--
   * --(Three IP channels are on HPCD #0 and DIO Card #2, CNA cables, Sheet 15.)--
Line 133: Line 95:
 * Design and install GAS drift compensation filters.
 * Create a proper DAC Monitor MEDM screen.
 * Improve ADC Monitor MEDM screen.


== SR Prep Tasks ==
=== Design/Purchasing ===
 * Do rough mass budget for SR2/SR3/SRM.
 * Design SR assembly frame.
 * Design final SF ballast masses (Fabian).

VIS Type B BS Near Term To-Do List

Archived BS To-Do Items

SR To-Do Items

Every Week

Coming Weeks

Every Week


  • Vacuum and roll floor.
  • Wipe ladders.
  • Tidy tools, parts.
  • Get stuff from ../WishList


  • Get picomotor drivers back on line.
  • Debug BS BIO connections, especially PI IP.

Main Assembly Sequence

  • Necessary for phase-I★★★
    • Modify IP LVDT damping filters to include set point.

    • TFs.


  • Necessary for phase-II★★
    • Debug BS geophones.
    • Flip circuit boards in BS geophones to make them the same as SRx.
    • Calibrate IP LVDT actuation against IP LVDT sensing. (Klog 3553? http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=3553)

    • Design PI Sensor blending filter.
    • Re-calibrate F0 GAS LVDT
    • Tune the LVDT sensitivity
    • Measure IP period; adjust ballast mass.
  • At some point (remotely)★
    • Improve OL offloading.
    • Improve GAS offloading.
    • Spectral analysis of Oplev.
    • Design, install angular lock servo using OL. (Almost done for phase-I)
    • Adjust gains and debug damping for IM OSEMs and GAS LVDTs. (Almost done for phase-I)
    • Subtract DC level of Geophones.
    • Spectra analysis of PI sensors (PI LVDTs and Geophones).
    • Calibrate IP LVDT sensing against IP LVDT actuation, IP FRs.
    • Set all EQ stops to TBD clearance.
    • Modify the model for IP coil driver control

Documentation and Operation Manual

  • Add useful info from Enzo's notebook to BSData.

Tasks Not To Forget

Major Tasks

  • Move safety bars from BS AF area to SR2 area.
  • Update circuit diagram.
  • (Time permitting) Try adding mass to IP.
  • Update BS Install Procedure with screenshots from new on-assembly-frame 3D CAD.
  • Finish assembly drawing for LBB and LBB damper ring and post on JGWDoc (Hirata-san).
  • Figure out how to make PI yaw adjustment reliable.

Minor Tasks


  • Put pointy-tipped screw in RM trolley for BS
  • Return/replace borrowed parts:
    • Temporary ballast mass (dog clamps) in BF.


  • Update BS Circuit diagram, D1503600
    • Note removal of LED/PD on TM OSEMs.

    • Include information on assignment of channels to feedthrough positions.
    • Reflect gender-changers and non-flipping feedthrough adapters.
    • Reflect actual cable lengths.
    • Include LVDT pin size (1 mm).
    • Include Stepper pin size (1.6 mm).
    • Undo renumbering of IP items.

    • Page 10: "DIO Card # 0" should be "DIO Card # 1"

    • Include OutConfigBoards on OL page (Sheet 18).

    • Update HPCD section to reflect:

      • All three GAS channels are on HPCD #1 and DIO Card #2, CNB cables, Sheet 13.

      • Three IP channels are on HPCD #0 and DIO Card #2, CNA cables, Sheet 15.

Real-time and SUMCON models

  • Create SUMCON models for full BS and major installation milestones.
  • Create controls design description (cf LIGO-T1100378).

  • Make table of ADC/DAC assignments and check for consistency with D1503600 and k1visbs (Enzo, Mark)
  • Understand/document/debug Kokeyama-san's DIO stuff.
  • Measure LPCD and HPCD output filter response.
  • Design and install software compensation filters for LPCD and HPCD output filters.

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/ToDoBS (last edited 2019-01-04 15:21:23 by MarkBarton)