Differences between revisions 34 and 123 (spanning 89 versions)
Revision 34 as of 2018-01-18 19:04:39
Size: 3043
Editor: MarkBarton
Revision 123 as of 2018-11-11 18:41:11
Size: 2205
Editor: MarkBarton
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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=== Facilities === ==== Facilities ====
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 * Wipe ladders.  * Wipe ladders, assembly frame.
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== Coming Weeks ==
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== 2018-01-15 ==
 * Set up SR2 rack
  * --(Get more 1-m power cables and connect up remaining boxes.)-- (No orange ones left - used yellow temporarily.)
  * Run LAN and power cables for stepper drivers.
 * --(Cable RM OSEMs to rack.)--
 * --(Setup QPD and cable to rack.)--
 * --(Fix links to OPLEVINF filter screen from chain screen.)--
 * --(Initialize gains and matrix elements for SR2 OL.)--
 * --(Wash parts for flying saucers.)--
 * Test nuts for flying saucers.
 * Order more nuts for flying saucers.
 * Add DRIVEALIGN button to overview screen.
 * --(Check sizes and in-stock numbers of screws for geophones.)--
  * 20 x M8*35 (need 3*16=48)
  * 35 x M8*30 (need 3*8=24)
  * 4 x Viton disks (need 4)
  * 123 M8 washers (need 3*24=72)
 * --(Do TFs from RM OSEMS to OL pitch/roll.)--
 * --(Make IM OSEMs.)--
 * --(Install load gauge adapter.)--
 * --(Lift IM/RM/SR with LGA, check/adjust total mass and pitch/yaw balance.)--
 * --(Crane in BF.)--
 * --(Install BF-IRM rods and top plate of IRM.)--
 * --(Install BF-IM rod with flying saucer.)--
 * --(Hook IM.)--
 * --(Route cables via flying saucer up to under BF.)--

== 2018-01-22 ==
 * Debug keystone issue.
 * Adjust IM/RM/SR total mass and pitch/roll balance.
 * Test IM picos.
 * Prepare SR3 area for PI test.
 * Check BF yaw pico.

== 2018-01-28 ==
 * Install IRM.
 * Adjust IM OSEMs.
 * Cable IM OSEMs.
 * Do TFs from IM OSEMs to IM OSEMs, OL pitch/yaw.
 * Install pre-calculated BF trim mass.
 * Lift
 * Find in-vac cables:
  * 1 x Type 3-2m
  * 5 x Type 1-2m
 * Review Shoda-san's Guardian.
 * Decide if we're really going to renumber IP channels.
 * Review DIO stuff.
 * Review SR2 model (especially screens, macro text file).
 * Review DAC channel requests.
=== 2018-11-12 ===
==== SRM ====
 * LBB
  * Crane LBB ring sandwich to top of tank.
  * Set tank jacks to nominal height.
 * Main sequence
  * Do vertical height budget.
  * Cable/test IP LVDTs.
  * Cable/test IP FRs.
  * Unlock IP and center roughly.
  * Calibrate IP LVDTs.
  * Check/adjust alignment of SS.
  * Add arc weights and geophones (or extra mass equivalent to geophones).
  * Cable/test geophones.
  * Improve centering/tuning of IP and SS alignment.
==== SR2 (low priority) ====
 * Set up OL pillar and shelf (with Akutsu-san).
 * Set up OL cabling.
 * Set up OL.
Line 75: Line 45:
 * Replace temporary yellow DC power cables in SR2 rack with orange ones.
 * Find out (from Takahashi-san) specifications for geophone pod items:
  * Screws for pod (cap-neck and neck-body).
  * --(Cu O-rings for pod (two sizes).)--
  * Viton O-ring for under geophone.
  * Screws for immobilizing geophone (M4?).
  * Screws for geophone to interface plate.
  * Screws for interface plate to PI.
 * Find or order geophone items.
 * Get geophone circuit boards from Okutomi-san.
 * Find fourth feedthrough
 * Hassle Miyo-kun for stepper drivers.
 * Finish mass budget for SR2/SR3/SRM (Fabian) - mostly done.
 * Design final SF ballast masses (Fabian).
 * Get safety bars moved.
 * Get air hose connection moved.
 * Install SR2 booth thermometer and edit macro.txt file.
=== Tunnel ===
  * Check which LVDT cards are in which boxes.
 * Get at least one BIO Converter chassis fully connected (CONTEC BIO card, WD and stepper motor chassis) for implementation and test of stepper motor reset function.
 * Install, cable PI yaw steppers.
 * Correct flipped connections in SRM PI LVDTs.
 * Check SR2, SR3 TM coil gains for magnet polarity compensation.
 * Replace chipped magnets (12x12x12 mm) in SR3 IP, H1 and H2.

=== Mitaka or remotely ===
 * Write generic Type B Guardian; make BS and SR3 inherit from it; make analog WD optional for now (all suspensions will get them eventually).
 * Create software stepper drivers for SR3 and SRM and link to them from STEP_MASTER.adl screen.
 * Make three in-air stepper splitter cables for SR2, SR3 and SRM. [done?]
 * (Continue to) soak the sapphire prisms off the dummy BS for reuse on the SRM metal mass.
 * Install damping filters for SR2.
 * Review DAC channel requests.
 * Set up SR2 Guardian.
 * Install damping filters for SR2.
 * Split SRx real-time models?

=== Ordering ===
See ../WishList .

VIS Type B SR Near Term To-Do List

Archived To-Do Items

Every Week

Coming Weeks

Preparation for SR Installation

Every Week


  • Vacuum and roll floor.
  • Wipe ladders, assembly frame.
  • Tidy tools, parts.
  • Get stuff from ../WishList

Coming Weeks



  • LBB
    • Crane LBB ring sandwich to top of tank.
    • Set tank jacks to nominal height.
  • Main sequence
    • Do vertical height budget.
    • Cable/test IP LVDTs.
    • Cable/test IP FRs.
    • Unlock IP and center roughly.
    • Calibrate IP LVDTs.
    • Check/adjust alignment of SS.
    • Add arc weights and geophones (or extra mass equivalent to geophones).
    • Cable/test geophones.
    • Improve centering/tuning of IP and SS alignment.

SR2 (low priority)

  • Set up OL pillar and shelf (with Akutsu-san).
  • Set up OL cabling.
  • Set up OL.

SR Prep Tasks - To Be Scheduled


  • Check which LVDT cards are in which boxes.
  • Get at least one BIO Converter chassis fully connected (CONTEC BIO card, WD and stepper motor chassis) for implementation and test of stepper motor reset function.
  • Install, cable PI yaw steppers.
  • Correct flipped connections in SRM PI LVDTs.
  • Check SR2, SR3 TM coil gains for magnet polarity compensation.
  • Replace chipped magnets (12x12x12 mm) in SR3 IP, H1 and H2.

Mitaka or remotely

  • Write generic Type B Guardian; make BS and SR3 inherit from it; make analog WD optional for now (all suspensions will get them eventually).
  • Create software stepper drivers for SR3 and SRM and link to them from STEP_MASTER.adl screen.
  • Make three in-air stepper splitter cables for SR2, SR3 and SRM. [done?]
  • (Continue to) soak the sapphire prisms off the dummy BS for reuse on the SRM metal mass.
  • Install damping filters for SR2.
  • Review DAC channel requests.
  • Set up SR2 Guardian.
  • Install damping filters for SR2.
  • Split SRx real-time models?


See ../WishList .

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/ToDoSR (last edited 2019-01-04 15:25:56 by MarkBarton)