Size: 8915
Size: 9046
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
Line 49: | Line 49: |
* __'''Need to order spare flag bases: 6 of them (Takahashi) -> Status ? '''__ | * __'''Need to order spare flag bases: 6 of them (Takahashi) -> Asking quotation (12/21) '''__ |
Line 54: | Line 54: |
* __'''Takahashi will tell Hirata the proper locations of the pillars. -> status ? *Urgent* '''__ | * __'''Takahashi will tell Hirata the proper locations of the pillars. -> Suggested location is indicated in the assy drawings. '''__ |
Line 60: | Line 60: |
* Check the optimal load for the ETM BFs at the ATC: Need to be done before the end of Jan. __'''Arrange with ATC people (Takahashi) -> Status ? '''__ | * Check the optimal load for the ETM BFs at the ATC: Need to be done before the end of Jan. __'''Arrange with ATC people (Takahashi) -> not yet. '''__ |
Line 80: | Line 80: |
* __'''Need to send more PTFE cable to finish the remaining two -> status '''__ | * __'''Need to send more PTFE cable to finish the remaining two -> will be sent by 25th. '''__ |
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* __'''SUS wire breaker order status (Takahashi) '''__ | * __'''SUS wire breaker order status (Takahashi) -> The quotation was obtained (12/21).'''__ |
Line 106: | Line 106: |
* Need to buy screws for fixing the compensation masses. '''__Takahashi will check the lengths of screws. -> Status ? __''' | * Need to buy screws for fixing the compensation masses. '''__Takahashi will check the lengths of screws. -> M6-16mm and M6-20mm are necessary. __''' |
Line 119: | Line 119: |
* What to do with the dirty RMs ?: __'''Check with ATC if re-polishing the rough surface is possible or not (Takahashi) -> status ? '''__ | * What to do with the dirty RMs ?: __'''Check with ATC if re-polishing the rough surface is possible or not (Takahashi) -> not yet. '''__ |
VIS Meeting on 2015/12/18
2015/12/18 13:30 -
Kamioka TV conference room + SeeVogh
Participants: Joris, Fabian, Hirata, Mark, Fujii, Shoda, Okutomi, Akutsu, Tatsumi, Raffaele, Takahashi
- Schedule status (Aso)
- Latest schedule chart
- PR2 preparation may take much longer
- Need to consider a possibility of installing an ETM first.
- Test Hanging Status (Takahashi)
- Installation into vacuum
- Removed the galled jacks. Used the crane to gently sit the suspension on the frame.
- Two IM OSEM flags were broken. Taken out.
- Now the suspension is freely hanging.
- Blowing test
- Suspension was fine.
- The interface plate was not easily accessible with the air gun.
- Hammering test
- Lowest resonance ~ 15Hz
ATC people wants to have the results and the test condition (Takahashi)
- Cabling
- All the cables are connected. Checked the connection except for the traverser.
- Used cable ties to fix the cables on the ceiling of the clean booth.
- Connecting the picomotor driver to the network for remote control
- EQ stop release
- Leveled the IM
- BF tilt seems to be fine
- Installation into vacuum
OpLev for PR3
- Pillars were set up.
- View ports are there.
- QPD preparation is the remaining thing. Will try next week.
- PR2 Status (Mark, Fabian)
- Collected screws
- RM carriage assembled
- RM assembled
- IM is on the frame. Started alignment.
- What can we do before the PR2 arrives
- Preparation of the flags
- Sand the Ni-plating on the magnets in Mitaka on Monday (Fabian)
- Glue the flags on Tue
Need to order spare flag bases: 6 of them (Takahashi) -> Asking quotation (12/21)
- Preparation of the flags
- We need to secure things for water using Sunoko (duckboard).
- Location of the EQ stop pillars (Takahashi)
Takahashi will tell Hirata the proper locations of the pillars. -> Suggested location is indicated in the assy drawings.
- Digital System (Okutomi, Fujii)
- Created a copy of PR3 model for PR2.
- BF Optimal Weight (Takahashi)
Check the optimal load for the ETM BFs at the ATC: Need to be done before the end of Jan. Arrange with ATC people (Takahashi) -> not yet.
Balast mass design: Fabian will talk with Hirata on Monday.
- Traverser actuation check (Shoda)
Need to check the condition of the traverser. Shoda will call Uraguchi-san from the site on Mon. and ask for his instruction on how to check the traverser.
- Cabling is now done. We can test it.
- Traverser stop mechanism
Procurement status (Takahashi): Parts were delivered. Clean the parts on Monday (Hirata).
- Clean work procedure
Need to check with Miyoki-san when the clean suits will be delivered (Aso) -> 1/15
Ask Hirose-san about better wiping cloths (Aso): Texwipe Vectra Alpha 10 or TX8410. Asking if he has enough or we should order them -> Yes we can use them. Will order more (Aso)
KAGRA should have a special meeting for clean requirements: Aso had a meeting with Saito-san and Hirose-san. But the meeting was interrupted by a car accident. Will propose another meeting.
- PR CAD model and assembly drawings (Hirata)
Need to give the rotation angle of the traverser top plate (Aso)
- Cable status (Takahashi)
- All the cables except for two cables were delivered.
Need to send more PTFE cable to finish the remaining two -> will be sent by 25th.
- Need to send the cables used for the test hanging once it is finshed.
Made a cable list -> Put a link to the excel file on Wiki. Takahashi will improve the table.
- All the cables except for two cables were delivered.
- Cable check
- 70% done.
One cable found to be broken. Will send it back to the company -> status
- Call for shift for assembly help (Takahashi)
Made a call for shift for helping the installation works -> status
- PR2 wire breaker problem (Tatsumi)
- Removal of the wire breakers
SUS wire breaker order status (Takahashi) -> The quotation was obtained (12/21).
Propose to have a special meeting to Hirose-san (Aso)
- Wire cleaning (Hirata)
Hirata will order 20m more wires. -> Delivered. Will wipe in the next week.
Will wash Tungsten wire delivery status -> Delivered. Will wipe in the next week.
- Production of additional PR winches (Akutsu)
- 650um Tungsten wire test with 9.2kg is fine
Will test with 200um wires on Monday (7.2kg) with improved mass clamps (Hirata).
- RM compensation mass
- Design status (Fabian): Now done.
Need to buy screws for fixing the compensation masses. Takahashi will check the lengths of screws. -> M6-16mm and M6-20mm are necessary.
- PR Optical Bench (Akutsu)
- For PR2, we do need to raise the optical bench.
- Delivery date for the screws: Dec. 21
- PR2 vacuum installation will be Jan. 19
- For PR2, we do need to raise the optical bench.
- OSEM assembly status (Akutsu)
- OSEM screw length issue
- We have a lot of M5x20 BUMAX screws
Do we need to use longer ones ? -> Shoda will check with the actual test mass RM -> Seems OK (5mm spare length)
- OSEM screw length issue
- RM production (Takahashi)
What to do with the dirty RMs ?: Check with ATC if re-polishing the rough surface is possible or not (Takahashi) -> not yet.
- Test hanging vacuum installation
- What needs to be done when the suspension is inside the chamber ?
- Transfer function measurement
- Spectrum
- Check the orientation of the mirror
- Check the height with laser marker
- What needs to be done when the suspension is inside the chamber ?
- List of what should be changed for PR3 hanging
- People should share ideas whenever they come up with missing thigns.
- Shoda made a spread sheet for keep tracking the ideas
Missing items(to be purchased soon)
Picomotor drivers (Takahashi)
Signal generators for LVDTs (Aso)
Serial-Ethernet converter: 7 more (Shoda)
Traverser motor driver (Shoda)
Turn backles (bigger and eye). Smaller shackles. (Aso)
- LVDT(Joris)
- Fixing LVDTs
- Next week (from 12/21) plan
- Test hanging
- Mon: Traverser check. QPD preparation.
- Tue: Transfer function measurements
- Wed:
- Thu: Orientation and height check
- Fri: Orientation and height check
- PR2
- Mon: Fabian will sand the magnets in Mitaka. Mark will align the IM
- Tue: Preparation of the clean booth, bring in electronics to the tunnel.
- Wed:
- Thu: Traverser assembly preparation
- Fri: Traverser assembly preparation
- Test hanging
- Travel (Week of 12/21)
- Takahashi: Mon-Tue
- Shoda: Mon-Fri
- Mark: Mon-Tue
- Fabian: Thu-Fri
- Okutomi: Mon-Tue
- Fujii: Mon-Fri
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Ohishi:
- Travel (Week of 1/4)
- Takahashi: Mon-Thu
- Shoda: Mon-Thu
- Mark: Mon-Thu
- Fabian: Tue-Thu
- Okutomi: Mon-Tue (available)
- Fujii: -
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Ohishi:
* Joris: 1/11-1/29
* 1/18 Sekiguchi-kun's PhD defense
- BS Assembly Frame Design (Aso, Hirata)
- BS flag design (Mark, Fabian)
- BS gluing jigs (Tatsumi)
- Not enough crane height problem (Hirata, Saito)
- IP base clamp (Fabian)
- Bread board spring (Takahashi)
- BS clean bag (Aso)
- ETM assembly frame (Aso)
- Got a quotation
- Need to include a clean bag frame. PR one was too weak. Make it stronger
- bKAGRA preparation
List of tasks for: BS, Type-A, Type-Bp modification, IMMT (Takahashi) by the end of the next week. Set up a Wiki page (Aso)
- Watch dog system (Tanaka)
- Will present at an AEL meeting.
- GAS blade inspection by Virgo (Takahashi)
To be shipped soon: Check the deadline for Virgo (Takahashi)
- Request to the ATC for the next year
Production of the blades of the Type-A BF: We should check the consistency of the optimal load at the TAMA prototype experiment and G&M measurements (SF and TF) (Takahashi) -
SF: G&M 164.7kg, TAMA: 165.3kg
TF: G&M 276kg, TAMA: 278kg
No obvious reason to distrust G&M's measurements
- If we can get help from ATC to measure the optimal load in Mitaka, it will be good.
Takahashi will make a plan for the optimal load check and ask ATC. The start of the Type-A install will be Oct. 2016
- How to manufacture the long maraging wires ?
- One prototype was machined by Ojima
Aoshima can do the heat treatment for the long rod. Will ask them soon (Takahashi)
- How to test it ?
- Use the unused assembly frame for Type-B ?
- Safety at the site (Takahashi, Ishizaki)
- Steps and clean belts will be ordered very soon.
Next meeting
2015/12/25 (Fri) 13:30 -
2015/1/8 (Fri) 13:30 - F2F@Mitaka