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← Revision 13 as of 2016-01-23 05:47:04 ⇥
Size: 10579
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* Two of Ando lab. students are available for help. Need to adjust the shcedule depending on the delivery date of the coil bobins. | * Two of Ando lab. students are available for help. '''Need to adjust the shcedule depending on the delivery date of the coil bobins. ''' |
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* IM wire clamps * '''Need to send the wire clams used for the test hanging to I-ject (Takahashi)''' * Wire winches * '''Need to send the old winches back to ATC for repair.''' We need a coordination with Ikenoue-san for this work (Takahashi) |
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* New clean suits and inner wear arrived. Need to request necessary number for VIS. | * New clean suits and inner wear arrived. Need to request necessary number for VIS.Please tell Takahashi-san (everyone) |
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* Site works: more frequent and detailed e-log. Summary e-log on Friday ? * Off-site works: e-log and summary entry before the VIS meeting |
* Both on-site and off-site works should be reported in the KAGRA e-log. * A weekly summary entry should be posted before the weekly meeting: the entry should be an itemized list of things done with links to detailed e-log entries. |
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* Safety belts arrived | * Safety belts arrived. We should use it whenever working on the 2F. |
VIS Meeting on 2016/1/22
2015/1/22 13:30 -
Kamioka TV conference room + SeeVogh
Participants:Shoda, Takahashi, Fujii, Okutomi, Hirata, Aso, Tatsumi, Ishizaki, Fabian, Mark, Akutsu, Raffaele
- Schedule status (Aso)
- Repair work on the clean booth ceiling on 1/25(mon) morning.
- Cleaning of PRM and PR3 chamber in the week of 2/1 (Mon. or Fri). Waiting for answer from Uchiyama-san
- PR3 Installation Status (Takahashi)
- Successfully hang the real PR3 mirror
- RM haning is going on.
- PR3 dusts: they are on the AR side. Remind Hirose-san to comment (Aso)
- Traverser repair. Replaced the broken parts with the PR2 ones. The broken ones were brought back to Mitaka. Uraguchi-san will try to fix them.
Screws to fix the front and back rings the RM were too long, or the tapping in the holes were too short. Couldn't use M5x40. Ordered M5x35 with vent holes. For the moment, we used M5x30 without vent holes. So we need to replace them later.
- #The frame for the clean bag is bent. We cannot remove the nut. Probably we need to cut the rod once we take the suspension out of the chamber. Need to prepare a replacement rod (Aso)
Plan for the next week
- Mon: RM hanging
Tue:Alignment of the RM
Wed:Re-install the EQ stops, install the top plate
- Thu: Install the top plate
- Fri: Remove IM from PR2 hanging frame. Take out the optical table if possible.
- IOO wants the optical bench back (Aso)
- Take out the optical table in the next next week.
#OpLev interference check (Akutsu)
Plan for the next week
- Mon:
- Tue:
- Wed:
- Thu:
- Fri:
iKAGRA ETM suspension
- Disassembly (and cleaning) of the suspensions (Ohishi)
- Disassebled 2 of them
- Cleaned 1 set and a few remaining from the 2nd set
- Started the assembly in Kamioka
- Yamamoto-san will join the assembly work from the next week.
- Ultra-sonic machine was broken: Placed an order today. Expected delivery is Tuesday.
- Procurement of missing parts (Tatsumi, Takahashi)
- Connectors: Will use two D-SUB9, one for coils and another one for Pico-motors
Plates to fix the connectors on the suspension frame were ordered. -> Expected delivery date Feb. 4th.
- We have connector shells, pins and cables.
Coil bobin: Tatsumi-san will check the delivery date-> Feb. 4th.
- PRM transportation (Tatsumi)
- Thin plates to protect magnets arrived
- Plastic container needs to be ordered
- Dummy mirror: Washed and brought to Kamioka already.
- Coil winding (Takahashi)
Wires: will use the capton wires prepared for the LVDT coils. Will send the wire spec. to kagra-seis
Winding tools: Stocked in the 20m lab. Will send it to Kamioka in the next week.
Two of Ando lab. students are available for help. Need to adjust the shcedule depending on the delivery date of the coil bobins.
Plan for the next week
Travel Plans
- Travel (Week of 1/25)
- Takahashi: Wed-Fri
- Mark:
- Fabian:
- Okutomi: Mon-Fri
- Fujii: Mon-Fri
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Ohishi:
- Travel (Week of 2/1)
- Mark:
- Fabian:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Ohishi:
- Joris: 1/11-1/29
Other Mechanical Issues
- BF Optimal Weight (Takahashi)
Inscription of the number on the BF #1 and BS BF should be done.-> Will be done on 1/26. Also plan to install LVDT coils and check the optimal load of BF #5 and #6.
- #Balast masses: Delivery 1/29
- IM wire clamps
Need to send the wire clams used for the test hanging to I-ject (Takahashi)
- Wire winches
Need to send the old winches back to ATC for repair. We need a coordination with Ikenoue-san for this work (Takahashi)
- #Traverser actuation check (Shoda)
- #PR CAD model and assembly drawings (Hirata)
- Aso calculated the rotation angle
- PR3: 0.786deg counter clockwise from the line connecting the centers of the PR3 and BS chambers.
- Will make a report soon.
- Aso calculated the rotation angle
- #Clean work procedure
- Order clean wipes (Aso)
- KAGRA should have a special meeting for clean requirements: Will propose another meeting. (Aso)
- #Wire cleaning (Hirata)
Hirata will order 20m more wires. -> Delivered. Will wipe in the next week. -> Finished. Will send to Kamioka soon.
Will wash Tungsten wire delivery status -> Delivered. Will wipe in the next week -> Finished. Will send to Kamioka soon.
- #Production of additional PR winches (Akutsu)
Shipping status (Takahashi, Hirata) -> Wrapped. Will be shipped with IP in the next week.
- #OSEM assembly status (Akutsu)
- #List of what should be changed for PR3 hanging
- People should share ideas whenever they come up with missing thigns.
- Shoda made a spread sheet for keep tracking the ideas
- All the items are now done or being taken care of
- #Missing items(to be purchased soon)
#Traverser motor driver (Shoda) -> Will discuss Uraguchi-san. Need a box for stepping motor driver. -> These are for PR2. Will be ordered sometime.
- What are necessary in the next few weeks ?
- Nothing
- Electronics diagram and review
Mark will make overview diagrams of VIS electronics by the end of Jan.
Review of PR3 electronics early February
- LVDT distributor connector problem
Miyakawa-san circulated a design of the conversion cable (D9-D15): drawing
- #Digital System (Okutomi, Fujii)
- #Cable status (Takahashi)
Need to send more PTFE cable to finish the remaining two -> Will do it in the next week
Need to send the cables used for the test hanging once it is finished. -> Will send them once the test hanging is disassembled.
- #Cable check
- Liu-kun Zhao-kun finished checking all the cables. They found another broken cable.
- Will send the broken cables together with the other cable related items (Takahashi).
bKAGRA preparation
- Three big categories of the tasks
- Type-A: Leader = Takahashi: Task list, team members
- Type-B (BS and SRC): Leader = Mark: Task list, team members
- Type-Bp modification: Continue discussion (Aso, Raffaele)
Common Issues
- Wire breaker problem (Mark, Tatsumi)
- Prism removal from PR2 (Mark)
SUS wire breaker order status (Takahashi) -> Delivered on 1/22
- BS prism preparation
- Contacted the company LIGO used for the possibility of buying sapphire prisms (Mark)
- They are happy to take an order. No Japanese agent. But international order can be taken.
Will ask for the lead time to the company (Mark)
Can we make SR wire breakers bigger ? Hirata-san's report.
- Making it 3mm taller, then the wire will touch the RM
Asked Fuskushima-san about the possibility of widening the slits (Takahashi) -> It is possible but there is a risk of slight deformation.
- We will try to widen the slit using the dirty RM used for the test hanging.
We need decide on how much to widen. Check what happens if we use 5mm tall prism on CAD (Hirata)
- RM cleaning (Takahashi)
Which RMs are really clean ?-> 1st one and the 2nd one have different finish. So only the 1st one is dirty.
- For the cleaning purpose, using a leutor seems enough
BS and SR
- Task list (Mark): Present a list at the next VIS meeting.
- Flag design (Mark)
- IP base clamp (Fabian): Will finish in the next week
- Bread board spring (Takahashi): Will explain the design in the next VIS meeting
New accelerometer tests for BS IP (Joris)
- Fujii-kun will work with Joris in the next week to learn about the project
- #BS Assembly Frame Design (Aso, Hirata)
- #BS gluing jigs (Tatsumi)
- #Not enough crane height problem (Hirata, Saito)
- #BS clean bag (Aso)
Type A
- Task list (Takahashi): Present at the next VIS meeting.
- Fishing rod production status (Takahashi)
- Ordered the material for the blades.
- Stepping motors were ordered. Will be able to buy all the other stuff within this FY.
- #Type-A Filters Optimal Load Measurements
#Takahashi will make a plan for the optimal load check and ask ATC.-> Check two filters per month from April 2016. -> Will be presented to the ATC steering committee.
- #How to manufacture the long maraging wires ?
- One prototype was machined by Ojima
Aoshima can do the heat treatment for the long rod. Will ask them soon (Takahashi) -> Still waiting for a quotation.
- How to test it ?
- We can use the prototype assembly frame in TAMA.
#Type-Bp modification
- Clean wear
- New clean suits and inner wear arrived. Need to request necessary number for VIS.Please tell Takahashi-san (everyone)
- Work reports
- Both on-site and off-site works should be reported in the KAGRA e-log.
- A weekly summary entry should be posted before the weekly meeting: the entry should be an itemized list of things done with links to detailed e-log entries.
- #Installation procedure document
- Many people need to contribute to the document. However, we need one person responsible for the consistency of the document.
- BS installation document: Mark will be the editor.
- #Watch dog system (Tanaka)
- Presentation at the next AEL meeting
- #GAS blade inspection by Virgo (Takahashi)
- Shipped the blades. Will get results in 1-2 months.
- Safety
- Safety belts arrived. We should use it whenever working on the 2F.
- We got a flat tire on the lease car. Be careful when driving in the snow.
Next meeting
2015/1/29 (Fri) 13:30 -
The next F2F at Mitaka: 2/19