Differences between revisions 8 and 9
Revision 8 as of 2016-02-04 17:29:31
Size: 1548
Editor: YoichiAso
Revision 9 as of 2016-02-05 04:41:33
Size: 1578
Editor: YoichiAso
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== Agenda == == Minutes ==
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   * Overview diagram was drawn on a white board (picture)    * Overview diagram was drawn on a white board ([[attachment:IMG_2565.jpeg|picture]])

iKAGRA VIS electronics review

2016/2/4 15:00 -

Participants: Takahashi, Aso, Mark, Shoda, Raffaele, Akutsu, Okutomi, Fujii, Sekiguchi


  • PR3 electronics diagram (Mark)
  • Discussion
    • We went through the cables for PR3.
      • Overview diagram was drawn on a white board (picture)

        • Blue double circles indicates cables to be replaced from the test hanging (because of wrong pin-out).
        • Red check marks mean we checked the corresponding cable
      • Missing parts -> nothing

      • Connection between an LVDT driver and an ADC required a gender changer. Against the general policy of KAGRA electronics, the output connector of the LVDT driver is male (output should be female in the policy). Therefore, a gender changer was necessary. We should add a gender changer at the output of the LVDT driver.
      • Picomotor cabling was done differently from Mark's diagram
        • We will keep the wiring as is for iKAGRA
        • Make a new DCC document for iKAGRA PR3 cable diagram.
        • Make a modification in this new document. Put a note that the wiring is different in bKAGRA.
      • Stepper motor: TMCM box design will be circulated to VIS and AEL by Shoda by the end of Feb.
    • Future improvement
      • We need an overview schematic like the one drawn in the meeting with links to more detailed documents.
      • From the schematic, we should generate a table of necessary cables
      • We should use this table to check if we have all the necessary cables

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20160204 (last edited 2016-02-05 10:10:14 by YoichiAso)