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* Design for additional trim masses (existing design had no provision for adding/removing). | * Design for additional IM trim masses (existing design had one mass per corner and no provision for adding/removing). |
VIS Meeting on 2016/5/20
2016/5/20 13:30 -
Room 210
Overall Schedule
The current overall schedule chart.
iKAGRA related activities
- PR3 post-run work status (Shoda)
- Planned works
- 5/16: measurement of PR3 mirror position relative to the vacuum tank
5/17: OpLev wind shield test?, Inner frame status check.
- 5/18: Extended chief meeting
- 5/19, 20: Evacuation
- Planned works
IP tests in Kamioka
- Status report (Fujii)
- Control test may be performed with the hanging test of BS
- Ask Joris what is his intention and schedule (Raffaele)
- Ask if we can perform the control test remotely (Aso)
bKAGRA preparation
Important Issues
- Suspended bread board
- #Many critical components will be installed on it (baffles, steering mirrors for the green injection etc)
- We have to make sure that the bread board suspension is properly damped
- Takahashi checked Sekiguchi thesis
- Damping effect depends on the ratio of mass and resonant frequency. Estimated effect was 0.45 for the experiments. The number of magnets needed in the same condition is about half.
- Accelerometers for IP
- Geophone is too noisy for innertial damping in Kamioka
- TAMA SAS accelerometers for Type-A
- NIKHEF accelerometers for BS ?
- Which accelerometers for SR ?
- Buy from NIKHEF ? How much is the cost ?
- Get the design from NIKHEF and produce them in Japan (ATC) ?
- Pre-isolator assembly and tests
- What is the plan for SR Type-B
- Takahashi and Mark will start the discussion on, where, who, when.
- Bottom filter local sensor for Type-A
Tell SEO about the wider cross tube -> Wider tube is not possible
Fix EQ stop at the bottom ? -> This is possible
- #EQ stop design should take into account of the sensor/actuator mounts.
- #Use the same sensor/actuator as Type-Bp ?
- #Sato-san is responsible for this part.
- #Dummy payload design for Type-A
- Okutomi-kun is assigned.
Common Issues
- Wide OSEM production (Akutsu)
- For BS test hanging, we need the wider version by mid-to-late June.
Got cost estimates for the small parts. Will order for 20 OSEMs.
Length sensing OpLev
- #In order to test this with the BS test haning, we want to have wide OSEMs as witness sensors on the mirror.
- #Stab-flag and tipped flag are both in quotation. We will order both. The gluing jigs will be the same.
#Who will design and prepare the BS length sensing OpLev ? -> Ask Simon (Aso) -> in progress
- #What shall we do with PR2
PR2 chamber has only one viewport avaibale at 45deg. angle for OpLev
Original idea: Put a reflecting mirror on the bread board and monitor the rotation of the bread board with another OpLev.
- No length sensing
Two OpLevs needed
Another idea: Introduce the light with a fiber into the vacuum chamber to form a one-way 45deg. OpLev for length sensing.
- Length sensing possible
- Affected by the vacuum chamber tilt (if we mount the fiber collimator to the inner frame, the tilt will be less).
- Need to find a place to mount the fiber collimator inside the vacuum chamber
See if we can find any mounting point on the inner frame (Akutsu) by the next next VIS meeting.
- What are necessary in the next few weeks ?
- We need to count the number of necessary circuits for Type-A and Type-Bp, so that we can tell AEL the total number necessary for VIS.
Make a list by the end of May (Shoda, Takahashi)List
- There are some uncertainties in the number of necessary circuits.
- Make a list with ranges of numbers for uncertain things by the next VIS meeting (Takahashi). Then talk to AEL.
- Watch dog system (Tanaka)
- photo-MOS relay switch resistance fluctuation
Noise requirement for the resistance fluctuation is necessary (Aso)
Tanaka measured the photo-MOS relay resistance fluctuation-> 37mOhm RMS upper limit
- Will make spectrum of the resistance fluctuation.
DC-DC convertor noise check: quiter than a battery ?
#The next step: Make a prototype with slow shutdown mechanism
- photo-MOS relay switch resistance fluctuation
- Past Week Summary
- Fabian did inventory of parts/fasteners for dummy BS, RM, IM and IRM - almost all at Mitaka. A handful (picos, pico drivers) will be brought back from Kamioka.
- Fabian continued work on Mathematica and Matlab models of the BS and control system. He now gets much better agreement after correcting discrepancies between the parameter sets.
- Hirata-san worked on:
- Checking Mirapro assembly frame drawings
- Ordering missing screws and small items (screws for dummy mass, fine pitch M8 for RM)
- Work platforms and clean booth second floor arrangement.
Load gauge adapter and associated parts
- Possible fall-back plans for the rods connecting the security structure to the PI.
- Design for additional IM trim masses (existing design had one mass per corner and no provision for adding/removing).
Mark worked more on E1504235 BS Assembly Procedure (Draft on OneDrive)
Mark designed a guide part to help place the PI accurately onto the security structure.
- Need more realistic schedule
- Take into account the preparation of SR suspensions
- SRM and PRM payloads need to be ordered.
- IM assembly
- Planning to do it in ATC. Use the clean room used for the SF assembly.
- Fabian will start the preparation from the next week.
- Wires
Fabian continued analysis of RM wire thickness versus mode frequency: link, another link,yet another link (From last week: T1605106 /draft)
- Can we make SR wire breakers bigger?
Fukushima-san preparing test: 3/4/2016 + "1 month" = ≈4/1/2016, not ready as of 4/8.-> Takahashi will ask the status.
- Flags, Prisms
- BS dummy optic
Ordered, expected ≈4/22 (T1604811)
- Decided to have it shipped to Mitaka for initial assembly and give it to Tatsumi-san for prisms/flags.
- Mirror box (Tatsumi)
- Tatsumi-san has ordered modifications to mirror box for final flags and prisms.
- An extra structure attached to the EQ stop to prevent tipping over of the BS.
- Will consider if we can make it to the test hanging. But not critical for the test hanging.
- No action since last week.
- Not enough crane height problem (Hirata, Saito)
- No action since last week
- EQ stop screws, extensions and lock nuts (in manufacture - promised for 4/22)
- Ballast masses for payload
Hirata-san created drawings DropBox link
- Drawings were checked by Mark, not yet ordered.
- Lower breadboard stuff
- Breadboard spring bases and associated cable clamps (in manufacture, expected 4/15)
- Breadboard springs (in manufacture)
- Damper ring mods (in manufacture, expected 4/28)
- Nail-head parts: quote from Mirapro received, not urgent, will be combined with assembly frame order.
- BS Assembly Frame Design (Mark, Hirata)
- Hirata-san did new Inventor assembly with Mirapro's initial design plus various improvements including clean bag supports.
- Clean bag
- Ordered - expected 6/8.
- 2D and 3D CAD
- BS 3D Assembly
- 3D CAD for BS assembly frame revised again (seismometers changes to geophones).
- Electronics
- Item list and timetable was given to Miyakawa-san - some corrections received and added to schematic but not yet posted.
- Status on AEL boxes OK according to Miyakawa-san.
- Need to order LVDT oscillator cards from NIKHEF (Takahashi) and have a signal generator and cable in the meantime (Mark).
- Need to get new longer versions of some previously ordered BF-PI and SF-PI cables (Takahashi).
- Need to check previously ordered TM-BF and IM-BF OSEM cables have been flipped (Takahashi).
- Decided to hand-make cables for geophones because previously ordered cables have no conductor on pin 5.
Stepper drive box (requested by Sekiguchi-san T1503385) is being designed, should be ready in time.
- Procedure documents
Mark worked on BS Assembly Procedure E1504235 draft
Type A
Task list (Takahashi)
Clean booth design for 2F
Prototype testof the EQ stop
- Purpose of the test needs to be clarified to decide on where to perform the test.
- The test of prototype long maraging rod was finished
- Will order them with maraging rods for the cryogenic payload early July. The lead time is 2 months.
- Type-B Standard Filters preparation
5 SF measurements were done.
- The shell of the 2 filters were too tight. Were able to open but could not close one of them.
- The ones we cannot close the shell, we can use them for the Type-Bp.
- Ship them to Kamioka
- Type-A SF preparation
- Needs to cut more finshing rod blades.
- The next Type-A meeting will be on 5/26.
- #Simultion (Okutomi)
- #Local sensors for BF
Type-Bp modification
- Modification for bKAGRA
- wiki
- Discussing with ATC people for the mechanical modification.
- Got some comments
- Estimating the noise requirements for the BF sensor/actuator
- Full CAD model of the original Type-Bp needs to be created
Site work plan for the next week
Mon:PR3 measurements, IP
- Tue: PR3 measurements, IP
- Wed: Extended Chief Meeting
- Thu: PR3 measurements, IP
- Fri: PR3 vacuum evacuation, IP
Travel Plans
- Travel (Week of 5/16)
- Takahashi: 17-20 (chief meeting and IP)
Shoda:16-20 (PR3)
- Mark:
- Fabian:
Okutomi:15-18 (PR3)
Fujii:17-20 (IP)
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Ohishi:
- Travel (Week of 5/23):
- Takahashi:
- Shoda: Elba
- Mark:
- Fabian:
- Okutomi: Elba
Fujii:23-27 (Accelerometer, PR3)
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Ohishi:
Mark is away: July 8-20
Safety:no incident
- #GAS blade inspection by Virgo (Takahashi)
- Shipped the blades. Will get results in 1-2 months.
Next meeting
2016/5/20(Fri) 13:30 -