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VIS Meeting on 2016/5/27
2016/5/27 13:30 -
Room 210
Overall Schedule
The current overall schedule chart.
iKAGRA related activities
- PR3 post-run work status (Fujii)
bKAGRA preparation
Important Issues
- Suspended bread board
- #Many critical components will be installed on it (baffles, steering mirrors for the green injection etc)
- We have to make sure that the bread board suspension is properly damped
- Takahashi checked Sekiguchi thesis
- Damping effect depends on the ratio of mass and resonant frequency. Estimated effect was 0.45 for the experiments. The number of magnets needed in the same condition is about half.
30 magnets necessary for the gap of 5mm -> need to update the calculation for the double pendulum case (Takahashi)
Accelerometers for IP
Is Geophone too noisy for innertial damping in Kamioka ? (Shoda) Slides
- NIKHEF accelerometers for BS
- Test status (Fujii)
- #Which accelerometers for SR ?
- Buy from NIKHEF ? How much is the cost ?
- Get the design from NIKHEF and produce them in Japan (ATC) ?
Pre-isolator assembly and tests
- What is the plan for SR Type-B
Takahashi and Mark will start the discussion on, where, who, when -> continue.
- Bottom filter local sensor/actuator for Type-A
- Any progress ?
- What is the space available for the sensors/actuators ?
- Fix EQ stop at the bottom: modify the design of the bottom part of the EQ stop to be tightly fit into the tube.
- Any progress ?
- Dummy payload design for Type-A
- Okutomi-kun is assigned.
Okutomi will make schematic design. One of the engineers will make drawings. Report more detailed plan by the next week (Takahashi).
- Bottom Filter LVDT
- Virgo people wants to produce ones for us.
Common Issues
- Wide OSEM production (Akutsu)
- For BS test hanging, we need the wider version by mid-to-late June.
- Got cost estimates for the small parts. Will order for 20 OSEMs.
Length sensing OpLev
- Optical design will be discussed in Optics Meeting.
- What shall we do with PR2
Fixing an OpLev component on the inner frame seems possible (Akutsu)
What are necessary in the next few weeks ?
Make a list of VIS electronics by the end of May (Shoda, Takahashi) -> List
- Presented the list to AEL. Miyakawa-san agreed.
- Need to update the list to include IMMT
- Discuss how many spares to make at the next AEL meeting
- Watch dog system (Tanaka)
- Wants to do tests with the existing PR3 sometime in fall ? Need coordination.
- photo-MOS relay switch resistance fluctuation
- Noise requirement for the resistance fluctuation is necessary (Aso)
- If we require the resistance noise to be smaller than DAC noise, the allowed fluctuation is 10^-7 Ohm/sqrt(Hz)@10Hz.
- Asking Michimua-kun to calculate the requirements from the suspension response.
Tanaka measured the photo-MOS relay resistance fluctuation-> 37mOhm RMS upper limit
- Will make spectrum of the resistance fluctuation.
- Noise requirement for the resistance fluctuation is necessary (Aso)
#The next step: Make a prototype with slow shutdown mechanism
- Type B Past Week Summary
- Fabian prepared a work space in the ATC cleanroom and moved in nearly all the parts for the dummy BS, RM, IM and IRM.
Fabian finally got perfect agreement between the Mathematica and Matlab models of the BS. (The wire thicknesses had in µm instead of mm, leading to some modes off by 1E3.) See FabianMathMat20160526.pdf.
- Hirata-san remeasured the BF for the BS. He noted that the cap went on and came off easily (unlike some other filters) - good news.
- Hirata-san worked on final details of the Mirapro order for the assembly frame.
- Hirata-san and Takahashi-san washed a large batch of parts.
- Tatsumi-san will glue flags, sapphire primary prisms and metal secondary prisms to the dummy BS some time in the week of 6/8. Fabian and possibly Mark and/or Hirata-san will travel to KEK to help and observe.
Mark worked more on E1504235 BS Assembly Procedure (Draft on OneDrive)
- IM, RM, IRM, dummy BS assembly
- Fabian prepared space in the clean room used for the SF assembly and moved in nearly all parts.
- Still need to find SDC-treated hook for maraging wire in IM.
- Will start assembly 5/30
- Wires
Fabian continued analysis of RM wire thickness versus mode frequency: link, another link,yet another link (From last week: T1605106 /draft)
- Can we make SR wire breakers bigger?
Fukushima-san preparing test: 3/4/2016 + "1 month" = ≈4/1/2016, not ready as of 4/8.-> Takahashi will ask the status.
- Flags, Metal Prisms, Sapphire prisms RECEIVED
- Mirror box (Tatsumi)
- Tatsumi-san is planning to use mirror box to put flags etc on dummy BS the week of 6/8. Fabian+1 will help/observe.
- An extra structure attached to the EQ stop to prevent tipping over of the BS.
- Will consider if we can make it to the test hanging. But not critical for the test hanging.
- No action since last week.
- Not enough crane height problem (Hirata, Saito)
- No action since last week
- EQ stop screws, extensions and lock nuts RECEIVED
- Ballast masses for payload
- Initial batch received - ordered extra smaller ones to allow for adjustments.
- Lower breadboard stuff
Assembly procedure ?
- Breadboard spring bases and associated cable clamps RECEIVED
- Breadboard springs (in manufacture)
- Damper ring mods RECEIVED
- Nail-head parts: quote from Mirapro received, not urgent, will be combined with assembly frame order.
- BS Assembly Frame Design (Mark, Hirata)
- Final assembly frame quote received; is being extended to included lower breadboard part modifications.
- Clean bag
- Ordered - expected 6/8.
- 2D and 3D CAD
- Electronics
- Item list and timetable was given to Miyakawa-san - some corrections received and added to schematic but not yet posted.
- Status on AEL boxes OK according to Miyakawa-san.
- Signal generator and cable to be used for BS test. May order NIKHEF cards later if concern about AC-driven units in racks.
- Need to get new longer versions of some previously ordered BF-PI and SF-PI cables (Takahashi).
- Need to check previously ordered TM-BF and IM-BF OSEM cables have been flipped (Takahashi).
- Decided to hand-make cables for geophones because previously ordered cables have no conductor on pin 5.
Stepper drive box (requested by Sekiguchi-san T1503385) is being designed, should be ready in time.
- Procedure documents
Mark worked on BS Assembly Procedure E1504235 draft
Type A
Task list (Takahashi)
Clean booth design for 2F
- Ask Miyoki-san to add cable racks
- Prototype test of the EQ stop
- Will do the test in ATC
- EQ stop and assembly frame prototype were shipped to Mitaka
- Will start the preparation from the next
- Sensors to monitor the release of the SFs from the EQ stop.
- Now considering to use some touch sensors
- Will test this sensor in the prototype test
- #The test of prototype long maraging rod was finished
- Will order them with maraging rods for the cryogenic payload early July. The lead time is 2 months.
- Type-B Standard Filters preparation
- 6th SF measurements were done ?
- Shipped the SF for BS to Mitaka.
- Ship the measured SFs to Kamioka at an apropriate time
- Type-A SF preparation
Needs to cut more finshing rod blades -> ATC is working on it now.
- The next Type-A meeting will be on 5/26.
- Simultion (Okutomi)
- #Local sensors for BF
Type-Bp modification
- Modification for bKAGRA
- wiki
- Discussing with Saito-san of ATC
- Specified what can be modified
- Asked to fix the EQ stop to the traverser
- Asked Fujii-kun to work on the noise requirements for the BF sensor/actuator
- Still waiting for the LVDT design from Virgo
- Full CAD model of the original Type-Bp needs to be created
Site work plan for the next week
- Mon:
- Tue:
- Wed:
- Thu:
- Fri:
Travel Plans
- Travel (Week of 5/30)
- Takahashi:
- Shoda:
- Mark:
- Fabian:
- Okutomi:
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Ohishi:
- Sato:
- Travel (Week of 6/6):
- Takahashi:
- Shoda:
- Mark:
- Fabian:
- Okutomi:
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Ohishi:
Mark is away: July 8-20
Safety:no incident
- #GAS blade inspection by Virgo (Takahashi)
- Shipped the blades. Will get results in 1-2 months.
Next meeting
2016/6/3(Fri) 13:30 -
Next VIS F2F 6/10 ?