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* Put a report here | * Started making a schedule but still struggling with Windows installation. * Wrote a report on BS position measurement in Japanese. Preparing a pictorial version. |
Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2016/7/1
2016/7/1 13:30 - 15:00 @ Room 210
Progress report
Type-A (Takahashi)
- Simulation (Okutomi)
Type-B (Mark)
- Type B Past Week Summary
- Mark and Fabian worked at Kamioka with Fujii-san:
- We attempted to measure the tilt sensitivity of the accelerometers by adding shims under the legs but gave up when we discovered that picking up and putting down the accelerometer perturbs the zero point even without shims. We will probably need a special tilt stage to do this properly.
- We took some frequency and Q measurements. The results were amplitude dependent. Joris thinks that this is due to not operating the accelerometers close enough to zero DC output.
- We set up for a test of the geophone noise. One geophone is reading half the output of the others - one of the adapter cables is broken.
- Hirata-san:
- Received extra compensation masses and washed them.
- Received PI guides, assembled them and shipped them to Kamioka.
- Received backup set of pillar for security structure (with M10 instead of M12 holes at top).
- Removed adhesive from base of BS flags in preparation for regluing.
- Did assembly drawings for cable clamps and other add-on parts for BF and SF.
- Mark and Fabian worked at Kamioka with Fujii-san:
- Type B ongoing issues
- Wires
- Need to decide RM wire thickness and order BS and RM wires. Lead time is a few days from Nilaco.
- Akutsu-san is working to get wide-mouth OSEMs
Longer cables for BF->PI and SF->PI.
- Connectors RECEIVED, cables being made.
- Feedthrough Adapters
- Connectors RECEIVED.
- SR machining test ONGOING.
- Installation stuff
- "Ceiling" work in BS clean booth (removal of second floor section) scheduled for Fri 7/1.
- Assembly frame construction scheduled for 7/4
- Ballast masses for payload
- Initial batch received - ordered extra smaller ones to allow for adjustments.
- Lower breadboard stuff
- Installation to be incorporated into the procedure document. Mark/Takahashi to discuss.
- Breadboard springs (in manufacture, expected end of July)
- Nail-head parts - ordered with assembly frame, will arrive next week.
- Documents
BS Assembly Procedure E1504235, E1504235 draft
- Wires
Type-Bp (Shoda)
- Type-Bp 3D Drawings
- Discussed with Virgo people about F7 LVDTs.
Obtained Virgo LVDT 2D drawings. -> Sent to Saito-san@ATC to implement them to Type-Bp modification.
- Sent some information about the KAGRA LVDT circuit to Virgo so that they can see if we can use the same circuits.
- Type-Bp design review is planned to be held in the week of 19th.
- Discussed with Virgo people about F7 LVDTs.
- Simulation
- The matrices to simulate the coupling to other DOFs by shifting the actuator position is implemented.
- The actuator position at BF does not seem to affect the performance so much. More detailed simulation required.
- The matrices to simulate the coupling to other DOFs by shifting the actuator position is implemented.
- Installation related issues
- Making the plan for the overall installation plan, such as how to install the optical bench and how the the assembly frame should look like.
- Report will be submitted by 7th.
- Making the plan for the overall installation plan, such as how to install the optical bench and how the the assembly frame should look like.
- Others
- ACC work is taken over to Type-B team.
- Fujii-kun is making a report about ACC.
- ACC work is taken over to Type-B team.
IMMT (Ohishi)
- Started making a schedule but still struggling with Windows installation.
- Wrote a report on BS position measurement in Japanese. Preparing a pictorial version.
Watchdog system (Tanaka)
Experiment Report.PDF
- Any issue?
- LVDT for BF damping (Shoda, Raffaele)
- Inertial Sensors for Type-B (Mark, Fujii)
Site work plan for the next week
Mon:Mark and Fabian for BS preparation
- Tue: Mark and Fabian for BS preparation, Takahashi and Ishizaki for Type-A preparation
- Wed: Mark and Fabian for BS preparation, Takahashi and Ishizaki for Type-A preparation
- Thu: Mark and Fabian for BS preparation, Takahashi and Ishizaki for Type-A preparation
- Fri:
Travel Plans
- Travel (Week of 7/4):
- Takahashi: 4-7 (extended chief meeting, site check for the installation of Type-A)
- Shoda: 4 (extended chief meeting)
Mark:4-6 (preparation for BS installation)
- Fabian:
- Okutomi:
- Fujii:
Ishizaki:5-7 (site check for the installation of Type-A)
Hirata:4-6 (preparation for BS installation)
- Sato: 5-7 (site check for the installation of Type-A)
- Ohishi:
- Travel (Week of 7/11):
- Takahashi:
- Shoda:
- Mark:
- Fabian:
- Okutomi:
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Sato:
- Ohishi:
Mark is away: July 8-20
Next meeting
2016/7/8(Fri) 13:30 - F2F@Mitaka