Differences between revisions 1 and 5 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2016-07-06 09:43:51
Size: 1574
Editor: YoichiAso
Revision 5 as of 2016-07-08 03:45:40
Size: 4868
Editor: MarkBarton
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Put a report here
 * Type B Past Week Summary
  * Mark did a Type B schedule presentation at the Extended Chiefs Meeting. It was decided to order a second assembly frame so that the BS/SR2/SR3/SRM installations can overlap more.
  * Mark and Hirata-san helped Mirapro construct the assembly frame ([[https://goo.gl/photos/tVGoebw7FTRMAYB2A|photos]]).
  * Mark and Hirata-san took the jacks and adapter plates off the frame, and cleaned them to remove as much of the original grease as possible. Takahashi-san re-greased them with vacuum grease.
  * Mark and Hirata-san wiped down the assembly frame and put the clean bag on it.
  * Saito-san, Ohishi-san and several people from Mirapro adjusted the position of the BS chamber.
  * Mark plugged the geophones back into the PR2 rack and checked that the repaired cable was working.
  * Fabian did more pre-assembly of the RM/IM/IRM.
  * Takahashi-san ordered 10 mm diameter x 10 mm long magnets for the IM flags.
  * Mark inspected the SR2 section of the clean booth to see where SR2 assembly could be done. The slot in the ceiling for the crane runs in the ±X direction (at right angles to that for the BS), and there are suitable space on both the +X and the -X sides of the SR2 tank.
  * Hasegawa-san (of Hirose-san's lab) took delivery of the cup for removing the prisms on the dummy BS. It fits well.
  * Tatsumi-san ordered [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5357|modifications]] to the BS gluing jig to make it easier to remove the pieces holding the flags after the flags are attached. The parts are expected Fri 7/8. He also ordered more EP30, but this won't arrive until the week of 7/18.
 * Type B ongoing issues
  * OSEMs
   * Akutsu-san is working to get wide-mouth OSEMs
  * Longer cables for BF->PI and SF->PI.
   * Connectors RECEIVED, cables being made.
  * SR machining test ongoing.
  * Lower breadboard stuff
   * Installation to be incorporated into the procedure document. Mark/Takahashi to discuss.
   * Breadboard springs (in manufacture, expected end of July)
   * Nail-head parts - RECEIVED.
  * Documents
   * BS Assembly Procedure [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4235| E1504235]], [[https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=D5CCFA70A378E0D0!195&authkey=!AM_usynuo9QI57g&ithint=folder,webloc|E1504235 draft]]
 * To-do list during Mark's vacation
  * Apply grease to jacks for assembly frame (Takahashi)
  * Finish assembly of BS IM, RM and IRM (Fabian).
  * Weigh IM/RM/IRM (Fabian, Hirata)
  * Pack/ship IM/RM/IRM to Kamioka (Hirata/Fabian).
  * Analyze geophone data (Mark, Shoda)
  * Remove glue from dummy BS face (Fabian)
  * Remove prism from dummy BS (Hirose, Fabian?)
  * Reglue flags and prisms (Tatsumi, Fabian)
  * Buy wire for BS and RM (Hirata)
  * Clean wire for BS and RM (Hirata)
  * Do fit/function test of winches (Fabian/Hirata)
  * Ship winches to Kamioka (Hirata/Fabian)
  * Work on BS simulation (Fabian)
  * Do Inventor assembly for SR2 in chamber and on assembly frame (Hirata)
  * Write more of payload assembly procedure (Fabian)
  * Write more of main assembly procedure (Mark)
 * Longer term to-do list
  * Do BS Simulink model (Mark, Kokeyama)
  * Do 2D drawings of SR2 parts (Hirata)
  * Redesign SRx IM wire clamps for larger prisms, remachined RMs.
  * Order SRM/PRM parts (Hirata/Shoda)
  * Order SRx fasteners (Hirata)
  * Check SR RM machining test progress (Hirata)
Line 28: Line 74:
 * LVDT for BF damping (Shoda, Raffaele)
  * The next meeting on July 11th
  * Check if the current design of Virgo LVDT will fit to our systems
  * If so, we will produce them in Japan
  * Two sample LVDTs will be sent to Japan
Line 35: Line 76:
 * What to do with the SR preparation
  * Call for shifts ?

Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2016/7/8

2016/7/8 13:30 - @ Room 210


Progress report

Schedule Chart (PDF,MPP)

Type-A (Takahashi)

  • Put a report here

Type-B (Mark)

  • Type B Past Week Summary
    • Mark did a Type B schedule presentation at the Extended Chiefs Meeting. It was decided to order a second assembly frame so that the BS/SR2/SR3/SRM installations can overlap more.
    • Mark and Hirata-san helped Mirapro construct the assembly frame (photos).

    • Mark and Hirata-san took the jacks and adapter plates off the frame, and cleaned them to remove as much of the original grease as possible. Takahashi-san re-greased them with vacuum grease.
    • Mark and Hirata-san wiped down the assembly frame and put the clean bag on it.
    • Saito-san, Ohishi-san and several people from Mirapro adjusted the position of the BS chamber.
    • Mark plugged the geophones back into the PR2 rack and checked that the repaired cable was working.
    • Fabian did more pre-assembly of the RM/IM/IRM.
    • Takahashi-san ordered 10 mm diameter x 10 mm long magnets for the IM flags.
    • Mark inspected the SR2 section of the clean booth to see where SR2 assembly could be done. The slot in the ceiling for the crane runs in the ±X direction (at right angles to that for the BS), and there are suitable space on both the +X and the -X sides of the SR2 tank.
    • Hasegawa-san (of Hirose-san's lab) took delivery of the cup for removing the prisms on the dummy BS. It fits well.
    • Tatsumi-san ordered modifications to the BS gluing jig to make it easier to remove the pieces holding the flags after the flags are attached. The parts are expected Fri 7/8. He also ordered more EP30, but this won't arrive until the week of 7/18.

  • Type B ongoing issues
    • OSEMs
      • Akutsu-san is working to get wide-mouth OSEMs
    • Longer cables for BF->PI and SF->PI.

      • Connectors RECEIVED, cables being made.
    • SR machining test ongoing.
    • Lower breadboard stuff
      • Installation to be incorporated into the procedure document. Mark/Takahashi to discuss.
      • Breadboard springs (in manufacture, expected end of July)
      • Nail-head parts - RECEIVED.
    • Documents
  • To-do list during Mark's vacation
    • Apply grease to jacks for assembly frame (Takahashi)
    • Finish assembly of BS IM, RM and IRM (Fabian).
    • Weigh IM/RM/IRM (Fabian, Hirata)
    • Pack/ship IM/RM/IRM to Kamioka (Hirata/Fabian).
    • Analyze geophone data (Mark, Shoda)
    • Remove glue from dummy BS face (Fabian)
    • Remove prism from dummy BS (Hirose, Fabian?)
    • Reglue flags and prisms (Tatsumi, Fabian)
    • Buy wire for BS and RM (Hirata)
    • Clean wire for BS and RM (Hirata)
    • Do fit/function test of winches (Fabian/Hirata)
    • Ship winches to Kamioka (Hirata/Fabian)
    • Work on BS simulation (Fabian)
    • Do Inventor assembly for SR2 in chamber and on assembly frame (Hirata)
    • Write more of payload assembly procedure (Fabian)
    • Write more of main assembly procedure (Mark)
  • Longer term to-do list
    • Do BS Simulink model (Mark, Kokeyama)
    • Do 2D drawings of SR2 parts (Hirata)
    • Redesign SRx IM wire clamps for larger prisms, remachined RMs.
    • Order SRM/PRM parts (Hirata/Shoda)
    • Order SRx fasteners (Hirata)
    • Check SR RM machining test progress (Hirata)

Type-Bp (Shoda)

  • Put a report here

IMMT (Ohishi)

  • Put a report here

Watchdog system (Tanaka)

  • Put a report here


  • Any issue ?


  • Inertial Sensors for Type-B (Mark, Fujii)
    • Geophone performance results (Fabian)
  • What to do with the SR preparation
    • Call for shifts ?

Site work plan for the next week

  • Mon: Takahshi (witness/supervise the installation of a cross-tube)
  • Tue:
  • Wed:
  • Thu:
  • Fri:

Travel Plans

  • Travel (Week of 7/11):
    • Takahashi:11 (Cross tube installation)

    • Shoda:
    • Mark:
    • Fabian:
    • Okutomi:
    • Fujii:
    • Ishizaki:
    • Hirata:
    • Sato:
    • Ohishi:
  • Travel (Week of 7/18):
    • Takahashi:
    • Shoda:
    • Mark:
    • Fabian:
    • Okutomi:
    • Fujii:
    • Ishizaki:
    • Hirata:
    • Sato:
    • Ohishi:

Mark is away: July 8-20

Next meeting

2016/7/15(Fri) 13:30 - (Aso will be absent)

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20160708 (last edited 2016-07-08 21:13:44 by YoichiAso)