⇤ ← Revision 1 as of 2016-07-27 13:51:45
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* [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeA|Minutes of Type-A Meeting]] * Simulation (Okutomi) * Will calculate the requirements for the sensor noise * Will calculate the requirements for the actuator coupling and coil driver noise * Type-A installation procedure review in the second week of August. |
* Put a report here |
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[[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/MeetingNAOJ]] * Discussion * Next week, Type-B team will stay in Tokyo to finish remaining tasks * Type B Past Week Summary * Hirata-san wiped one set each of wires for the BS and RM (additional sets pending). * Hirata-san washed remachined locking parts for the IM and screws for jacks. * Hirata-san liaised with Ikenoue-san of ATC to get new winch parts designed for the new wire thicknesses. Ikenoue-san provided updated designs for checking. * Hirata-san worked on the Inventor 3D assembly of the SR2. * The scale for checking the masses of the IM parts arrived. * Fabian and Hirata-san assembled the IRM and identified an issue with the Teflon-coated lock screws between the IM and IRM. The screws were slightly too large, and correcting the size with a die caused large flakes of the black coating to come off. (These screws were ordered before the current screw policy was instituted.) Hirata-san will order SDC-coated screws from Misumi and have additional machining done on them. * Fabian tracked down the calibration factors for the geophones and generated a calibrated [[attachment:Geophone_Kamioka.png|plot]]. * Type B ongoing issues * OSEMs * Akutsu-san is working to get wide-mouth OSEMs ([[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=1853|2 assembled]]; first 4 expected to be assembled and washed by 8/8) * Longer cables for BF->PI and SF->PI ORDERED. * SR machining test ongoing. * Lower breadboard stuff * Installation to be incorporated into the procedure document. Mark/Takahashi to discuss. * Breadboard springs (in manufacture, expected end of July) * Documents * BS Assembly Procedure [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4235|E1504235]], [[https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=D5CCFA70A378E0D0!195&authkey=!AM_usynuo9QI57g&ithint=folder,webloc|E1504235 draft]] * To-do list during Mark's vacation * Weigh IM/RM/IRM (Fabian, Hirata) - DONE but anomalies found. * Pack/ship IM/RM/IRM to Kamioka (Hirata/Fabian). * Analyze geophone data (Fabian/Shoda) - data taken by Shoda-san; Fabian to find calibration factors. * Remove glue from dummy BS face (Fabian) - partly done. * Reglue flags and prisms (Tatsumi, Fabian) * Clean wire for BS and RM (Hirata) - DONE * Get new winch parts for new wire diameters - design received from Ikenoue-san * Do fit/function test of winches (Fabian/Hirata) * Ship winches to Kamioka (Hirata/Fabian) * Work on BS simulation (Fabian) * Do Inventor assembly for SR2 in chamber and on assembly frame (Hirata) - ONGOING. * Write more of payload assembly procedure (Fabian) * Write more of main assembly procedure (Mark) * Longer term to-do list * Do BS Simulink model (Mark, Kokeyama) * Do 2D drawings of SR2 parts (Hirata) * Redesign SRx IM wire clamps for larger prisms, remachined RMs. * Order SRM/PRM parts (Hirata/Shoda) * Order SRx fasteners (Hirata) * Check SR RM machining test progress (Hirata) |
* Put a report here |
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* Basic Design Review [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeBp/meeting160721|minute]] * Contacted with some companies. (Cost estimate will be done by ATC.) |
* Put a report here |
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* In negotiation with a company for CAD modeling | * Put a report here |
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* Working on the software |
* Put a report here |
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* No issue | * Any issue ? |
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* Inertial Sensors for Type-B (Fabian) * Fabian's plot https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/99018438/Geophone_Kamioka.png * Plot the theoretical noise of geophone * Wide OSEM production and test plan (Akutsu, Aso) * Steps * Test assemble a few (Akutsu) * Noise check (Type-B team) * Change the supply current of a satellite amplifier (find the optimal value for the wide OSEM). * Calibration * Noise measurements * Deadline for the noise check: by the end of September * Wide OSEM noise should be checked in Kamioka using the digital system. Type-B team will do it when they come to Kamioka. * Akutsu will give Type-B team a wide OSEM and test setup. * Mass production of wide OSEMs (Akutsu) * Assembly (call for shift) * Wash (Hirata ?) * Calibration and simple noise check(call for shift) * A/I: Akutsu will write an assembly procedure document. Make a call for shift to start the mass production asap. * Ship to Kamioka * Change the supply current of the satellite amplifiers (talk to AEL: Aso) * LVDT test * Takahashi and Shoda will discuss about this * Points to be clarified: purpose of the test (what kind of information we want to obtain to design the new LVDTs ?) * Deadline for the new LVDTs: the end of August. |
* Issues |
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* Travel (Week of 7/25): * Takahashi: * Shoda: * Mark: Kashiwa on some day * Fabian: Kashiwa on some day * Okutomi: * Fujii: * Ishizaki: * Hirata: * Sato: * Ohishi: |
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* Travel (Week of 8/8): * Takahashi: * Shoda: * Mark: * Fabian: * Okutomi: * Fujii: * Ishizaki: * Hirata: * Sato: * Ohishi: |
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2016/7/29(Fri) 13:30 - | 2016/8/5(Fri) 13:30 - |
Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2016/7/29
2016/7/29 13:30 - @ Room 210
Progress report
Schedule Chart (PDF,MPP) -> Something wrong with the Project Server. Aso will try to fix it.
Type-A (Takahashi)
- Put a report here
Type-B (Mark)
- Put a report here
Type-Bp (Shoda)
- Put a report here
IMMT (Ohishi)
- Put a report here
Watchdog system (Tanaka)
- Put a report here
- Any issue ?
- Issues
Site work plan for the next week
- Mon:
- Tue:
- Wed:
- Thu:
- Fri:
Travel Plans
- Travel (Week of 8/1):
- Takahashi:
- Shoda:
- Mark: 1 - 5 ?
- Fabian: 1 - 5 ?
- Okutomi:
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Sato:
- Ohishi:
- Travel (Week of 8/8):
- Takahashi:
- Shoda:
- Mark:
- Fabian:
- Okutomi:
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Sato:
- Ohishi:
Next meeting
2016/8/5(Fri) 13:30 -