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Revision 17 as of 2016-11-11 16:25:40
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Editor: YoichiAso
Revision 18 as of 2016-11-11 16:25:59
Size: 5880
Editor: YoichiAso
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Participants: Shoda, Kasuya, Akutsu, Mark, Hirata, Okutomi, Aso, Fujii, Sato, Ishizaki, Tanaka, Ohishi, Enzo Participants: Shoda, Kasuya, Akutsu, Mark, Hirata, Okutomi, Aso, Fujii, Sato, Ishizaki, Tanaka, Ohishi, Enzo, Raffaele, Takahashi

Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2016/11/11

2016/11/11 13:30 -

Participants: Shoda, Kasuya, Akutsu, Mark, Hirata, Okutomi, Aso, Fujii, Sato, Ishizaki, Tanaka, Ohishi, Enzo, Raffaele, Takahashi

Progress report

Schedule Chart (PDF,MPP) To Be Updated

Type-A (Takahashi)

  • Minutes of Type-A Meeting

  • Installation: Asking a company the cost and schedule for transportation of Type-A items from the center area to the 2F of Y-end.
  • Pre-isolator: Assembly work will be concentrated to the next week. The PI for SRs will be transported on 21st from Akeno. 5 ACCs were measured at the site.
  • EQ stop, release sensor, dummy payload: Production is on going.
  • BF damper: Open bidding was on 9th. A production company was decided.
  • Maraging wire: Asking the company a quotation. The company is checking procurement of the material.

Type B (Mark)

  • Type B Past Week Summary
    • Mark and Hirata-san at Mitaka
      • Gathered parts for cable making.
    • Mark and Hirata-san at Kamioka:
      • Replaced the floor panels that had been taken from the PR2 area (filling in the hole in the floor) and found/installed two new panels to act as bridges near the BS assembly frame.
      • Installed two more LPCDs and the stepper motor driver in the PR2 rack.
      • Ran cables from the rack to the second and third sat amps (for the IRM OSEMs).
      • Added a second DIO card in the rack and connected it to the BIO inputs and outputs of the new LPCDs.
      • Started making extension cables for RM-H2 and -H3 OSEMs but gave up due to complicated grounding arrangement.
      • Washed four 40-cm D-Sub-9 ribbon cables to use as temporary extensions (maybe also for H1/H4).
      • Added extension to the IM pico cable for the BF yaw pico.
      • Made LVDT adapter cable.
      • BS mirror box was shipped back.
    • Mark worked on schedule.

Type-Bp (Shoda)

  • Please put a report here
  • The clump plates for IM may have to be re-manufactured. The current ones have pressed lines by wires.

IMMT (Ohishi)

  • Put a report here

Watchdog system (Tanaka)

  • Schematic and PCB designJGW-E1605760-v2(PDF)

  • Wearing a terminating resistor(for OSEM sensor deferential out) on both sides.
    • And the value of terminating resistor is changed from 3k to 30k.
  • Design and preparation(investigation of procurement) for production.JGW-E1605791-v4(PDF)


  • Incidents
    • A strong incandescent light was put close to the plastic sheets of the clean booth, which is probably flammable.
    • A temporary pillar in the PR clean booth near MCF came off when people moved the coach filters and hit it.
  • Foreseen risks
    • Type-B team will lift the suspension system from the BF to measure the weight. Mark will write up a procedure and circulate to the VIS people.
    • Type-A team will continue the assembly of the PI. A crane work to combine the IP and TF is foreseen. Make sure to have at least two people doing the work.


  • JPS/ASJ meetings
    • VIS overall talk: Takahashi (JPS)
    • TYpe-A: Okutomi (JPS)
    • Type-B: Mark (JPS)
    • Type-Bp: Shoda (JPS)
    • Fujii may present his data analysis work at ASJ
  • PR3 accident
    • What happened
      • When the suspension system was put back to the assembly frame, the position and height of the IM was not correct.
      • During the adjustment process of the IM position, the mirror moved too much in roll.
      • The mirror slept out of the wires and hit the mirror box (MB)
      • MB and the recoil mass (RM) moved on the rail by the shock creating a gap between them.
      • The mirror fell in the gap between the MB and RM.
    • What was wrong
      • Mechanism
        • The assembly jigs were designed only with the assembly procedure in mind. Disassembly was not taken into account at the time.
        • Insufficient adjustment mechanism of the IM position.
        • Long rod from the mirror box interfered with the work
        • No slit on one wire breaker
        • Base for the RM is not fixed. RM was not fixed to the base.
        • MB base and the RM base were not connected together.
      • Procedure
        • Did not review the disassembly procedure beforehand.
        • Adjustment of the mirror position should have been done while the mirror is inside the RM.
        • Adjustment of the mirror position took 2 hours. People got tired.
      • Organization
        • There was only one expert in the team. Should have had at least two.
        • The allocated time for the PR3 disassembly was too short.
        • Communicating in English while doing a complicated assembly work was difficult.
        • Needed to take more rest.
    • We will discuss on how to solve the technical problems as well as increase the overall safety of the VIS works in the future at the next meeting.

Site work plan for the next week

  • Mon:
  • Tue:
  • Wed: BS
  • Thu: BS
  • Fri: BS

Travel Plans

  • Travel (Week of 11/14):
    • Takahashi:
    • Shoda:
    • Mark: 16-18
    • Fabian:
    • Okutomi:
    • Fujii:
    • Ishizaki:
    • Hirata: 16-18
    • Sato:
    • Enzo: 16-18
    • Ohishi:
  • Travel (Week of 11/21):
    • Takahashi: 21 Akeno
    • Shoda:
    • Mark:
    • Fabian:
    • Okutomi:
    • Fujii:
    • Ishizaki:
    • Hirata:
    • Sato:
    • Enzo:
    • Ohishi:

Next meeting

On 2016/11/18(Fri) in Mitaka

VIS F2F: Nov. 18, Dec. 2

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20161111 (last edited 2016-11-14 14:11:15 by AyakaShoda)