Differences between revisions 1 and 13 (spanning 12 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2017-01-25 14:53:48
Size: 5635
Editor: YoichiAso
Revision 13 as of 2017-01-27 15:17:42
Size: 5788
Editor: YoichiAso
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Participants: Participants: Tanaka, Mark, Sato, Ishizaki, Fabian, Hirata, Okutomi, Shoda, Enzo, Someya, Hashimoto, Akutsu
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Schedule Chart : ([[https://www.dropbox.com/s/rlnmlt3uipcsai8/VIS%20Overall%20Schedule-20170121.pdf?dl=0|PDF]],[[https://www.dropbox.com/s/67kluq96znm21ff/VIS%20Overall%20Schedule-20170117.mpp?dl=0|MPP]]) Schedule Chart : ([[https://www.dropbox.com/s/rlnmlt3uipcsai8/VIS%20Overall%20Schedule-20170121.pdf?dl=0|PDF]],[[https://www.dropbox.com/s/rlnmlt3uipcsai8/VIS%20Overall%20Schedule-20170121.pdf?dl=0|MPP]])
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 * Put a report here  * [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeA/Meeting|Minutes of Type-A Meeting]]
 * EYV chamber: Top chamber was connected again.
 * Pre-isolator: The pre-isolators for SR were packed and moved out of the large clean room on 23rd.
 * BF damper: Checked delivered parts on 24th.
 * Maraging wire: The wires are delivered on 31st. They are sent to the thermal proccess on 1st February. To be shipped to Kamioka on Feb. 7th.
  The 3.3m wire can be treated at Himeji facility of Kinzoku-giken.
 * Preparation of installation: The floor of clean booth was covered by stainless steel sheet. The foot holds were assembled.
  Other large tools (rack, wagon, desk, so on) also were installed into the clean booth.

 Next Week Plan

 * BF damping pre-assembly
 * Open the top chamber.
 * Set the assembly base.
 * Sato-san will stay in Mitaka to send the delivered rods to the heat treatment. Also incorporate cables into the Type-A CAD model.
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  * Updated the 3D assembly model for BS (among other issues, it turned out that parts were not correctly mated near where the suspension sits on the hydraulic jacks in the tank).
  * Liaised with IJECT.
  * Made an inventory for Type B (BS and SR).
  * Packed and shipped second winch to Kamioka.
  * Packed some jigs for adjusting BF blades.
  * Attended NINS information security seminar.
  * Attended the public hearing for the Opt-IR Research Division Chief Election.
 * Mark, Fabian, Enzo
  * Cabled IM picos and used IM yaw pico for adjusting RM. (Later, a wire broke at the connector, disabling the IM yaw, but we were able to continue by manually rotting the pic.)
  * Helped Takahashi-san in adjusting BF.
  * Initial round of adjustment made transverse perfect but overshot in longitudinal and made vertical unstable.
  * Second round of adjustment made vertical stable but left longitudinal offset.
  * Concluded that we can probably manage without bringing the BF back to Mitaka, but it will take some careful surveying of the existing offset and several more days of adjustment.
  * Received many parts from i-ject for BFRM (took pictures and took them into ATC cleanroom).
  * got quotes for PRM/SRM payload from i-ject.
  * Checked quotes and asked for some modifications.)
  * Washed parts (parts for type-A, small hexagons, screws, etc\)
  * Wiped 9 piano wires and sent to Kamioka for PR.
  * pdated Fabian's EQstop parts for BS recoilmass and updated EQstop assy drawings.
 * Fabian
  * Worked out geometry for blade adjustment.
  * Designed additional ballast masses for BS BF (and SR).
 * Mark and Enzo (at Kamioka)
  * Did two rounds of adjustment of the blades with help from Takahashi-san (one for position, one for frequency)
  * Surveyed the position of the rod using the vertical mode of the bubble level.
  * Got apparent improvement as judged at the IRM-IM EQ stops (but still not perfect).
  * Did one more round of blade adjustments (without Takahashi-san)
  * Got good agreement with IRM-IM EQ stops, so put BF cap on and raised the whole system to check for balance.
  * Found balance still fairly bad: about the same on the -X,+Y diagonal and about half on the +X,+Y diagonal (70 and 30 mm worth of motion of a single trim mass respectively; previous a bit over 70 mm each). Moreover, IRM-IM alignment no longer good.
  * From the imbalance torques, calculated the offset of rod as 2.3 mm in the direction 22 degrees to the +X side of -Y.
  * Calculated the blade adjustments required: {-0.325194, -1.79175, 2.11695} mm
  * Prepared to apply adjustments (removed cap etc).
=== Type-Bp (Shoda) ===
 * '''Hanging Report''': TF measured, BF has been set.
  * EQ stop parts below the BF were assembled.
  * We measured TFs of RM using PSs. (Their alignment was not so easy.)
  * BF was placed on the EQ stop. (Traverser was moved out of the clean room for accesibility.)
  * BF and IM was connected. Not hanged yet.
  * BFRM parts were delivered.
   * Test assemble them in Mitaka on Feb. 2nd.
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=== Type-Bp (Shoda) ===
 * '''Hanging report''': The spare mirror and the RM was hanged.
  * Since the suspension wire slipped out from the drum on the winch, we replaced the winch, and re-hang the spare mirror. This time, we could hang the spare mirror without accidents.
  * We re-clamped the wire since the spare mirror tilted largely when we clamped the wires. It seems that the wire clamp plate slipped when we tighten the screws.
  * After re-clamping, we also observed the slow drift of the mirror orientation in tilt. Now the mirror HR surface facing down by 8.5/1000 rad. But we will continue the test hanging, since it does not matter for the purpose of the test hanging. We will have to wait for about 10 mins when we clamp the wires for the actual mirrors.
  * RM was inserted properly and hanged. The modification on RM trolley worked well. I was happy with the RM stabilized by the modification.
 * '''Next week task''': Hang IRM
  * Hang IM and adjust the weight.
  * Hang IRM and balance IM.
  * IRM and set OSEMs.
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 * '''Next week task''' Goal: suspend IM and IRM
  * Check TF of the RM using PSs.
  * Assemble the EQ stop below the BF, and set the BF on it.
  * Hang IM from the BF.
  * Hang IRM.
 * A mirror box was sent to a company for modification
 * Flag bases were sent to a company for modification
 * Winch were sent to Mitaka for inspection
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 * The BFRM parts will be delivered on 20th. --> Test assembly in the next or next next week.

 * '''To Do'''
  * Establish the disassembly procedure
  * Modify the mirror box
  * Buy the new mirror gluing tools for KAGRA
 * '''To do'''
  * Establish disassemble procedure
  * Buy the new tools
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 * Progress
   *I explained the outline of PCB design at the AEL meeting(16.Jan.2017).
   *I preceded orders for semiconductor relays used in WDS(main).
 * Document(Main rack( Main board + peripheral board )design.for meeting)[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/DocDB/0060/E1706072/001/Project%20WDS%20PCB%20Design%20Ver0-Summry170120.pdf|PDF(JGW-E1706072)]]
 * PCB Design(Detail)[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/DocDB/0060/E1706074/001/Project%20WDS%20PCB%20Design%20Ver0-Detail170120.pdf|PDF(JGW-E1706074)]]
 * WDS PCB Design Document.Main rack( Main board + peripheral board )design.
   *Correction of PCB design and correction by DRC(by manufacturer).[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/DocDB/0061/E1706101/001/Project%20WDS%20PCB%20Design%20Ver1%28Detail%29170127.pdf|PDF(JGW-E1706101)]]
Line 62: Line 78:
 * Incidents:  * Incidents: cut finger with a stainless steel sheet
  * We need to wear globes for this kind of work

Type-B: Crane work to lift the BF up.
Type-Bp: No heavy lifting. Mirror does not move.
Line 65: Line 87:
  * Type-A: use a crane for the construction of foothold
  * Type-B: adjustment of the blades
  * Type-Bp: a crane work for setting the BF.
  * Type-A: Open the top chamber (a crane work).
  * Type-B: Crane work to lift the BF up.
  * Type-Bp: No heavy lifting. Mirror does not move.
Line 71: Line 93:

 * Travel plan for the rest of the FY (Aso)
  * Please check and update (if necessary) the following travel sheet.
  * [[https://1drv.ms/x/s!Ajrs5Q_CgYCOhCYAoyZZGXoejFRq|Travel Plan Sheet]]
Line 78: Line 94:
  * Two possible designs for the magnet base
   * LIGO style one: [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/h47gump6ygi16gg/Small-Magnet-Assy-LIGO-Style.png?dl=0|image]]
    * A dumbbell shaped aluminum stand-off
    * Smaller footprint -> smaller thermal noise
    * Relatively soft (14kHz internal resonance)
    * Easy to be bent
   * VIRGO style one: [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/imzpz3pwt0dlg5s/Small-Magnet-Assy-VIRGO-Style.png?dl=0|image]]
    * Embedding a magnet in a aluminum cylinder
    * Has a larger footprint -> larger thermal noise.
    * Rigid structure. Internal mode frequency is about 94kHz.
  * After some discussion, we will employ the VIRGO like design.
   * We probably do not need a chamfer.
  * We will use the same PEEK (Ketron CA30). This material was chosen to avoid charging.
Line 93: Line 97:
 * Mon: BF Adjustment (Type-B)/Measure TF (Type-Bp)
 * Tue: Preparation (Type-A)/BF Adjustment (Type-B)/EQ stop assembly, BF setting (Type-Bp)
 * Wed: Preparation (Type-A)/BF Adjustment (Type-B)/IM haning (Type-Bp)
 * Thu: Preparation (Type-A)/TF measurement (Type-B)/IM haning (Type-Bp)
 * Fri: Preparation (Type-A)/TF measurement (Type-B)/IM haning (Type-Bp)
 * Mon: BF blade adjustment (B)/Hang IM(Bp)
 * Tue: BF damper pre-assembly (A)/BF blade adjustment (B)/Assemble IMRM (Bp)
 * Wed: BF damper pre-assembly (A)/BF blade adjustment (B)/Assemble IMRM (Bp), Delivery of the parts for optical bench (Bp)
 * Thu: Open the chamber (A)/BF blade adjustment (B)
 * Fri: Set up assembly frame (A)/BF blade adjustment (B)
Line 101: Line 105:
 * Travel (Week of 1/23):
  * Takahashi: 23-27
  * Shoda: 23-27
  * Mark: 23-27
  * Fabian:
  * Okutomi: 23-27
 * Travel (Week of 1/30):
  * Takahashi: 31-2/3
  * Shoda: 30-2/1
  * Mark: 30-2/3
  * Fabian: 30-2/3
  * Okutomi: 30-2/3
  * Fujii:
  * Ishizaki: 31-2/3
  * Hirata:
  * Sato:
  * Enzo: 30-2/3
  * Hashimoto (Hosei Univ.): 30-2/1
  * Someya (Hosei Univ.):30-2/1
  * Ohishi:

 * Travel (Week of 2/6):
  * Takahashi: 6-10
  * Shoda: 6-10
  * Mark: 6-10
  * Fabian: 6-10
  * Okutomi: 6-10
Line 108: Line 127:
  * Ishizaki:
  * Hirata:
  * Sato: 23-27
  * Enzo: 23-27
  * Hashimoto (Hosei Univ.): 25-27
  * Someya (Hosei Univ.): 23-27
  * Ishizaki: 6-10
  * Hirata: 6-10
  * Sato: 6-10
  * Enzo: 6-10
  * Hashimoto (Hosei Univ.): 6-10
  * Someya (Hosei Univ.): 6-10
Line 116: Line 135:
 * Travel (Week of 1/30):
  * Takahashi: 30-2/3
  * Shoda: 31-2/3
  * Mark: 30-2/3
  * Fabian:
  * Okutomi: 30-2/3
  * Fujii:
  * Ishizaki: 30-2/3
  * Hirata:
  * Sato: 30-2/3
  * Enzo: 30-2/3
  * Ohishi:

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On 2017/1/27(Fri) On 2017/2/3(Fri)
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March VIS F2F: March 10 ?

Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2017/1/27

2017/1/27 13:30 -

Participants: Tanaka, Mark, Sato, Ishizaki, Fabian, Hirata, Okutomi, Shoda, Enzo, Someya, Hashimoto, Akutsu

Progress report

Schedule Chart : (PDF,MPP)

Type-A (Takahashi)

  • Minutes of Type-A Meeting

  • EYV chamber: Top chamber was connected again.
  • Pre-isolator: The pre-isolators for SR were packed and moved out of the large clean room on 23rd.
  • BF damper: Checked delivered parts on 24th.
  • Maraging wire: The wires are delivered on 31st. They are sent to the thermal proccess on 1st February. To be shipped to Kamioka on Feb. 7th.
    • The 3.3m wire can be treated at Himeji facility of Kinzoku-giken.
  • Preparation of installation: The floor of clean booth was covered by stainless steel sheet. The foot holds were assembled.
    • Other large tools (rack, wagon, desk, so on) also were installed into the clean booth.
    Next Week Plan
  • BF damping pre-assembly
  • Open the top chamber.
  • Set the assembly base.
  • Sato-san will stay in Mitaka to send the delivered rods to the heat treatment. Also incorporate cables into the Type-A CAD model.

Type B (Mark)

  • Hirata-san:
    • Received many parts from i-ject for BFRM (took pictures and took them into ATC cleanroom).
    • got quotes for PRM/SRM payload from i-ject.
    • Checked quotes and asked for some modifications.)
    • Washed parts (parts for type-A, small hexagons, screws, etc\)
    • Wiped 9 piano wires and sent to Kamioka for PR.
    • pdated Fabian's EQstop parts for BS recoilmass and updated EQstop assy drawings.
  • Fabian
    • Worked out geometry for blade adjustment.
    • Designed additional ballast masses for BS BF (and SR).
  • Mark and Enzo (at Kamioka)
    • Did two rounds of adjustment of the blades with help from Takahashi-san (one for position, one for frequency)
    • Surveyed the position of the rod using the vertical mode of the bubble level.
    • Got apparent improvement as judged at the IRM-IM EQ stops (but still not perfect).
    • Did one more round of blade adjustments (without Takahashi-san)
    • Got good agreement with IRM-IM EQ stops, so put BF cap on and raised the whole system to check for balance.
    • Found balance still fairly bad: about the same on the -X,+Y diagonal and about half on the +X,+Y diagonal (70 and 30 mm worth of motion of a single trim mass respectively; previous a bit over 70 mm each). Moreover, IRM-IM alignment no longer good.
    • From the imbalance torques, calculated the offset of rod as 2.3 mm in the direction 22 degrees to the +X side of -Y.
    • Calculated the blade adjustments required: {-0.325194, -1.79175, 2.11695} mm
    • Prepared to apply adjustments (removed cap etc).

Type-Bp (Shoda)

  • Hanging Report: TF measured, BF has been set.

    • EQ stop parts below the BF were assembled.
    • We measured TFs of RM using PSs. (Their alignment was not so easy.)
    • BF was placed on the EQ stop. (Traverser was moved out of the clean room for accesibility.)
    • BF and IM was connected. Not hanged yet.
    • BFRM parts were delivered.
      • Test assemble them in Mitaka on Feb. 2nd.
  • Next week task: Hang IRM

    • Hang IM and adjust the weight.
    • Hang IRM and balance IM.
    • IRM and set OSEMs.
  • A mirror box was sent to a company for modification
  • Flag bases were sent to a company for modification
  • Winch were sent to Mitaka for inspection
  • To do

    • Establish disassemble procedure
    • Buy the new tools

IMMT (Ohishi)

  • Put a report here

Watchdog system (Tanaka)

  • WDS PCB Design Document.Main rack( Main board + peripheral board )design.


  • Incidents: cut finger with a stainless steel sheet
    • We need to wear globes for this kind of work

Type-A: Type-B: Crane work to lift the BF up. Type-Bp: No heavy lifting. Mirror does not move.

  • Foreseen risks
    • Type-A: Open the top chamber (a crane work).
    • Type-B: Crane work to lift the BF up.
    • Type-Bp: No heavy lifting. Mirror does not move.


  • Smaller coil design status update (Aso)
    • We will use the same PEEK (Ketron CA30). This material was chosen to avoid charging.

Site work plan for the next week

  • Mon: BF blade adjustment (B)/Hang IM(Bp)
  • Tue: BF damper pre-assembly (A)/BF blade adjustment (B)/Assemble IMRM (Bp)
  • Wed: BF damper pre-assembly (A)/BF blade adjustment (B)/Assemble IMRM (Bp), Delivery of the parts for optical bench (Bp)
  • Thu: Open the chamber (A)/BF blade adjustment (B)
  • Fri: Set up assembly frame (A)/BF blade adjustment (B)

Travel Plans

  • Travel (Week of 1/30):
    • Takahashi: 31-2/3
    • Shoda: 30-2/1
    • Mark: 30-2/3
    • Fabian: 30-2/3
    • Okutomi: 30-2/3
    • Fujii:
    • Ishizaki: 31-2/3
    • Hirata:
    • Sato:
    • Enzo: 30-2/3
    • Hashimoto (Hosei Univ.): 30-2/1
    • Someya (Hosei Univ.):30-2/1
    • Ohishi:
  • Travel (Week of 2/6):
    • Takahashi: 6-10
    • Shoda: 6-10
    • Mark: 6-10
    • Fabian: 6-10
    • Okutomi: 6-10
    • Fujii:
    • Ishizaki: 6-10
    • Hirata: 6-10
    • Sato: 6-10
    • Enzo: 6-10
    • Hashimoto (Hosei Univ.): 6-10
    • Someya (Hosei Univ.): 6-10
    • Ohishi:

Next meeting

On 2017/2/3(Fri) VIS F2F: Feb. 17th March VIS F2F: March 10 ?

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20170127 (last edited 2017-01-27 20:06:09 by NaokoOhishi)