Differences between revisions 1 and 9 (spanning 8 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2018-05-30 14:50:36
Size: 1453
Editor: YoichiAso
Revision 9 as of 2018-06-01 13:04:42
Size: 5657
Editor: AyakaShoda
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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[[https://zoom.us/j/203743987|Zoom Meeting]]
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  * Transported the DP parts, the ballast rings, and the hand lifter from X-end.
  * Transported other items (footholds, hoist tool, etc.) from X-front.
  * Opened the top chamber.
  * Assembled the EQ stop for DP. The release sensors and the side stoppers were attached.
  * Assembled the DP itself. Set the DP on the end plate.
  * Extended the EQ stop for the BF stage.
  * Opened the cross tube. Installed the protection net ring.
  * Installed the EQ stop with the DP into the top chamber.
  * Opened the cup of BF. Cabled the LVDT, the stepping motor, the picomotor and the PT100.
  * Pre-assembled the BF dampers.
  * Closed the cup of BF. Attached the primary coils on the cup.
  * Measured the weight of BF.
  * Attached the cone bellows on the bottom of top chamber.
  * Put the SUS sheet on the floor around the cross tube.
Line 16: Line 35:
  * Install the BF. Tune the BF
  * Go to the F3 stage.
  * Replace the blades for the TF in X-front.
Line 18: Line 40:
==== Past week report ====
==== Plan for coming weeks ====
==== Report for week of 5/28 ====
 * Enzo tested the LVDT driver repaired by Tanaka-san - it was fine.
 * Fujii-kun and Enzo finished assembling a batch of 4 geophones and took test data.
 * Hirata-san modified some Promec masses (drilling out the threads on 2 of 4 holes) so we could use two layers of them inside the BF.
 * Hirata-san installed maraging rod receptacles in the LBB damper rings, and in the bottom of PIs #3 and #1 (for the SF damper rings).
 * After consulting with various people, Hirata-san installed the second half of the LBB top ring in the chamber, simply omitting the pillar and screw associated with the badly threaded hole.
 * Hirata-san took delivery of the screws for the LBB blade units, made up 9 blade units and installed 6 of them on PI #3 and #1 (for SR3 and SR2).
 * Hirata-san made up a set of PI cable clamps and installed them on PI #3 (for SR3).
 * Hirata-san removed the prototype blades from PI #3 to get ready for testing the final blades.
 * We located the #355 disk and #356 poles for the next level of the security structure up to the SF and installed the poles.
 * We installed ballast mass in the BF. After some trial and error we settled on 16 Promec masses (7.1 kg) inside the BF and 5 D1808104-4 and 3 D1808104-5 masses (540 g) on the cap.
 * Enzo and Fujii-kun did several rounds of TFs on the BF/... section of the suspension and debugged a problem with dewhitening filters not being installed in the OSEMINF filter bank.
 * Enzo installed damping filters for the IM OSEMs.

 * 2D drawing for SRM is done. Waiting for Hirata-san's check.

 * Eleonora, Midooka-kun, and Arai-kun calibrated length sensing oplev([[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=5121|klog21]])
 * Eleonora and Midooka-kun worked on the diagonalization of BS IM. ([[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=5133|klog5133]])
 * Confirmed the stepping motor actuation on IP stage via medm using BS.

==== Plan for week of 6/4 ====
 * Mark, Enzo, Hirata-san, Kozu-kun at Kamioka Tue-Fri. (Mon is NAOJ medical checkup.)
 * --
 * Cable and test BF cap picos.
 * Crane in security structure disk at SF level.
 * Crane in SF and remove cap.
 * Hook BF and adjust total ballast.
 * Route cables through SF-BF flying saucer up to bottom of SF.
 * Adjust BF trim mass.
 * Readjust payload.
 * Take TFs.
 * Characterize final F0 blades.

==== Plan for week of 6/11 ====
 * Mark Enzo, Hirata-san, Kozu-kun at Kamioka Tue-Fri (Mon is compensation day for f2f.)
 * --
 * Any unfinished SR3 SF/... stuff.
 * Add budgeted ballast mass to SF and weigh SF/... section.
 * Cable, test SF LVDT and FR.
 * Rebuild F0 #3 for SR3.
 * Park F0 #1 (for SR2) in top of SR3 assembly frame.
 * Move F0 #3 behind SR3.

==== To-Do Lists, Schedule ====
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/ToDoBS]]
 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/ToDoSR]]
 * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=7779|JGW-L1807779-v1 Type B Schedule (SR)]]

==== Vacation Info ====
Line 23: Line 95:
 * PR3 optic was released by Miyo-kun and Arai-kun.
 * Izumi-san reported the mirror slipping during the filter tuning. ([[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=5136|klog5136]])
Line 24: Line 99:
 * Diagonalization of IM/TM stages.

Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2018/6/1

2018/6/1 13:30 -

Zoom Meeting


Progress report

Schedule Chart

Type-A : (PDF/MPP)

Type-B: (PDF/MPP)

Type-A (Takahashi)

Past week report


  • Transported the DP parts, the ballast rings, and the hand lifter from X-end.
  • Transported other items (footholds, hoist tool, etc.) from X-front.
  • Opened the top chamber.
  • Assembled the EQ stop for DP. The release sensors and the side stoppers were attached.
  • Assembled the DP itself. Set the DP on the end plate.
  • Extended the EQ stop for the BF stage.
  • Opened the cross tube. Installed the protection net ring.
  • Installed the EQ stop with the DP into the top chamber.
  • Opened the cup of BF. Cabled the LVDT, the stepping motor, the picomotor and the PT100.
  • Pre-assembled the BF dampers.
  • Closed the cup of BF. Attached the primary coils on the cup.
  • Measured the weight of BF.
  • Attached the cone bellows on the bottom of top chamber.
  • Put the SUS sheet on the floor around the cross tube.

Plan for coming weeks

  • Install the BF. Tune the BF
  • Go to the F3 stage.
  • Replace the blades for the TF in X-front.

Type B (Mark)

Report for week of 5/28

  • Enzo tested the LVDT driver repaired by Tanaka-san - it was fine.
  • Fujii-kun and Enzo finished assembling a batch of 4 geophones and took test data.
  • Hirata-san modified some Promec masses (drilling out the threads on 2 of 4 holes) so we could use two layers of them inside the BF.
  • Hirata-san installed maraging rod receptacles in the LBB damper rings, and in the bottom of PIs #3 and #1 (for the SF damper rings).
  • After consulting with various people, Hirata-san installed the second half of the LBB top ring in the chamber, simply omitting the pillar and screw associated with the badly threaded hole.
  • Hirata-san took delivery of the screws for the LBB blade units, made up 9 blade units and installed 6 of them on PI #3 and #1 (for SR3 and SR2).
  • Hirata-san made up a set of PI cable clamps and installed them on PI #3 (for SR3).
  • Hirata-san removed the prototype blades from PI #3 to get ready for testing the final blades.
  • We located the #355 disk and #356 poles for the next level of the security structure up to the SF and installed the poles.
  • We installed ballast mass in the BF. After some trial and error we settled on 16 Promec masses (7.1 kg) inside the BF and 5 D1808104-4 and 3 D1808104-5 masses (540 g) on the cap.
  • Enzo and Fujii-kun did several rounds of TFs on the BF/... section of the suspension and debugged a problem with dewhitening filters not being installed in the OSEMINF filter bank.
  • Enzo installed damping filters for the IM OSEMs.


  • 2D drawing for SRM is done. Waiting for Hirata-san's check.


  • Eleonora, Midooka-kun, and Arai-kun calibrated length sensing oplev(klog21)

  • Eleonora and Midooka-kun worked on the diagonalization of BS IM. (klog5133)

  • Confirmed the stepping motor actuation on IP stage via medm using BS.

Plan for week of 6/4

  • Mark, Enzo, Hirata-san, Kozu-kun at Kamioka Tue-Fri. (Mon is NAOJ medical checkup.)
  • --
  • Cable and test BF cap picos.
  • Crane in security structure disk at SF level.
  • Crane in SF and remove cap.
  • Hook BF and adjust total ballast.
  • Route cables through SF-BF flying saucer up to bottom of SF.
  • Adjust BF trim mass.
  • Readjust payload.
  • Take TFs.
  • Characterize final F0 blades.

Plan for week of 6/11

  • Mark Enzo, Hirata-san, Kozu-kun at Kamioka Tue-Fri (Mon is compensation day for f2f.)
  • --
  • Any unfinished SR3 SF/... stuff.
  • Add budgeted ballast mass to SF and weigh SF/... section.
  • Cable, test SF LVDT and FR.
  • Rebuild F0 #3 for SR3.
  • Park F0 #1 (for SR2) in top of SR3 assembly frame.
  • Move F0 #3 behind SR3.

To-Do Lists, Schedule

Vacation Info

Type-Bp (Shoda)

Past week report

  • PR3 optic was released by Miyo-kun and Arai-kun.
  • Izumi-san reported the mirror slipping during the filter tuning. (klog5136)

Plan for coming weeks

  • Diagonalization of IM/TM stages.

OMMT & OSTM (Ohishi)

Past week report

Plan for coming weeks

LVDT Driver (Tanaka)

Past week report

Plan for coming weeks

Other site works


  • Incidents:
  • Foreseen risks
    • Type-A:
    • Type-B:
    • Type-Bp:


Travel Plans

  • Travel (Week of 6/4):
    • Takahashi:
    • Okutomi:
    • Sato:
    • Ishizaki:
    • Mark:
    • Hirata:
    • Enzo:
    • Shoda:
    • Ohishi:
    • Fujii:
    • Tanioka:
    • Tanaka:
    • Kozu (ICRR):
    • Arai (ICRR):
  • Travel (Week of 6/11):
    • Takahashi:
    • Okutomi:
    • Sato:
    • Ishizaki:
    • Mark:
    • Hirata:
    • Enzo:
    • Shoda:
    • Ohishi:
    • Fujii:
    • Tanioka:
    • Tanaka:
    • Kozu (ICRR):
    • Arai (ICRR):

Next meeting

On 2018/6/8(Fri)

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20180601 (last edited 2018-06-04 12:01:25 by MarkBarton)