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Revision 7 as of 2019-02-22 13:27:48
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 * I modified the medm snapshot button so we have three snapshot options, safe, align and misalign. In safe snapshot, all channels are included. In align and mistake, only setpoints and and the DC offset in the OPTIC ALIGN block are included.  * I modified the medm snapshot button so we have three snapshot options, safe, align and misalign. In safe snapshot, all channels are included. In align and misalign snap, only setpoints and and the DC offset in the OPTIC ALIGN block are included.

Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2019/2/22

2019/2/22 13:30 -

Zoom Meeting


Progress report

Schedule Chart

Site work schedule: [[|XLSX]]

Type-A : (PDF/MPP)

Type-B: (PDF/MPP)

Type-C: (XLSX)

Type-A (Takahashi)

Past week report

  • Aligned the ITMY by the yaw FR in the TF (by Lucia).

Plan for coming weeks

  • Adjustment of the TF, the BF damper, and the IP in X-end (Feb 26-28).

Type B (Mark)

Past week report

  • On Friday and Saturday last week the pump down of the central area took place. We monitored the drift in the four Type B IPs.
  • During the week we recovered the four suspensions successfully: we recovered the alignment of IMs, GAS filters, IPs, oplevs and measured TFs.
  • TF from IML2TML and TML2TMP was measured and it seems that the length sensing qpd is working and is well decoupled from pitch.
  • Terrence, Enzo and Mark installed the length sensing components in SR2 oplev. It's working now and we should use it now to measure the optic's corresponding TF.
  • The SRM IM is still drifting but the speed is decreasing. Yesterday Thursday the speed was -81 nrad/min. With the aim of predicting when the drift may stop Terrece removed offsets from the time series segments and spliced them in order. The work is still on progress.

Guardian, Real-Time Model, Burt, MEDM:

  • A temporary guardian is programmed to work on the current real-time models. Details can be found in klog http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=8147.

  • DC control blocks and setpoint blocks are added to the real-time models. The feedback from the sensors were changed to negative-feedback. Fixed some mistakes in the real-time models.
  • The MEDM overall screen was modified to cope with the changes in the real-time model.
  • New model and medm screen is now applied to SR2 and is working fine.of
  • I modified the medm snapshot button so we have three snapshot options, safe, align and misalign. In safe snapshot, all channels are included. In align and misalign snap, only setpoints and and the DC offset in the OPTIC ALIGN block are included.
  • Mark did some initial debugging on the stepper reset system, starting with SRM. However there seems to be some model-related problem. A BIO Checker Board gave sensible results for the low 32 bits of DIO card #0 (used for the TM LPCD) but nothing for the high 32 bits (used for steppers, and eventually also the WD). He added the stepper reset stuff to the circuit diagram (D1503660) and made other corrections.

Plan for coming weeks

Type-Bp (Shoda)

Past week report

Plan for coming weeks

OMMT & OSTM (Ohishi)

Past week report

Plan for coming weeks

VIS electronics (Tanaka)

Past week report

Plan for coming weeks

Other site works


  • Incidents:
  • Foreseen risks
    • Type-A:
    • Type-B:


Travel Plans

  • Travel (Week of 2/25):
    • Takahashi:
    • Okutomi:
    • Sato:
    • Lucia:
    • Fabian:
    • Mark:
    • Hirata:
    • Enzo:
    • Shoda:
    • Ohishi:
    • Fujii:
    • Tanioka:
    • Tanaka:
    • Terrence
  • Travel (Week of 3/4):
    • Takahashi:
    • Okutomi:
    • Sato:
    • Lucia:
    • Fabian:
    • Mark:
    • Hirata:
    • Enzo:
    • Shoda:
    • Ohishi:
    • Fujii:
    • Tanioka:
    • Terrence

Next meeting

On 2019/3/1(Fri)

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes201902022 (last edited 2019-02-25 10:10:18 by YoshinoriFujii)