= Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2020/7/17 = 2020/7/17 14:00 - [[https://zoom.us/j/203743987|Zoom Meeting]] Participants: == Progress report == === General === === Type-A === * Preparing for the site test of the modified ACC. === Type-B === === Type-Bp === === Type-C === === Controls === === Electronics === == Towards O4 == * KAGRA new state "Upgrade phase for O4 (bKAGRA phase 4 ??)" started from 11th July. * Control update of SRs are on going. * Schedule towards O4 ([[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=11475|Chart]]) was revised. * Some related tasks on FCI/VAC/CRY/DGS were added. * Preparation work (pre-cleaning) is avairable from 17th Sep. * Opening chambers will be started from 19th Oct. * Disassembly of ETMY will be started from 7th Dec. cf. Post Obs. task ([[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w4q8OvX9E6nkYSgshLYLoZH5yvQXHvGmL1agux8ztx0/edit?usp=sharing|Request]]), Task for O3c ([[https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Plan-for-the-long-OR-brake--AxxlJFvK1IGJjqrG5nfdHfGXAQ-KqexeqMaCA7DITFGxA5ih|Plan]], [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/hoadb73fdyah02c/Post-O3%20task.xlsx?dl=0|Sheet]]), Task towards O4 ([[https://www.dropbox.com/s/60oygtwmckmdyj6/Towards%20O4%20on%20VIS%20.xlsx?dl=0|List]]). == Safety == == Discussion == * Plan for cleaning the clean booth. == Travel Plans == * Takahashi: 7/20-22 == Next meeting == * On 2020/7/31(Fri)