Differences between revisions 12 and 18 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 12 as of 2020-08-28 10:40:49
Size: 2472
Editor: naohisa.sato
Revision 18 as of 2020-08-28 16:24:02
Size: 3583
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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2020/8/28 14:00 - 2020/8/28 14:00 - 16:00
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Participants: Participants: Takahashi, Hirata, Miyo, Fabian, Ishizaki, Sato, Shoda, Tanaka, Terrence
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 * Preparing Github for the management of the tasks.
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   * For (2.5m, F-Dsub<>F-Dsub) cable. We have Type2-2m(Dsub F-F, kapton) and Type4-1m(Dsub F-M, kapton). Two cables can be connected and extended.     * For (2.5m, F-Dsub<>F-Dsub) cable. We have Type2-2m(Dsub F-F, kapton) and Type4-1m(Dsub F-M, kapton). Two cables can be connected and extended.
 * Type-B paper: I received corrections, including the referees'. Thank you for your observations. I'm working on them.
 * I worked in Type-B remedying work procedures and time allocation: see below.
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 * A concrete design proposal for IMMT2 modificaion has been uploaded. (JGW-D2011918)
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 * New RT model base was created by Nakano-kun. We shared the concept with core members (Nakano, Miyo, Terrence, Fabian, Ushiba, Shoda).
   Terrence will upgrade for the Type-B and -Bp. If the upgrade is necessary for RSE, Miyo and Shoda will do.
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 * Designing the circuits. Device size can fit to them.
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   * There's an updated version but it hasn't been uploaded to JGWDoc. Use this [[https://1drv.ms/b/s!AoQaV1tdsEcUgdBD4tVVUon9mmf7Zw?e=f6ORQ4|link]] instead.
   * See the last two slides of this [[https://1drv.ms/b/s!AoQaV1tdsEcUgdA2NHJtRoAN3fQrRQ?e=THDZi4|presentation]].
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  * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=11889|Presentation slides]]
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Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2020/8/28

2020/8/28 14:00 - 16:00

Zoom Meeting

Participants: Takahashi, Hirata, Miyo, Fabian, Ishizaki, Sato, Shoda, Tanaka, Terrence

Progress report


  • Preparing Github for the management of the tasks.



  • Cable preparation for yaw stepper motor [Sato]
    • The five cables requested will be ordered in early October. However, would you consider the following alternatives.
      • For four (50 cm , kapton, M-Dsub<>bundy plug) cables. We have six unused cables of different lengths with similar specifications.(JGW-D1503901/24)

      • For (2.5m, F-Dsub<>F-Dsub) cable. We have Type2-2m(Dsub F-F, kapton) and Type4-1m(Dsub F-M, kapton). Two cables can be connected and extended.

  • Type-B paper: I received corrections, including the referees'. Thank you for your observations. I'm working on them.
  • I worked in Type-B remedying work procedures and time allocation: see below.



  • A concrete design proposal for IMMT2 modificaion has been uploaded. (JGW-D2011918)


  • New RT model base was created by Nakano-kun. We shared the concept with core members (Nakano, Miyo, Terrence, Fabian, Ushiba, Shoda).
    • Terrence will upgrade for the Type-B and -Bp. If the upgrade is necessary for RSE, Miyo and Shoda will do.


  • Designing the circuits. Device size can fit to them.

Towards O4

cf. Post Obs. task (Request), Task for O3c (Plan, Sheet), Task towards O4 (List)



  • [Terrence] New features for the suspensions, type-A and type-B, as pre-O4 upgrades (II).
  • [Ishizaki] GAS filter improvement for post O4.slide.pdf

Travel Plans

Next meeting

  • On 2020/9/4(Fri)

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20200828 (last edited 2020-08-28 16:24:02 by RyutaroTakahashi)