Differences between revisions 1 and 55 (spanning 54 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2021-02-01 07:43:12
Size: 55
Editor: KousekiMiyo
Revision 55 as of 2021-02-05 12:36:51
Size: 11999
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Describe KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20210205 here. <<TableOfContents(3)>>

= Activities in this week =
 * klog15860
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15864|15864]], Friday, VIS/IX, '''takafumi.ushiba'''
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15866|15866]], Friday, VIS/IX, '''ryutaro.takahashi'''
 * klog15844
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15869|15869]], Sunday, VIS/PR3, '''fabian.arellano'''
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15875|15875]], Monday, VIS/PR3, '''fabian.arellano'''
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15885|15885]], Tuesday, VIS/PR3, '''fabian.arellano'''
 * klog15617
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15872|15872]], Monday, VIS/OMM, '''ryutaro.takahashi'''
 * klog15847
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15873|15873]], Monday, VIS/General, '''kouseki.miyo'''
 * klog15857
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15876|15876]], Monday, VIS/PR2, '''satoru.ikeda'''
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15880|15880]], Tuesday, VIS/PR2, '''satoru.ikeda'''
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15882|15882]], Tuesday, VIS/PR2, '''satoru.ikeda'''
 * klog15737
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15877|15877]], Monday, VIS/General, '''satoru.ikeda'''
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15878|15878]], Monday, CRY/Cryo-payload EX, '''takafumi.ushiba''', EX payload upgrade
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15908|15908]], Wednesday, CRY/Cryo-payload EX, '''takafumi.ushiba'''
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15889|15889]], Tuesday, VIS/PR3, '''fabian.arellano''', Traverser motor test and cabling.
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15890|15890]], Tuesday, VIS/PR3, '''satoru.ikeda'''
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15911|15911]], Wednesday, VIS/PR3, '''satoru.ikeda'''
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15920|15920]], Wednesday, VIS/PR3, '''satoru.ikeda'''
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15891|15891]], Tuesday, VIS/EY, '''ryutaro.takahashi''', Setup of F3
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15893|15893]], Wednesday, VIS/EY, '''kouseki.miyo'''
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15894|15894]], Wednesday, VIS/EY, '''kouseki.miyo'''
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15906|15906]], Wednesday, VIS/EY, '''kouseki.miyo'''
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15912|15912]], Wednesday, VIS/EY, '''kouseki.miyo'''
  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15918|15918]], Wednesday, VIS/EY, '''ryutaro.takahashi'''
  * {*} [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15932|15932]], Thursday, VIS/EY, '''ryutaro.takahashi''', Setup of F3
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15868|15868]], Sunday, VIS/General, '''kouseki.miyo''', Some suspensions are not SAFE.
  * {*} [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15923|15923]], Thursday, VIS/General, '''kouseki.miyo'''
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15905|15905]], Wednesday, PEM/General, '''tatsuki.washimi''', Bird watching (Ondotori maintenance) 2021
  * {*} [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15924|15924]], Thursday, PEM/General, '''takaaki.yokozawa'''
  * {*} [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15925|15925]], Thursday, PEM/General, '''shinji.miyoki'''
  * {*} [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15927|15927]], Thursday, PEM/General, '''tatsuki.washimi'''
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15919|15919]], Wednesday, VIS/EY, '''ryutaro.takahashi''', Setup of BF
  * {*} [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15926|15926]], Thursday, VIS/EY, '''kouseki.miyo'''
  * {*} [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15931|15931]], Thursday, VIS/EY, '''ryutaro.takahashi'''
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15921|15921]], Wednesday, VIS/SR3, '''fabian.arellano''', Oplev installation.
  * {*} [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15928|15928]], Thursday, VIS/SR3, '''fabian.arellano''', Oplev installation and alignment recovery.
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15871|15871]], Sunday, VIS/General, '''kouseki.miyo''', ISOLATED state is available with only LVDTs not blended sensors.
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15881|15881]], Tuesday, PEM/Center, '''takaaki.yokozawa''', IXC
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15883|15883]], Tuesday, CRY/Cryostat IY, '''takayuki.tomaru''', IYC test (temperature & frosting)
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15884|15884]], Tuesday, CRY/Cryostat IY, '''rishabh.bajpai''', Vibration Analysis
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15886|15886]], Tuesday, VIS/PR3, '''satoru.ikeda''', Driveable range of the PR3 GAS SF stepper motor
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15888|15888]], Tuesday, VIS/General, '''kouseki.miyo''', All payload models are in PAYLOAD_MASTER.mdl
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15910|15910]], Wednesday, VIS/EY, '''kouseki.miyo''', TF measurement for F3 GAS filter
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15913|15913]], Wednesday, CRY/Cryostat IY, '''takayuki.tomaru''', IYC cooler no.3
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15916|15916]], Wednesday, IOO/IMC, '''tomotada.akutsu''', Pre-inspection of the suspension structures for MCi
 * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15917|15917]], Wednesday, IOO/IMC, '''tomotada.akutsu''', Turned off the power supply to the tilt-sensor laser
 * {*} [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15930|15930]], Thursday, VIS/PR2, '''satoru.ikeda''', Connect and check the drive of the PR2 traverser.
 * {*} [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15933|15933]], Thursday, PEM/EY, '''tatsuki.washimi''', portable fluid meter

= Agenda/Minutes on 2021/2/5 =
[[https://zoom.us/j/203743987|Zoom Meeting]]

= CRY+VIS Interface Meeting =


[[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Upgrades/PostO3Upgrades|Post O3 Upgrade portal]]

Copy from previous meeting

 * Schedule for IX: Connection is scheduled in the week of 2/8. Do you work on 2/11?
 * Schedule for IY: Disconnection is scheduled on 3/11.
 * Schedule for EX: Connection is scheduled in the week of 3/15.
 * Corrugate tube fixing jig: Re-measurement is planed in 2/26-3/1 at IYV.
 * Commissioning in vacuum: Two phased commissioning will be tried in IX at beginning. After that, one phase is default.
 * Acceptance check: Cryo-payload in IX and Type-A tower in EY are on going.
 * Jig for FC painting: Delivery is delay.
 * PF actuator: by the end of January.

= VIS Meeting =


== Progress report ==
=== General ===
=== Type-A ===
 * Finished assembly of the ACCs and the geophone pods in IX.
 * Setup the F3: Calibration of the LVDT, Measurement of the FR range, Tuning of filter, Measurement of the TFs, Cabling around the F3.
 * Lifted down the EQ stop into the corrugate tube. The F3 stage sit down the frame lock.

=== Type-B ===

 * [[https://photos.app.goo.gl/YiRfy6a9uDf4rvcKA|BS remedying work after O3]]
 * [[https://photos.app.goo.gl/4cvWnXCdCsf9WiYf7|SR2 remedying work after O3]]
 * [[https://photos.app.goo.gl/X2eaBxsZGaRHYAQK6|SR3 remedying work after O3]]
 * [[https://photos.app.goo.gl/6C5tGpn7CLgGUG9y6|SRM remedying work after O3]]

SR3 alignment recovery ([[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15928|klog15928]])

 * We installed the oplev hardware, installed a new (orange) power cable for it and re-routed QPD cables underneath the floor panels.
 * We used the IP horizontal fishing rods to place the IP in the vicinity of the setpoint.
 * IM-Y had an unusually large value, namely, -2.9 mrad. I don't know how this happened and I should check. I used the picomotor to set it back to around zero.
 * Although we tried to keep the same value of yaw of the chain when we installed the F0 yaw motor, we might have change a little bit.
 * I tried to align the oplev without moving the components on the board, provided they had been aligned. However, the position of the collimator seems off by a large amount and a lot of adjustment in tip and tilt was necessary.
 * At the end of Thursday the beams were coming close to the QPDs but I think I need to move the position of the collimator. I'll do this on Monday.
 * The temperature was 23.1 degrees.

Plan for next week

 * Monday: Finish the alignment of the oplev and move the BF fishing rod to midrange.
 * Tuesday onwards: begin the adjustment of the IM ballast mass.

=== Type-Bp ===

 * [[https://photos.app.goo.gl/WvmWMxPAsN6793ubA|PR3 Remedying Work]]


Gluing of the mirror wire

 * Last week Friday we had mixed two portions of EP30 in order to test the adhesive. They both cured well so, on Monday we prepared another portion in a plastic tray and applied it to the wire. I have the impression that the problem with the portion that didn't cure was that we used an improvised tray with folded Al foil and the low viscosity component went in between folded Al sheets.
 * In Tuesday the new portion had cured so we proceeded to install the front ring and then released the payload. '''(We left the uncured adhesive on the wire.)'''
 * '''According to the oplev, we disturbed the pitch by +3.8 mrad approximately''' ([[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15941|klog15941]]). The value of pitch with respect to the horizontal still has to be measured, the mirror must be realigned to 1/300 rad with picomotors and the OSEMs adjusted.

Traverser in PR3 and PR2

 * Together with Ikeda-san we tested the Traverser driver. We set up dial gauges onto the motors to measure their motion. However, the traverser simply didn't work ([[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15889|klog15889]] and comments).
 * Later on we learned that the connector pin assignment was different from PR2 and PRM, and that there was even an adapter connector for PR3.
 * Ikeda-san and Hirata-san tested the Traverser in PR2 using the dial gauges and it worked well ([[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15930|klog15930]]), so the strategy became to change the pin assigment in the in-vacuum connectors.

=== Type-C ===
 * SEO has started the process of installing a shield on IMC's Type-C.
 * Remedy of cabling for the actuator coils in the IMC suspensions is required.
 * Please refer to the following K-log for details.
  . [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=15916|15916]]

=== Controls ===
 * Commissioning status is written in [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LfWFfzdWr6xrGkzuy5gLxuKQ3hOtdXHswb2HeZFqrtE/edit#heading=h.lqg6woxj6xi7|Suspension Commissioning Document]]

=== Electronics ===
== Towards O4 ==
 * Type-B/Bp remedy work is on going.
 * Installation of Type-A is on going in EY.
 * Schedule.
  * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=11475|Chart]]
 * Procedure documents.
  * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5500|Type-A tower installation]]
  * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=11598|Limit switches]]
  * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=11520|Limit switch connecting guide]]
  * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=11978|Replacement of TF blades]]
  * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=11878|Wire gluing in PR3]]
  * [[https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AOLVVVKJ_Zpn-2c&cid=1447B05D5B571A84&id=1447B05D5B571A84!26691&parId=1447B05D5B571A84!26683&o=OneUp|Type-B remedying work]]
 * Criteria in the acceptance test.
  * [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/6bv15yy6hg0wn40/Acceptance%20Test%20Documentation.docx?dl=0|Inspection document (sample)]]

== Safety ==
== Discussion ==
== Travel Plans ==
The week from 2/8

 * Takahashi: 2/8-12
 * Sato: 2/8-12
 * Hirata: 2/8-12
 * Yano: 2/8-12

The week from 2/15

 * Takahashi: 2/15-19
 * Sato: 2/15-19
 * Hirata: 2/15-19
 * Yano: 2/15-19

== Next meeting ==
 * On 2020/2/12(Fri)

Activities in this week

  • klog15860
    • 15864, Friday, VIS/IX, takafumi.ushiba

    • 15866, Friday, VIS/IX, ryutaro.takahashi

  • klog15844
    • 15869, Sunday, VIS/PR3, fabian.arellano

    • 15875, Monday, VIS/PR3, fabian.arellano

    • 15885, Tuesday, VIS/PR3, fabian.arellano

  • klog15617
    • 15872, Monday, VIS/OMM, ryutaro.takahashi

  • klog15847
    • 15873, Monday, VIS/General, kouseki.miyo

  • klog15857
    • 15876, Monday, VIS/PR2, satoru.ikeda

    • 15880, Tuesday, VIS/PR2, satoru.ikeda

    • 15882, Tuesday, VIS/PR2, satoru.ikeda

  • klog15737
    • 15877, Monday, VIS/General, satoru.ikeda

  • 15878, Monday, CRY/Cryo-payload EX, takafumi.ushiba, EX payload upgrade

    • 15908, Wednesday, CRY/Cryo-payload EX, takafumi.ushiba

  • 15889, Tuesday, VIS/PR3, fabian.arellano, Traverser motor test and cabling.

    • 15890, Tuesday, VIS/PR3, satoru.ikeda

    • 15911, Wednesday, VIS/PR3, satoru.ikeda

    • 15920, Wednesday, VIS/PR3, satoru.ikeda

  • 15891, Tuesday, VIS/EY, ryutaro.takahashi, Setup of F3

    • 15893, Wednesday, VIS/EY, kouseki.miyo

    • 15894, Wednesday, VIS/EY, kouseki.miyo

    • 15906, Wednesday, VIS/EY, kouseki.miyo

    • 15912, Wednesday, VIS/EY, kouseki.miyo

    • 15918, Wednesday, VIS/EY, ryutaro.takahashi

    • {*} 15932, Thursday, VIS/EY, ryutaro.takahashi, Setup of F3

  • 15868, Sunday, VIS/General, kouseki.miyo, Some suspensions are not SAFE.

    • {*} 15923, Thursday, VIS/General, kouseki.miyo

  • 15905, Wednesday, PEM/General, tatsuki.washimi, Bird watching (Ondotori maintenance) 2021

    • {*} 15924, Thursday, PEM/General, takaaki.yokozawa

    • {*} 15925, Thursday, PEM/General, shinji.miyoki

    • {*} 15927, Thursday, PEM/General, tatsuki.washimi

  • 15919, Wednesday, VIS/EY, ryutaro.takahashi, Setup of BF

    • {*} 15926, Thursday, VIS/EY, kouseki.miyo

    • {*} 15931, Thursday, VIS/EY, ryutaro.takahashi

  • 15921, Wednesday, VIS/SR3, fabian.arellano, Oplev installation.

    • {*} 15928, Thursday, VIS/SR3, fabian.arellano, Oplev installation and alignment recovery.

  • 15871, Sunday, VIS/General, kouseki.miyo, ISOLATED state is available with only LVDTs not blended sensors.

  • 15881, Tuesday, PEM/Center, takaaki.yokozawa, IXC

  • 15883, Tuesday, CRY/Cryostat IY, takayuki.tomaru, IYC test (temperature & frosting)

  • 15884, Tuesday, CRY/Cryostat IY, rishabh.bajpai, Vibration Analysis

  • 15886, Tuesday, VIS/PR3, satoru.ikeda, Driveable range of the PR3 GAS SF stepper motor

  • 15888, Tuesday, VIS/General, kouseki.miyo, All payload models are in PAYLOAD_MASTER.mdl

  • 15910, Wednesday, VIS/EY, kouseki.miyo, TF measurement for F3 GAS filter

  • 15913, Wednesday, CRY/Cryostat IY, takayuki.tomaru, IYC cooler no.3

  • 15916, Wednesday, IOO/IMC, tomotada.akutsu, Pre-inspection of the suspension structures for MCi

  • 15917, Wednesday, IOO/IMC, tomotada.akutsu, Turned off the power supply to the tilt-sensor laser

  • {*} 15930, Thursday, VIS/PR2, satoru.ikeda, Connect and check the drive of the PR2 traverser.

  • {*} 15933, Thursday, PEM/EY, tatsuki.washimi, portable fluid meter

Agenda/Minutes on 2021/2/5

Zoom Meeting

CRY+VIS Interface Meeting



Post O3 Upgrade portal

Copy from previous meeting

  • Schedule for IX: Connection is scheduled in the week of 2/8. Do you work on 2/11?
  • Schedule for IY: Disconnection is scheduled on 3/11.
  • Schedule for EX: Connection is scheduled in the week of 3/15.
  • Corrugate tube fixing jig: Re-measurement is planed in 2/26-3/1 at IYV.
  • Commissioning in vacuum: Two phased commissioning will be tried in IX at beginning. After that, one phase is default.
  • Acceptance check: Cryo-payload in IX and Type-A tower in EY are on going.
  • Jig for FC painting: Delivery is delay.
  • PF actuator: by the end of January.

VIS Meeting



Progress report



  • Finished assembly of the ACCs and the geophone pods in IX.
  • Setup the F3: Calibration of the LVDT, Measurement of the FR range, Tuning of filter, Measurement of the TFs, Cabling around the F3.
  • Lifted down the EQ stop into the corrugate tube. The F3 stage sit down the frame lock.



SR3 alignment recovery (klog15928)

  • We installed the oplev hardware, installed a new (orange) power cable for it and re-routed QPD cables underneath the floor panels.
  • We used the IP horizontal fishing rods to place the IP in the vicinity of the setpoint.
  • IM-Y had an unusually large value, namely, -2.9 mrad. I don't know how this happened and I should check. I used the picomotor to set it back to around zero.
  • Although we tried to keep the same value of yaw of the chain when we installed the F0 yaw motor, we might have change a little bit.
  • I tried to align the oplev without moving the components on the board, provided they had been aligned. However, the position of the collimator seems off by a large amount and a lot of adjustment in tip and tilt was necessary.
  • At the end of Thursday the beams were coming close to the QPDs but I think I need to move the position of the collimator. I'll do this on Monday.
  • The temperature was 23.1 degrees.

Plan for next week

  • Monday: Finish the alignment of the oplev and move the BF fishing rod to midrange.
  • Tuesday onwards: begin the adjustment of the IM ballast mass.




Gluing of the mirror wire

  • Last week Friday we had mixed two portions of EP30 in order to test the adhesive. They both cured well so, on Monday we prepared another portion in a plastic tray and applied it to the wire. I have the impression that the problem with the portion that didn't cure was that we used an improvised tray with folded Al foil and the low viscosity component went in between folded Al sheets.
  • In Tuesday the new portion had cured so we proceeded to install the front ring and then released the payload. (We left the uncured adhesive on the wire.)

  • According to the oplev, we disturbed the pitch by +3.8 mrad approximately (klog15941). The value of pitch with respect to the horizontal still has to be measured, the mirror must be realigned to 1/300 rad with picomotors and the OSEMs adjusted.

Traverser in PR3 and PR2

  • Together with Ikeda-san we tested the Traverser driver. We set up dial gauges onto the motors to measure their motion. However, the traverser simply didn't work (klog15889 and comments).

  • Later on we learned that the connector pin assignment was different from PR2 and PRM, and that there was even an adapter connector for PR3.
  • Ikeda-san and Hirata-san tested the Traverser in PR2 using the dial gauges and it worked well (klog15930), so the strategy became to change the pin assigment in the in-vacuum connectors.


  • SEO has started the process of installing a shield on IMC's Type-C.
  • Remedy of cabling for the actuator coils in the IMC suspensions is required.
  • Please refer to the following K-log for details.



Towards O4



Travel Plans

The week from 2/8

  • Takahashi: 2/8-12
  • Sato: 2/8-12
  • Hirata: 2/8-12
  • Yano: 2/8-12

The week from 2/15

  • Takahashi: 2/15-19
  • Sato: 2/15-19
  • Hirata: 2/15-19
  • Yano: 2/15-19

Next meeting

  • On 2020/2/12(Fri)

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20210205 (last edited 2021-02-11 21:23:44 by RyutaroTakahashi)