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* (!) [[|16447]] Support for common Tower/Payload model files Type-B(BS) supports TOWER_MASTER and PAYLOAD_MASTER. , __satoru.ikeda__ '''General''' * (!) [[|16446]] Model files have been modified. , __satoru.ikeda__ * (!) [[|16445]] Buoyancy effect in PR suspensions. , __fabian.arellano__ |
* [[|16447]] Support for common Tower/Payload model files:: Type-B(BS) supports TOWER_MASTER and PAYLOAD_MASTER. , __satoru.ikeda__ '''General''' * [[|16446]] Model files have been modified. , __satoru.ikeda__ * [[|16445]] Buoyancy effect in PR suspensions. , __fabian.arellano__ '''IX''' * [[|16365]] Wiring the release sensor (outside the vacuum chamber) , __naohisa.satou__ * [[|16438]] Comment , __naohisa.satou__ * [[|16421]] Height adjustment of ITMX , __ryutaro.takahashi__ * (!) [[|16458]] Comment , __ryutaro.takahashi__ '''PR2''' * [[|16417]] Tightening of the inner wire locating clamps. , __fabian.arellano__ * [[|16440]] Comment , __fabian.arellano__ * [[|16444]] Comment , __fabian.arellano__ * (!) [[|16460]] Comment , __fabian.arellano__ |
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'''IX''' * [[|16365]] Wiring the release sensor (outside the vacuum chamber) , __naohisa.satou__ * [[|16438]] Comment , __naohisa.satou__ |
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'''PR2''' * [[|16417]] Tightening of the inner wire locating clamps. , __fabian.arellano__ * [[|16440]] Comment , __fabian.arellano__ * (!) [[|16444]] Comment , __fabian.arellano__ This is generated by python script in /users/Miyo/dropbox/Script/scrapping/ (miyoconda37) controls@k1ctr1:/users/Miyo/dropbox/Scripts/scraping$ |
CRY+VIS Interface Meeting
Date : 13:30-
Participants :
- IX: Oplev will be finalized in April. Height and alignment adjustments are on going. ACC will be installed in April.
- Investigation of the behavior of BF.
- Wide range FR for the F0.
- Adjustment of the height of pre-isolator using the piston.
- IY: Remedy of the pre-isolator is scheduled in April.
- EX: Oplev setting is on going.
- EY: Installation of the tower will be restarted in May. Removing of the maraging rod is necessary.
- Corrugate tube fixing jig: They will be prepared by the end of May.
- Commissioning in air: From mid. May for IX.
- Commissioning in vacuum:
- Acceptance check: Check items for in-air commissioning should be confirmed on the payload.
- PF actuator: After the commissioning for suspension.
- Jig for FC painting:
- Overall commissioning:
- Procedure of TM height setting: Prepare for the measurement in the first in-vacuum commissioning in IX.
VIS Meeting
See Schedule
- Type-A team: IXV 4/13-16
- Type-B team: PR2 4/13-16
IMC suspensions are ready in air [40] will finish 2011/04/21.
PRs are ready in air [643] will finish 2011/07/09.
ETMX is ready in air [656] will finish 2021/08/25.
ITMX is ready in air [657] will finish 2021/08/31.
ETMY is ready in air [658] will finish 2021/09/16.
ITMY is ready in air [659] will finish 2021/11/08.
BS is ready in air [691] will finish 2011/11/24.
SRs are ready in air [663] will finish 2011/12/20.
Output suspensions are ready in air [695] will finish 2011/12/21.
TMSY is ready in air [708] will finish 2011/??/??.
TMSX is ready in air [684] will finish 2011/??/??.
2021/03/29 updated
- * [[|16447]] Support for common Tower/Payload model files
Type-B(BS) supports TOWER_MASTER and PAYLOAD_MASTER. , satoru.ikeda
16446 Model files have been modified. , satoru.ikeda
16445 Buoyancy effect in PR suspensions. , fabian.arellano
16365 Wiring the release sensor (outside the vacuum chamber) , naohisa.satou
16438 Comment , naohisa.satou
16421 Height adjustment of ITMX , ryutaro.takahashi
16458 Comment , ryutaro.takahashi
16417 Tightening of the inner wire locating clamps. , fabian.arellano
16440 Comment , fabian.arellano
16444 Comment , fabian.arellano
16460 Comment , fabian.arellano
This is generated by python script in /users/Miyo/dropbox/Script/scrapping/
Summary Report
Type-Bp PR2
This week we inspected and tightened the wires clapms in PR2. We followed the same procedure as in PR3, so I won't write any details here.
- We removed the IRM side panels and measure the gaps in different places using thickness gauges:
- Largest gap: 220 um close the wire, but smaller exactly where the wire is.
- Smallest gap: (50 , 60 ) um.
- We tightened the clamps according to the specification: 10 Nm for the weight holding ones and 2 Nm for the locating ones.
- 10 out of 12 screws rotated by small amounts when tightened, however,
- The two screws of the locating clamp at the +Y side were completely loose.
- After we re-assembled and released the payload we realized it had a lot of negative pitch (I wrote positive in the klog, sorry) and at least one OSEM flag was touching.
- We corrected the pitch with the picomotor.
- We also moved the BF keystone close to nominal position with the fishing rod.
- Then we corrected IM yaw.
- We found picomotor cables and stepper motor cables disconnected, so we connected them.
- By the end of today's work the IM seemed to be hanging free.
- We tried to measure TFs, but it seems the actuation is not going through because of a problem in the real-time model. Miyo-kun and Ikeda-san will take a look.
- Before pumping down the IMC area, we have to write acceptance document for review. This document will be organized by Akutsu-san with some VIS people (Miyo, Takahashi)
Travel Plans
The week from 4/12
- Takahashi: 4/12-16
- Sato: 4/12-16
- Hirata: 4/12-16
The week from 4/19
- Takahashi: 4/19-23
- Sato: 4/19-23
- Hirata: 4/19-23
Next meeting
- 2021/4/16(FRI)