<> ---------- = VIS Meeting = Date: 2024/8/2 10:00- [[https://zoom.us/j/203743987|Zoom]] Participants: == Topics == === Type-A === * IP controls using ACCs * Test of the 50mHz blending in [[https://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=30572|EY]]. * Replacement of the coil driver for ACCs in [[https://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=30524|EX]]. === Type-B/Bp === * IP control of SR3.: Done * BF damper for Type-B. * IP for Type-Bp. === Type-C === * OMC stack.: 3 to 1-2 stage? * Active isolation table for OMC: by ATC, Design in 2024FY, Procurement and assembly in 2025FY, Evaluation and installation from 2026 spring-summer. === R&D === * Protection from earthquakes * Application for R7 Kakenhi ([[https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/--CSVUMuM~GM9QetDG~rqIOxIpAg-9u6o6e7X8CGgxNBoTaceJ|Memo]]) == Discussion == == Next meeting == * 2024/8/16 10:00-