<> ---------- = VIS Meeting = Date: 2025/1/31 10:00-10:30 [[https://zoom.us/j/203743987|Zoom]] Participants: Ushiba, Washimi, Yokozawa, Tanaka, Sato, Takahashi, Miyoki == Topics == === Type-A === * Height adjustment during the cooling. * Total (duct + cryostat) height change was 1~3mm. * ACCs for the IP controls. * Preparing for the stand-alone test bench with DGS in Mitaka. Ikeda-san has set the DGS up in the ATC lab. === Type-B/Bp === * Enclosure for the SG card into an independent box. * Tanaka-san will make a prototype. * Yaw damper for Type-B. * One set should be tested in SRM around autumn 2025. * IP for Type-Bp. === Type-C === * Active isolation table for OMC. * Sato-san is checking the parameters of the TMS isolator for OMC. He calculated the blade springs. * Asking Marutsu to make geophone pre-amp boards. * Vibration in the IFI chamber * Fixing the STM is planned for late February. * Small Type-C suspensions with mini-GAS. === R&D === == Discussion == * Task list for authorship 2025. * Management of the group * Commissioning of the suspensions toward O4c * Maintenance of the suspensions during O4c * Preparation for upgrade toward O5 * Control upgrade * Software development == Next meeting == * 2025/2/14 10:00-