= Terminology = This page lists commonly used terms and acronyms in the KAGRA project. If you encounter unknown acronyms in the KAGRA documents, come back to this page to find a meaning. If you don't find a description here, send an email to the author of the document and poke him/her to add a description here. ''It is desirable to order the table in alphabetical order.'' <> == Subgroup name and Number == ||No.||'''Word/Acronym'''||'''Meaning/Description'''||'''Synonyms'''|| ||1||Site||KAGRA Site||トンネルを含む全般|| ||2||FCL||Facility||施設整備|| ||3||VAC||Vacuum||真空|| ||4c||CRY||Cryogenics||低温|| ||4p||CRY-p||Cryogenic Payload||低温懸架|| ||5||VIS||Vibration Isolation||防振|| ||6||MIR||Mirror||鏡|| ||7||LAS||Laser||レーザ|| ||8||MIF||Main Interferometer||主干渉計|| ||9||IOO||Input/Output Optics||入出射光学系|| ||10||AOS||Auxiliary Optics Subsystem||補助光学系|| ||11||AEL||Analog Electronics||アナログ電子回路|| ||12||DGS||Digital System||デジタル系|| ||13a||DAS||Data Analysis||データ解析|| ||13m||DMG||Data Management||データ処理|| ||14||GIF||Geophysics Interferometer||地球物理干渉計|| ||**||Det Char||Detector Characterization||検出器特性|| == Tunnel Related == [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=1110|Document]] == Interferometer Related == ||'''Word/Acronym'''||'''Meaning/Description'''||'''Synonyms'''|| ||RSE||Resonant sideband extraction|||| ||BRSE||Broad band RSE|||| ||DRSE||Detuned RSE|||| ||VRSE||Variable RSE. Variable optical mode between BRSE and DRSE|||| ||BRT||Beam Reducing Telescope|||| ||BS||Beam Splitter|||| ||Center||The central part of the IFO, where PRC, SRC and BS are located.||Vertex, Central Part|| ||ETM||End Test Mass. The mirrors suspended at the far ends of the long arm cavities.||End Mirror.|| ||ETMX||End Test Mass of X arm.|||| ||ETMY||End Test Mass of Y arm.|||| ||IFO||I guess IFO actually means !InterFerometer Observatory. But it is used to mean just interferometer, the core part of an interferometric gravitational wave detector.|||| ||ITM||Input Test Mass. The mirrors forming the arm cavities suspended close to the vertex.||Front Mirror, Near Mirror.|| ||ITMX||Input Test Mass of X arm|||| ||ITMY||Input Test Mass of Y arm|||| ||PRC||Power Recycling Cavity|||| ||PRM||Power Recycling Mirror|||| ||PR2||Name of the folding mirror in the PRC, which is closer to the PRM.|||| ||PR3||Name of the folding mirror in the PRC, which is closer to the BS.|||| ||SRC||Signal Recycling Cavity. There is a philosophical dispute going on whether to call it SRC or SEC. SEC means Signal Extraction Cavity. Since we are going to operate the LCGT in RSE configuration, probably SEC is a better name.||SEC|| ||SRM||Signal Recycling Mirror. The main argument against the use of SEC/SEM is to use the same terminology as LIGO. Since we will collaborate with LIGO a lot, regardless of we like it or not, it is just easier to use the same words.||SEM|| ||SR2||Name of the folding mirror in the SRC, which is closer to the SRM.|||| ||SR3||Name of the folding mirror in the SRC, which is closer to the BS.|||| ||Vertex||The central part of the IFO, where PRC, SRC and BS are located.||Center, Central Part|| ||X-arm||The Fabry-Perot arm on the transmission side of the BS. The use of the words listed in the synonyms column is prohibited as it creates great confusion. If we use the name X-arm persistently, people from Kamioka-Kogyo will follow the convention eventually.||In-line arm, 2nd tunnel, Sako-tunnel|| ||Y-arm||The Fabry-Perot arm on the reflection side of the BS. The use of the words listed in the synonyms column is prohibited as it creates great confusion. If we use the name Y-arm persistently, people from Kamioka-Kogyo will follow the convention eventually.||Perpendicular arm, 1st tunnel, Mozumi-tunnel|| <> == Digital Related == Hardware: ||'''Word/Acronym'''||'''Meaning/Description'''||'''Synonyms'''|| ||RT||Real-Time|||| ||I/O Chassis||PCIe expansion chassis for ADC/DAC/BO slots|||| ||ADC||Analog to Digital Converter.|||| ||DAC||Digital to Analog Converter.|||| ||BO||Binary Output. Used for switching by 0V-5V output.|||| ||AA||Anti Alias (filter)|||| ||AI||Anti Imaging (filter)|||| ||DAQ||Data Acquisition|||| ||RFM||Reflective Memory|||| ||PCIe||PCI Express|||| ||TDS||Timing Distribution System|||| Software: ||'''Word/Acronym'''||'''Meaning/Description'''||'''Synonyms'''|| ||daq||data acquisition|||| ||nds||a software to control data stream|| ||daqd||daq daemon|| ||EPICS||Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System|||| ||medm||EPICS GUI tool for digital system on X windows, used as human interfaces|||| ||gds, DTT||Diagnostic Test Tool. Software on digital system, for FFT, swept sine measurement etc.||diaggui|| ||dataviewer||Software on digital system, low sampling oscilloscope, used as multiple channels.|||| ||foton||Digital filter composer.|||| ||awgtpman||test point manager|||| ||awg||arbitrary waveform generator|||| ||TP channel, test point channnel||channel name for fast data stream, a test point is used when a channel name is called.|||| ||DAQ channel||reserved channels for testpoints and the date will be stored to storage drive. Test point is not used when the channel name is reserved. |||| ||EPICS channel||slow channels defined by EPICS database|| ||AWG channel||An excitation point is used when the awg excites a awg channel || ||RFM||Reflective Memory|||| ||PCIe||PCI Express|||| == Vacuum Related == Material and Technology ||'''Word/Acronym'''||'''Meaning/Description'''||'''Synonyms'''|| ||CCG||Cold Cathode Gauge|||| ||CP||Chemical Polish|||| ||DLC||Diamond-Like Carbon|||| ||ECB||Electro-Chemical Buffing|||| ||RP||Rotary Pump||(油)回転ポンプ|| ||TED||Thermo-Elastic Damping|||| ||TMP||Turbo Molecular Pump||ターボ分子ポンプ|| Tank ([[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=1049|Tank Map]]) ||'''Word/Acronym'''||'''Meaning/Description'''||'''Synonyms'''|| ||'''IMC Part'''|||||| ||MCF||Mode Cleaner Front Tank|||| ||MCE||Mode Cleaner End Tank|||| ||'''Michelson Part'''|||||| ||IFI||Input Faraday Isolator Tank|||| ||IMM||Input Mode Matching Telescope Tank|||| ||REF||Reflected Light Detection Tank|||| ||PRM||Power Recycling Mirror Tank|||| ||PR3||Power Recycling Cavity Folding Mirror 3 Tank|||| ||PR2||Power Recycling Cavity Folding Mirror 2 Tank|||| ||GPO||Green and POX, POY Tank|||| ||BS ||Beam Splitter Tank|||| ||SR2||Power Recycling Cavity Folding Mirror 2 Tank|||| ||SR3||Power Recycling Cavity Folding Mirror 3 Tank|||| ||SRM||Signal Recycling Mirror Tank|||| ||OFI||Output Faraday Isolator Tank|||| ||OMC||Output Mode Cleaner Tank|||| ||'''X Arm'''|||||| ||IXC||Cryogenic X arm Input Test Mass Tank|||| ||IXV||Vibration Isolation Suspension Tank for X arm Input Test Mass|||| ||IXA||AOS Tank for X arm Input Test Mass|||| ||EXA||AOS Tank for X arm End Test Mass|||| ||EXC||Cryogenic X arm End Test Mass Tank|||| ||EXV||Vibration Isolation Suspension Tank for X arm End Test Mass|||| ||EXT||Transmitting Beam Monitor Tank at X End|||| ||'''Y Arm'''|||||| ||IYC||Cryogenic Y arm Input Test Mass Tank|||| ||IYV||Vibration Isolation Suspension Tank for Y arm Input Test Mass|||| ||IYA||AOS Tank for Y arm Input Test Mass|||| ||EYA||AOS Tank for Y arm End Test Mass|||| ||EYC||Cryogenic Y arm End Test Mass Tank|||| ||EYV||Vibration Isolation Suspension Tank for Y arm End Test Mass|||| ||EYT||Transmitting Beam Monitor Tank at Y End|||| == Cryogenics and Cryo-payload Related == ||'''Word/Acronym'''||'''Meaning/Description'''||'''Synonyms'''|| ||5N, 5N8||Five Nine, Five Nine Eight||材料の純度を表すための"9"の数。99.999%->5N、99.9998%->5N8 のように表す。|| ||AFB||Adhesion Free Bonding (TM Onyx Opt.). ||Onyx Opt.社の拡散接合技術。接合レーザーロッド製品がある。|| ||CHES||Controlled Heat Extraction System ||融液下面の結晶成長法の一つ。米国Advanced Renewable Energy Companyの技術。最大結晶はΦ500、302kgが報告されている(2016)|| ||COP||Coefficient Of Performance ||成績係数、動作係数。冷凍機の性能の指標として使われる。|| ||DB||Direct Bonding ||直接接合。接着剤を使わない接合法。|| ||EFG||Edge-defined Film-fed Growth method||Stepanov method、融液からの引上制御で成形も行う結晶成長法|| ||FRP||Fiber Reinforced Plastics ||繊維強化プラスティック|| ||GMC||Gifford-McMahon Cryocooler ||GM冷凍機。パルス管冷凍機に比べて、冷凍能力は大きいが、往復運動する個体部品を持つため冷凍機本体の振動は大きい。|| ||HCB||Hydroxide-Catalysis Bonding ||KOH, NaOHの希薄水溶液、Na2SiO3水溶液等を用いる無機材料の接着法。|| ||HEM||Heat Exchange Method ||融液下面の結晶成長法の一つ。Heガスの流れで温度制御を行う。米国Crytal Ststems Inc.の技術。最大結晶はΦ340mm、65kgが報告されている(2001)|| ||HL||Heat Link||伝導冷却のために被冷却体と寒冷源を結ぶ冷却路で、特に振動伝達を抑える目的で使用される部分。高純度金属(Al, Cuなど)の細線束や積層薄板などが用いられる。|| ||IM||Intermediate Mass ||中間質量|| ||IRM||Intermediate Recoil Mass ||中間反跳質量|| ||MLI||Multi Layer Insulation ||多層断熱。商品名はSuper Insulator|| ||PF||PlatForm ||プラットフォーム|| ||PTC||Pulse Tube Cryocooler ||パルス管冷凍機。ヘリウムガスを作業物質として、周期的な圧力の変化で駆動する小型冷凍機。運動する個体部品を持たないため、慣性力に起因する冷凍機本体の振動は小さい。|| ||RM||Recoil Mass ||反跳質量|| ||RRR||Residual Resistance Ratio||残留抵抗比。電気抵抗の300Kでの値と4.2Kでの値との比。|| ||SAB||Surface Activated Bonding ||表面活性化接合、Arイオンビームで表面層を除去した固体材料を接合する。|| ||SI||Super Insulator ||スーパーインシュレーター(商品名)。MLIの素材。|| ||SQUID||Superconducting QUantum Interference Device||超伝導量子干渉素子|| ||TES||Transition Edge Sensor||遷移端センサー|| ||TM||Test Mass||試験質量。干渉計型検出器では鏡の機能も担う。中央側をITM、エンド側をETMと呼んで区別している。(真空チャンバーの呼称を参照)|| ||VRS||Vibration Reduction Stage ||減振ステージ。冷凍機のコールドヘッド振動防除に使われる。|| == Measurement, Surveying and Metrology Related == ||'''Word/Acronym'''||'''Meaning/Description'''||'''Synonyms'''|| ||CCR||Corner Cube Reflector||3枚鏡で入射光線の方向余弦を反転する反射体|| ||CPS||Control Point Survey||基準点測量|| ||DEM||Digital Elevation Model||数値標高モデル|| ||DTM||Digital Terrain Model||数値地形モデル|| ||GNSS||Global Navigation Satellite System||全地球航行衛星システム|| ||GPS||Global Positioning System||汎地球測位システム|| ||GRS80||Geodetic Reference System 1980|| || ||IAG||International Association of Geodesy||国際測地学協会|| ||ITRF94||International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1994|| || ||LT||Laser Tracker||レーザートラッカー(測量機器)|| ||REM||Remote Elevation Measurement||遠隔側高。TSの機能の一つ。|| ||T.P.||Tokyo Peil||東京湾平均海面|| ||TS||Total Station||水平角、鉛直角、距離を同時に測定できる測量機器|| == Vibration Isolation Related == ||'''Word/Acronym'''||'''Meaning/Description'''||'''Synonyms'''|| ||CB||Coil Box|||| ||COP||Centre Of Percussion|||| ||GAS||Geometric Anti-Spring|||| ||IM||Intermediate Mass|||| ||IMRM||Recoil Mass for Intermediate Mass|||| ||IP||Inverted Pendulum|||| ||LVDT||Linear Variable Differential Transformer|||| ||MB||Magnet Box|||| ||PF||Platform|||| ||RM||Recoil Mass|||| ||SAS||Seismic Attenuation System|||| ||SF||Standard Filter|||| ||TF||Top Filter|||| ||TM||Test Mass||||