Attachment '20220112_SQB1_third_version.f90'


   1 program KAGRA_Injection_2021
   2 !!!This program simulates an optical system for SQB1 
   3 	use optocad
   4 	use rsplot
   5 !!!Variable declaration, allocation, and initialization
   6 	character(len=400),dimension(90,18) :: K = ''
   7 	real(8) :: pst1(7) = (/2.,1.,1.e-1,1.e-2,1.e-3,1.e-4,1.e-5/),&
   8 			   pst2(7) = (/2.e-1,1.e-1,1.e-2,1.e-3,1.e-4,1.e-5,1.e-6/),&
   9 			   shift2, shift3, angle
  10 	integer i, j
  11 !!!Character arrays describe optical components (all components in this program, NO call external files)
  13 !!!OMC chamber
  14 !                  ac,         x,        y,      rd,      ag,  c,  m      r      t       # label
  15     K(01,1)='o          -143.289,  436.736'    ! origin at Input Faraday Isolator crystals in OMC                        
  16     K(02,1)='b         0.+shift3,  94.649,  w=0.9047, ag=-90., p=1.0,z=0., rc=1.2809e3   # Input beam1 >>'
  17 	K(03,1)='d      t, 0.+shift3,  94.649,  rd=12.7, ag=-90.-56., m=1, t=1.               # OMC PBS1 >>  @lc 20,0'  !Index_1.4496 
  18     K(04,1)='+      t,  dm=6.35 '
  19 	K(05,1)='d      t,        0.,       0., 6., ag=-90., m=5, r=0., t=1.                  # OMC FI >>  @lc20,0'    !TGG crystal Index_1.954
  20     K(06,1)='+      t, dm= 10.,'	
  21 	K(07,1)='d      t,         0,    -48.503, rd=10. , ag=-90., m=1, r=0., t=1.             # OMC HWP >> @lc20,0'
  22 	K(08,1)='+     t, dm=7.13'
  23  	K(09,1)='d     srt,         0, -127.518, rd=12.7, ag=-45., m=1, r=0.99, t=0.01     # OMC PBS2 >> @lc 20,0'  !Index_1.4496
  24 	K(10,1)='+     t, dm=6.35'
  25     K(11,1)='c     d,        2.789-.8079,   -900. , 50.8, ag=90.                                  #OMC Damper > @lc-100,-30'   !Beam damper 
  26 	K(12,1)='d      r, -93.335-6.6366, -128.524+1.0058, 12.7, ag=-135., m=1, r=1., t=0.   #OMC RM1 >   @lc-65,-40'           !Plane Mirror 
  27 	K(13,1)='+      d, dm=5'
  28 !!!OMMT chamber 
  29 	K(14,1)='d      r,  -193.335-6.6366+100., 2358.649+59.459, 12.7*2, ag=135., m=1, r=1., t=0.        #OMMT RM1 >   @lc-100,40'           !Plane Mirror
  30     K(15,1)='+      d, dm=5'
  31 	K(16,1)='d      r,  550.0284, 2358.649+59.459, 12.7*2, ag=-45., m=1, r=1., t=0.        #OMMT RM2 >   @lc-170,40'           !Plane Mirror
  32     K(17,1)='+      d, dm=5'
  33 	K(18,1)='d      r,  550.0284, 2358.649+259.459, 12.7*2, ag=135., m=1, r=1., t=0.        #OMMT RM3 >   @lc-170,40'           !Plane Mirror
  34     K(19,1)='+      d, dm=5'
  35 !!!SQB1a and SQB1b chamber
  36 	K(20,1)='d      r, 3795.0444,    2618.108, 25.4*2, ag=-3., m=1,rc=-7.1e3, r=1.,t=0.          #SQB1a RSM1 >    @cc-80,70'
  37 	K(21,1)='+      d, dm=5'
  38 	K(22,1)='d      r, 2809.553,  2721.6862, 25.4*2,ag=-3+180., m=1, rc=-7.1e3,r=1.,t=0.             #SQB1a RSM2 >    @cc10,70'
  39 	K(23,1)='+      d, dm=5'
  40 	K(24,1)='d      r,  2809.553+940., 2721.6862, 12.7*2, ag=-45., m=1, r=1., t=0.       #SQB1a RM1 >   @lc-200,30'           !Plane Mirror
  41     K(25,1)='+      d, dm=5'
  42 	K(26,1)='d      str, 2809.553+940.,   2821.6862+102.481, rd=12.7, ag=45., m=1, r=.01,t=.99        # SQB1a PBS1 >> @lc 20,0'  !Index_1.4496 
  43     K(27,1)='+      t,  dm=6.35 '
  44 	K(28,1)='d      t,  2809.553+941.982,  2821.6862+174.367, rd=10. , ag=90., m=1, r=0., t=1.             # SQB1a HWP1 >> @lc20,0'
  45 	K(29,1)='+      t, dm=7.13'
  46 	K(30,1)='d      t,   2809.553+941.982,       2821.6862+220., 6., ag=90., m=5, r=0., t=1.              # SQB1a FI1 >>  @lc20,0'    !TGG crystal Index_1.954
  47 	K(31,1)='+      t, dm=10'
  48 	K(32,1)='d      tr, 2809.553+941.982,   2821.6862+323.051, rd=12.7, ag=135., m=1, r=.01,t=.99        # SQB1a PBS2 >>  @lc20,0'  !Index_1.4496 
  49     K(33,1)='+      t,  dm=6.35'
  50 	K(34,1)='d      t, 2809.553+940,   2821.6862+2233.051, rd=10., ag=90., m=1, r=0., t=1.      # SQB1b HWP1 >> @lc-220,20'
  51 	K(35,1)='+      t, dm=7.13'
  52 	K(36,1)='d      rr, 2809.553+938.019,   2821.686+2665.126, rd=12.7, ag=45., m=1, t=0.,r=1.         # SQB1b PBS2 >> @lc 20,0'  !Index_1.4496 
  53     K(37,1)='+      t,  dm=6.35'
  54 	K(38,1)='d      t,        2809.553+938.019,      5389.705, 6., ag=90., m=5, r=0., t=1.              # SQB1b FI1 >>  @lc20,0'    !TGG crystal Index_1.954
  55 	K(39,1)='+      t,  dm=10'
  56 	K(40,1)='d      t,       2809.553+938.019,    2821.686+2615.633, rd=10. , ag=90., m=1, r=0., t=1.      # SQB1b HWP2 >> @lc20,0'
  57 	K(41,1)='+      t,  dm=7.13'
  58 	K(42,1)='d      tstr, 2809.553+940.001,   2821.686+2475.352, rd=12.7, ag=135., m=1, r=.01,t=.99      # SQB1b PBS1 >>  @lc20,20'  !Index_1.4496 
  59     K(43,1)='+      t,  dm=6.35'
  60 	K(44,1)='d      rrtt, 2809.553+638.019, 2821.686+2665.126, 12.7*4, ag=-135., m=1, r=0.99, t=0.01   # SQB1b DM  @cb100,10'
  61     K(45,1)='+           t, dm=5'
  62 	K(46,1)='c     t, 2809.553+638.019,    6252,   rd=25.4, ag=90., m=1, r=0.,  t=1.              # SQB1b Test1 >>  @lc20,50'  !Index_1.4496 
  63 	K(47,1)='d     r, 2809.553+715.001,   2821.686+2477.332, rd=12.7*2, ag=135., m=1, r=1.,t=0.         # SQB1b RM1 >>  @lc-210,0'  !Index_1.4496 
  64     K(48,1)='+      d,  dm=5 '
  65 	K(49,1)='c     t, 2809.553+715.001,   2103,   rd=25.4, ag=90., m=1, r=0.,  t=1.              # SQB1a Test1 >>  @lc20,-30'  !Index_1.4496 
  66 	K(50,1)='d     r, 2809.553+615.001,   2821.6862+325.031, rd=12.7*2, ag=135., m=1, r=1.,t=0.         # SQB1a RM2 >>  @lc-100,40'  !Index_1.4496 
  67     K(51,1)='+     d,  dm=5 '
  68 	K(52,1)='c     t, 2609.553+815.001362,   2088,   rd=25.4, ag=90., m=1, r=0.,  t=1.                # SQB1a Test2 >>  @lc-100,-30'  !Index_1.4496 
  69     K(53,1)='d     str, 2809.553+515.001,   2821.6862+102.481, rd=12.7, ag=135., m=1, r=.5,t=.5      # SQB1a BS1 >>  @lc-110,40'  !Index_1.4496 
  70     K(54,1)='+      t,  dm=6.35'
  71 	K(55,1)='c     d, 2809.553+515.001,  2821.6862+62.481, 41., ag=90.                                  #SQB1a QPD1 > @lc-260,-10' 
  72 	K(56,1)='c      d, 2809.553+15.001,  2821.6862+102.481+1.981, 41., ag=0.                                  #SQB1a QPD2 > @lc-100,60' 
  73     K(57,1)='c,     t,870.0284, 2358.649+259.459,   rd=25.4, ag=0., m=1, r=0.,  t=1.                # OMMT Test >>  @lc10,30'  !Index_1.4496 '
  74 !!!Simulate FDS signal path 
  75     K(01,2)='o         -143.289+2809.553+638.019,  436.736+6252'    ! origin at SQB1b Test1's output for FDS
  76 	K(02,2)='b         0,    0. , w=4.03498, ag=-90., p=1.0 ,z=0., rc=2322    # Input beam2 t plane  >>'
  77 	!K(01,5)='o         -143.289+2809.553+375.944,  436.736+3654.1672'    ! origin at SQB1 Test2's output for FDS
  78 	!K(02,5)='b         0,    0. , w=5.29208 , ag=-90., p=1.0 ,z=0., rc=2050   # Input beam3 s plane >>'
  80 !!! Simulate Green light from ESQB1
  81     K(01,3)='o         2900, 2450'    ! origin at SQB1 Test2's output for FDS
  82 	K(02,3)='b         0,    0. , w=1.0, ag=90., p=1.0 ,z=0., rc=1.0e6    # Input beam3   >>'
  83     K(03,3)='c     t, 0, 126.,   rd=25.4, ag=90., m=1, r=0.,  t=1.                # SQB1a Test3 >>  @lc-100,-50'  !Index_1.4496 	
  84 	K(04,3)='d      srt, 0,  3350., rd=12.7*2, ag=135., m=1, r=0.99,t=0.01       # SQB1b GM2 >> @lc -200,-30'  !Index_1.4496 
  85     K(05,3)='+      t,  dm=5 '
  86 	K(06,3)='d      r, 400+2.723,   3350., rd=12.7*2, ag=-45., m=1, r=1.0,t=0.        # SQB1b GM3 >> @lc -200,30'  !Index_1.4496 
  87     K(07,3)='+      d,  dm=5 '
  88 	K(08,3)='d     str, -1.560,   3550-1.560, rd=12.7, ag=45., m=1, r=.5,t=.5      # SQB1b BS1 >>  @lc0,40'  !Index_1.4496 
  89     K(09,3)='+      t,  dm=6.35'
  90 	K(10,3)='c     d, 0,  3950, 41., ag=90.                                  #SQB1b QPD1 > @lc0,-50' 
  91 	K(11,3)='c     d, -100,  3550-1.560, 41., ag=0.                                  #SQB1b QPD2 > @lc-260,-10' 
  92 	!K(08,3)='d      str, 440.-1.981-1.981,   450.-1.981, rd=12.7, ag=-45., m=1, r=.99,t=.01        # SQB1a M14 >> @lc -100,60'  !Index_1.4496 
  93     !K(09,3)='+      t,  dm=6.35 '
  94 	!K(10,3)='c     d, 530.-3.962+, 450.-1.981-1.981,   41., ag=0.                # SQB1a Near2 >>  @lc-100,-60'  !Index_1.4496
  95     !K(11,3)='d      r, 440.-1.981-1.981,   550.-1.981, rd=12.7, ag=45., m=1, r=.99,t=.01        # SQB1a M15 >> @lc -100,30'  !Index_1.4496 
  96     !K(12,3)='+      t,  dm=6.35 '
  97 	!K(13,3)='c     d, -110.-3.962, 550.-1.981,   41., ag=0.                # SQB1a Far2 >>  @lc-150,60'  !Index_1.4496
  98 	!K(14,3)='c     d, 130.+1.981+1.981, 450.-80.,   41., ag=90.                # SQB1a Near3  >>  @lc-100,-80'  !Index_1.4496
 100 !!!Simulate the Green light from Filter cavity
 101     !K(01,4)='o         -143.289+2809.553+375.944,  436.736+3654.1672'    ! origin at SQB1 Test2's output for FDS
 102 	!K(02,4)='b         0,    0. , w=1.17316, ag=-90., p=1.0 ,z=0., rc=6.624e3    # Input beam4 t plane  >>'	
 104 !!! Simulate GW signal path
 105     K(01,5)='o         -143.289,  436.736'    ! origin at Output Faraday Isolator
 106 	K(02,5)='b         0.+shift3, 94.649, w=0.9047, ag=90., p=1.0 ,z=0., rc=1.2809e3    # Input beam5  >>'
 107     K(03,5)='d  r, -25.0992+10*shift3,  2573.424 ,rd=50, ag=90.+3.07, m=1, r=1.         #OMMT Mirror >   @lc-100,100'         
 108 	K(04,5)='+     d,  dm=57.817'
 109 	K(05,5)='d  r, 310.212-10*shift3,  -25.088,rd=50, ag=-90.+3.07, m=1, r=1.           #OMC Mirror >   @lc60,-25'     
 110 	K(06,5)='+     d,  dm=57.817'
 112 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 113 !!!!OptoCad initialization and setups
 114     call oc_init(unit='mm',pform='A0_P')
 115     call oc_frame(xbeg=-800., ybeg=-800., yend=10000., xend=1700.,xbl=100.,ybl=70., scale=.14,ax='XXYY',glp=0, unit='x')
 116 	call oc_frame(xbeg=1700., ybeg=2400., yend=10000., xend=4000.,xbl=500.,ybl=518., scale=.14,ax='XXYY',glp=0, unit='x')
 117 	!call oc_frame(xbeg=1700., ybeg=2400., yend=5000., xend=4000.,xbl=500.,ybl=518., scale=.14,ax='XXYY',glp=0, unit='x')
 118 	!call oc_frame(xbeg=-700., ybeg=2400., yend=3700., xend=1000.,xbl=100.,ybl=650., scale=.35,ax='XXYY',glp=0)
 119     call oc_set(n=1, fslb=4., &
 120 				rix=(/1.4496_8, 1.4285_8, 1.5066_8, 2.2321, 1.954_8/), & 
 121 				! Fused Silica, CaF2, N-BK7, LiNb, TGG? (
 122 				print='rs s2 act w2t_6 w2s_6 z2t z2s R2t R2s an1 an2 pw ipp tpp lb dx dy ang med')
 125 !!!!PS PLOT drawing section
 126 	call ps_quad(frm= 1,xu=-780.,yu=1000.,wu=200.,hu=70.,fill=14) !OMC optical bench
 127 	call ps_text(frm=1,str='OMC',xu=-780.,yu=1000.,fs=10., fn='HB') 
 128 	call ps_arc(frm=1,xu= 0.,yu= 0.,rux= 649., lw=2., ci= 4) !OMC optical bench size	
 129 	call ps_arc(frm=1,xu= 0.,yu= 0.,rux= 793.5, lw=2., ci= 1) !OMC chamber size	
 130 	call ps_quad(frm=1,xu=-680.,yu=3800.,wu=250.,hu=70.,fill=14) !OMMT optical bench
 131 	call ps_text(frm=1,str='OMMT',xu=-680.,yu=3800.,fs=10., fn='HB') 
 132 	call ps_arc(frm=1,xu=96.1,yu= 3014.1,rux= 499., lw=2., ci= 4) !OMMT optical bench size
 133 	call ps_arc(frm=1,xu=96.1,yu= 3014.1,rux= 632.8, lw=2., ci= 1) !OMMT chamber size
 134 	call ps_quad(frm=1,xu=-143.289-173.,yu=436.736-5-185.5,wu=346.,hu=371.,fill=14) !OMC_OFI
 135 	call ps_quad(frm=2,xu=2809.553+940-125-143.289,yu=2821.6862+436.736,wu=250.,hu=450.,fill=14)  !SQB1a_OFI1
 136 	call ps_quad(frm=2,xu=2809.553+940-125-143.289,yu=3821.6862+1786.736,wu=250.,hu=450.,fill=14) !SQB1a_OFI2
 137 	call ps_line(frm=1,xu1=2585.,yu1=3000.,xu2=730.,yu2=3000.,lw=2., ci= 1)
 138 	call ps_line(frm=1,xu1=2400.,yu1=3400.,xu2=600.,yu2=3400.,lw=2., ci= 1)
 139     call ps_arrow(1,10.,1000.,600.,pi/2,wd=.5,sag=.1,ls=100.,lw=.5,fill=2)
 140 	call ps_arrow(1,10.,1600.,0.,0.,wd=.5,sag=.1,ls=100.,lw=.5,fill=2)
 141 	call ps_text(frm=1,str='Y',xu=1000.,yu=600.,fs=10.,fn='HB')
 142 	call ps_text(frm=1,str='X',xu=1600.,yu=0.,fs=10.,fn='HB')
 143 	call ps_text(frm=1,str='Squeezing Injection Part',xl=0.,yt=25.,fs=15.,fn='HB') 
 144 	call ps_line(frm=1,xu1=30.-398.4,yu1=2590.,xu2=30-398.4,yu2=850.-150.,lw=2., ci= 1)
 145 	call ps_line(frm=1,xu1=30.+398.4,yu1=2480.,xu2=30+398.4,yu2=850.-180.,lw=2., ci= 1)
 146 	call ps_line(frm=2,xu1=2470.,yu1=3000.,xu2=730.,yu2=3000.,lw=2., ci= 1)
 147 	call ps_line(frm=2,xu1=2400.,yu1=3400.,xu2=600.,yu2=3400.,lw=2., ci= 1)
 148 	call ps_arc(frm=2,xu=96.1+3100.,yu= 3014.1+299.,rux= 649., lw=2., ci= 4) !SQB1a optical bench size
 149 	call ps_arc(frm=2,xu=96.1+3100.,yu= 3014.1+299.,rux= 793.5, lw=2., ci= 1) !SQB1a chamber sizecall 
 150 	call ps_arc(frm=2,xu=96.1+3100.,yu= 3014.1+299.,rux= 793.5, lw=2., ci= 1) !SQB1a chamber size
 151 	call ps_quad(frm=2,xu=1750.,yu=4000.,wu=280.,hu=70.,fill=14) !SQB1a optical bench
 152 	call ps_text(frm=2,str='SQB1a',xu=1750.,yu=4000.,fs=10., fn='HB') 
 153 	call ps_quad(frm=2,xu=2809.553+515.001-143.289-41,yu=2821.6862+62.481+436.736-67,wu=82.,hu=67.,fill=14) !SQB1a QPD1 Near
 154 	call ps_quad(frm=2,xu=2809.553+15.001-143.289-67,yu=2821.6862+102.481+1.981+436.736-41,wu=67.,hu=82.,fill=14) !SQB1a QPD1 Far
 155     call ps_arc(frm=2,xu=96.1+3100.,yu= 3014.1+99.+1200.+793.5+793.5,rux= 649., lw=2., ci= 4) !SQB1b optical bench size
 156 	call ps_arc(frm=2,xu=96.1+3100.,yu= 3014.1+99.+1200.+793.5+793.5,rux= 793.5, lw=2., ci= 1) !SQB1b chamber size
 157 	call ps_quad(frm=2,xu=1750.,yu=4000.+200.+793.5+793.5,wu=280.,hu=70.,fill=14) !SQB1b optical bench
 158 	call ps_text(frm=2,str='SQB1b',xu=1750.,yu=4000.+200.+793.5+793.5,fs=10., fn='HB') 	
 160 !!!!"Shift" is a value used to compensate beam path shift caused by any optics.
 161 	call oc_bind('shift',shift(45._8,1.4496_8,0.5_8))
 162 	call oc_bind('shift2',shift(45._8,1.4496_8,0.5_8)*tan(45._8*3.14159265358979_8/180._8))
 163 	call oc_bind('shift3',shift(56._8,1.4496_8,6.35_8))  ! PBS1&PBS2 of OFI 
 164 	call oc_bind('angle',atan(1.1_8/28.1_8)*180._8/3.14159265358979_8)
 165 !!!!Beam color for 1.IR and
 166 	ico1=ps_color((/1.,.8,.8/))   ! Plot outer part color ...
 167 	icm1=ps_color((/1.,.6,.6/))   ! ... middle part color ...
 168 	ici1=ps_color((/1.,.0,.0/))   ! .... inner part color of the beam
 169 	ico2=ps_color((/.8,1.,.8/))
 170 	icm2=ps_color((/.6,1.,.6/))
 171 	ici2=ps_color((/.0,1.,.0/))
 172 !!!!Reading optical components data from character array K and plotting surfaces.
 173 	do i = 1, 18
 174 		call oc_input(K(:,i))
 175 	end do
 176 	call oc_trace(1, of='KAGRA.log')       ! Save > or >> value in .log file  
 177 	call oc_beam(3.0,fill=ico1,pst=pst1)   ! Plot 3* waist range
 178 	call oc_beam(2.0,fill=icm1,pst=pst1)   !  ... 2* waist ... 
 179 	call oc_beam(1.0,fill=ici1,pst=pst1)   !  ... 1* waist ...
 180 	call oc_beam(.0,1,5,.1,rnc=4,rns=.1)	       ! Plot the beam axes in dash--black
 181 	call oc_surf(lw=1.)                    ! Plot all surface with linewidth 0.2mm
 184 	call oc_trace(2, of='KAGRA.log')       
 185 	call oc_beam(3.0,fill=ico1,pst=pst1)   ! Plot 3* waist range
 186 	call oc_beam(2.0,fill=icm1,pst=pst1)   !  ... 2* waist ... 
 187 	call oc_beam(1.0,fill=ici1,pst=pst1)   !  ... 1* waist ...
 188 	call oc_beam(.0,1,5,.1,rnc=4,rns=.1)   ! Plot the beam axes in dash--black
 189 	call oc_surf(lw=1.)                    ! Plot all surface with linewidth 0.2mm
 191 	call oc_trace(3, of='KAGRA.log')       
 192 	call oc_beam(3.0,fill=ico2,pst=pst2)   ! Plot 3* waist range
 193 	call oc_beam(2.0,fill=icm2,pst=pst2)   !  ... 2* waist ... 
 194 	call oc_beam(1.0,fill=ici2,pst=pst2)   !  ... 1* waist ...
 195 	call oc_beam(.0,1,5,.1,rnc=4,rns=.1)	       ! Plot the beam axes in dash--black
 196 	call oc_surf(lw=1.)                    ! Plot all surface with linewidth 0.2mm
 198 	call oc_trace(4, of='KAGRA.log')       
 199 	call oc_beam(3.0,fill=ico1,pst=pst1)   ! Plot 3* waist range
 200 	call oc_beam(2.0,fill=icm1,pst=pst1)   !  ... 2* waist ... 
 201 	call oc_beam(1.0,fill=ici1,pst=pst1)   !  ... 1* waist ...
 202 	call oc_beam(.0,1,5,.1,rnc=4,rns=.1)	       ! Plot the beam axes in dash--black
 203 	call oc_surf(lw=1.)    	! Plot all surface with linewidth 0.2mm
 205 	!call oc_trace(4, of='KAGRA.log')       
 206 	!call oc_beam(3.0,fill=ico2,pst=pst2)   ! Plot 3* waist range
 207 	!call oc_beam(2.0,fill=icm2,pst=pst2)   !  ... 2* waist ... 
 208 	!call oc_beam(1.0,fill=ici2,pst=pst2)   !  ... 1* waist ...
 209 	!call oc_beam(.0,1,5,.1,rnc=4,rns=.1)	       ! Plot the beam axes in dash--black
 210 	!call oc_surf(lw=1.)                    ! Plot all surface with linewidth 0.2mm
 213 !!!!Exit OptoCAD (Good job!)
 214     call oc_exit
 215 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 216 contains
 217 	real(8) function shift(theta1, n, a)
 218 		!!!This function calculates beam path shift 
 219 		!!!caused by optical components (mainly beam splitter) of refractive index n.
 220 		!!!theta1[deg]: angle of incidence (normally 45 deg.).
 221 		!!!theta2[rad]: angle of refraction (normally less than theta1).
 222 		!!!n: refractive index of a component.
 223 		!!!a[cm]: thickness of a component.
 224 		real(8), intent(in) :: theta1, n, a
 225 		real(8) pi, theta2
 226 		pi = 3.14159265358979_8
 227 		theta2 = asin(sin(theta1*pi/180._8)/n)
 228 		shift = a*sin(theta1*pi/180._8) - a*cos(theta1*pi/180._8)*tan(theta2)
 229 	end function shift
 230 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 231 end program KAGRA_Injection_2021

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