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Revision 20 as of 2016-07-11 08:09:42
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== Minutes ==
 * bKAGRA Phase 1 analog electronics
  * Quad IQ Demodulator heat-up issue
   * 1st stage amp is heating up
   * '''decide if we need 1st stage amp or not [Michimura]'''
  * remake of Quad IQ Demodulator LSC to ASC
   * MIF will take care istead of AEL
   * mass production will be taken care by AEL
  * RF Distribution Amplifier
   * we will omit RF monitor for now, and add them later
   * '''ask LIGO people for necessity of RF monitor [Michimura]'''
 * RF generation scheme
  * be careful of harmonics generator generating unwanted harmonics
 * OFI telecon summary
  * calculation by Somiya show single pendulum is enough for OFI and OMC
  * but we need cross check -> Somiya, Hiro
 * bKAGRA optical layout around PRC
  * POY clipping issue will be solved by modifying PR3 optical bench suspension [Shoda]
  * we need layout CAD for POY pickoff mirror, POP pickoff mirror to design baffles
   * '''talk with Kawamura who to assign [Michimura]'''
   * '''possibility of buying baffles next FY? -> ask SEO [Aso]'''
 * iKAGRA post-run calibration mystery [Aso]
  * mysterious LPF was from saturation
  * '''write an elog about this conclusion [Aso]'''
 * Viewport quality for GV between SRM and OMMT [Akutsu]
  * aLIGO case: SRM-OFI-viewport, KAGRA case: SRM-viewport-OMMT-OFI
  * aLIGO viewport is always closed
  * if we need super quality viewport, we have to decide soon
 * Requirement for the noise of watchdogs for coil drivers [Aso]
  * recent result show dR < 1e-7 Ohm/rtHz, so it may meet the requirement
  * slow (~20 min) drift at dR ~ 5e-4 Ohm -> this should be negligible
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   * Optickle (Optickle2) seminar on July 1 [[http://densuke.biz/list?cd=bNJ9WSPSEQNxheCy|densuke]]
    * announced to Toyama and Niigata students
   * Optickle (Optickle2) seminar on July 1
     * Enomoto, Nagano (ICRR), Komori, Aritomi, Shimoda (UT), Kasuya (Titech), Kagawa, Chen, Kumagaya, Sugawara (Niigata) attended
     * [[https://granite.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/trac/LCGT/browser/trunk/mif/KAGRAOptickle/Examples|Example codes]]
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   * HOM structure check to decide PR2-PR3 length
    * move PR2/PR3 by 1.18 cm to shorten PR2-PR3 length and stabilize PRMI ([[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5362|JGW-T1605362]])
   * ASC check [Enomoto] ([[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5362|JGW-T1605362]])
    * ASC is feasible
    * we need AS port to diagonalize ETM DIFF and BS signals
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  * we actually had only two months for room temperature PRMI with dummy payload
   * PR mirrors will be ready by the end of 2017.7 (BS ready by the end of 2017.3)
  * what should we do?
   * initial alignment to both ends before cryopayload is ready (2017.8-9)
   * PR-ETMX cavity during two months of ETMY cryopayload installation?
    * can we do ASC with such a low finesse?
    * PAB said we should do ETMY installation first (since Xend is dangerous)
   * PRM-PR2-PR3 cavity? -> unstable
  * possibility of installing cryopayload earlier is being discussed [Ando, Saito, CRYp]
 * bKAGRA Phase 1 analog electronics request for AEL ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/AEL|Analog Electronics for ISC]]) [Michimura]
  * request for AEL [Michimura]
  * Quad IQ Demodulator heat-up issue [AEL]
  * remake IQ Demodulator LSC to ASC temporarily for IMC WFS by 2016.10
   * confirmed with Miyakawa that AEL will take care
  * assemble RF Distribution Amplifier [Michimura->Niigata students?]
   * MIF will take care of assembling and purchasing with AEL budget
   * in the process of ordering RF amp (Wenzel LNBA-10-23-CK or LNBA-11-23-CK)
   * in the process of ordering RF splitter (Mini-Circuits ZCSC-8-1+)
   * basically copy of [[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1000124/public|LIGO-D1000124]], but we might omit [[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1000064/public|Interface]]
  * discussed at Extended Chief Meeting on July 4
   * beam profiling plan should be compatible with vacuum plan
   * how to extract AS beam should be fixed by MIF
 * bKAGRA Phase 1 analog electronics ([[KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/AEL|Analog Electronics for ISC]]) [Michimura]
  * Quad IQ Demodulator heat-up issue
   * 1st stage amp is heating up
   * '''we have to decide if we need 1st stage amp or not'''
  * remake of Quad IQ Demodulator LSC to ASC [Michimura->Niigata students?]
   * MIF will take care istead of AEL
   * mass production will be taken care by AEL
   * ordered 4-way splitter (Mini-Circuits ZFSC-4-1-S+) to M-RF [Michimura]
  * RF Distribution Amplifier [Michimura->Niigata students?]
   * we will omit RF monitor for now, and add them later
   * in the process of ordering RF amp (Wenzel LNBA-11-23-CK-100-15)
   * ordered 8-way splitter (Mini-Circuits ZCSC-8-1+), coupler (Mini-Circuits ZX30-20-4) to M-RF [Michimura]
   * basically copy of [[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1000124/public|LIGO-D1000124]], but we will omit [[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1000064/public|Interface]] for the first stage
   * ask LIGO people for necessity of RF monitor [Michimura]
    * RF monitor was used in aLIGO for noise hunting and IFO health check (input from Izumi)
   * '''we have to request AEL to make interface board'''
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  * use harmonics generator (x2, x3, x6, x8, x10, x16 for f2/8 = 5.62698725 MHz)?
  * use multiple signal generators with frequency doubler and differential frequency generator?
 * Summary of OFI telecon on June 24 [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5313|JGW-G1605313]] [Somiya]
  * reduce number of output steering mirrors (OSM) from two to one
  * move OFI postion to be between OMMT2 and OSM
  * suspend OMC and IFI both by single pendula
  * use harmonics generator (x2, x3, x6, x8, x10, x16 for f2/8 = 5.62698725 MHz)
   * seeking for vendors
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 * bKAGRA optical layout around PRC [Aso]
  * POY beam is clipped by PR3 optical bench suspension wire [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/4jio2tlmlavoffr/bKAGRA_wframes160621.dxf?dl=0|CAD drawing by Shoda]]
  * [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5261|JGW-T1605261]] (cartoon)
 * Arm Length Stabilization plan ([[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5353|JGW-T1605353]])
  * we have to decide the concept before experiment at University of Toyama

 * bKAGRA optical layout around PRC
  * POY clipping issue will be solved by modifying PR3 optical bench suspension [Shoda]
  * we need layout CAD for POY pickoff mirror, POP pickoff mirror to design baffles
   * '''possibility of buying baffles next FY? -> ask SEO [Aso]'''
   * ask SEO to hire a person dedicated for optical CAD
   * layout CAD will be prepared by each subgroup for the time being
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  * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=1767|klog #1767]]
  * mysterious LPF was probably from saturation (is this end of the story?)
  * Miyo-kun did time delay fitting: [[https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/dl.dropbox.com/s/e7tj2xvc8krdo2w/Post-Run%20MICH%20Calibration.ipynb|Jupyter Notebook]], [[https://www.dropbox.com/sh/alk6mothy435dis/AABeRhaV6RRZ1CfUqnq6bc7ua?dl=0|Files in Dropbox]]
  * mysterious LPF was from saturation
  * '''write an elog about this conclusion [Aso]'''
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  * if watchdog resistance noise should be less than DAC noise, dR < 6e-8 Ohm/rtHz (High Power Coil Driver case), dR < 5e-6 Ohm/rtHz (Low Power Coil Driver case), both at 10 Hz
  * too meet actuator noise requirement, dR < 8e-5 Ohm/rtHz (for BS/SRs), dR < 6e-5 Ohm/rtHz (for PRs), both at 10 Hz
  * watchdog resistance fluctuation was measured to be dR < ~1e-6 Ohm (measurement noise limited) ([[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5270|JGW-E1605270]])
  * see, also, [[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20160603|VISMinutes20160603]]
  * recent result show dR < 1e-7 Ohm/rtHz, so it may meet the requirement
  * slow (~20 min) drift at dR ~ 5e-4 Ohm -> this should be negligible
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 * BS baffle could make contract defect? ([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T1000090|LIGO-T1000090]]) [Akutsu,Hiro]   * aLIGO case: SRM-OFI-viewport, KAGRA case: SRM-viewport-OMMT-OFI
  * aLIGO viewport is always closed
  * '''if we need super quality viewport, we have to decide soon'''

 * BS baffle could make contract defect? ([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T1000090|LIGO-T1000090]])
  * ask Akutsu and Hiro
  * BS has 370 mm dia and beam at BS is 2*36 mm dia. So, it should be in principle OK. But recoil mass aperture should be considered.
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  * '''Ask Tomaru about the parameters and actuator design, range'''
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2016/7/25 14:00 - 15:00 2016/8/8 14:00 - 15:00

ISC Meeting on 2016/7/25 14:00 - 15:00




  • bKAGRA Phase 1 optical configuration study [Michimura]
    • HOM structure / LSC / ASC check [Michimura]
      • initiated Optickle 2 modeling: KAGRAOptickle SVN (login required)

      • Optickle (Optickle2) seminar on July 1
        • Enomoto, Nagano (ICRR), Komori, Aritomi, Shimoda (UT), Kasuya (Titech), Kagawa, Chen, Kumagaya, Sugawara (Niigata) attended
        • Example codes

      • length sensing matrix is OK
      • HOM structure check to decide PR2-PR3 length
        • move PR2/PR3 by 1.18 cm to shorten PR2-PR3 length and stabilize PRMI (JGW-T1605362)

      • ASC check [Enomoto] (JGW-T1605362)

        • ASC is feasible
        • we need AS port to diagonalize ETM DIFF and BS signals
    • continue checking dummy ETM availability [Hirose]
      • cost estimate arrived
    • check if reference spheres for PR mirrors are available at Caltech [Hirose]
    • check if IMC length stability and others are compatible with 3-km PRMI [Michimura]
    • check if dummy payload is quiet enough to make PRMI [Michimura]
  • bKAGRA Phase 1 initial alignment / commissioning plan [Michimura]: JGW-T1605274

    • discussed at Extended Chief Meeting on July 4
      • beam profiling plan should be compatible with vacuum plan
      • how to extract AS beam should be fixed by MIF
  • bKAGRA Phase 1 analog electronics (Analog Electronics for ISC) [Michimura]

    • Quad IQ Demodulator heat-up issue
      • 1st stage amp is heating up
      • we have to decide if we need 1st stage amp or not

    • remake of Quad IQ Demodulator LSC to ASC [Michimura->Niigata students?]

      • MIF will take care istead of AEL
      • mass production will be taken care by AEL
      • ordered 4-way splitter (Mini-Circuits ZFSC-4-1-S+) to M-RF [Michimura]
    • RF Distribution Amplifier [Michimura->Niigata students?]

      • we will omit RF monitor for now, and add them later
      • in the process of ordering RF amp (Wenzel LNBA-11-23-CK-100-15)
      • ordered 8-way splitter (Mini-Circuits ZCSC-8-1+), coupler (Mini-Circuits ZX30-20-4) to M-RF [Michimura]
      • basically copy of LIGO-D1000124, but we will omit Interface for the first stage

      • ask LIGO people for necessity of RF monitor [Michimura]
        • RF monitor was used in aLIGO for noise hunting and IFO health check (input from Izumi)
      • we have to request AEL to make interface board

    • RF Patch Panel modification [Michimura->Niigata students?]

  • RF generation scheme [Michimura]
    • f1 = 3/8*f2, f3 = 10/8*f2
    • we need 2*f1, 2*f2, f3-f1, f3-f2 as well
    • use harmonics generator (x2, x3, x6, x8, x10, x16 for f2/8 = 5.62698725 MHz)
      • seeking for vendors

  • Arm Length Stabilization plan (JGW-T1605353)

    • we have to decide the concept before experiment at University of Toyama
  • bKAGRA optical layout around PRC
    • POY clipping issue will be solved by modifying PR3 optical bench suspension [Shoda]
    • we need layout CAD for POY pickoff mirror, POP pickoff mirror to design baffles
      • possibility of buying baffles next FY? -> ask SEO [Aso]

      • ask SEO to hire a person dedicated for optical CAD
      • layout CAD will be prepared by each subgroup for the time being
  • iKAGRA post-run calibration mystery [Aso]
    • mysterious LPF was from saturation
    • write an elog about this conclusion [Aso]

  • Requirement for the noise of watchdogs for coil drivers [Aso]
    • recent result show dR < 1e-7 Ohm/rtHz, so it may meet the requirement

    • slow (~20 min) drift at dR ~ 5e-4 Ohm -> this should be negligible

  • Viewport quality for GV between SRM and OMMT [Akutsu]
    • aLIGO case: SRM-OFI-viewport, KAGRA case: SRM-viewport-OMMT-OFI
    • aLIGO viewport is always closed
    • if we need super quality viewport, we have to decide soon

  • BS baffle could make contract defect? (LIGO-T1000090)

    • ask Akutsu and Hiro
    • BS has 370 mm dia and beam at BS is 2*36 mm dia. So, it should be in principle OK. But recoil mass aperture should be considered.
  • bKAGRA ISC cabling [Michimura/Doi]
    • Doi-san said he will help.
  • Mirror absorption measurement status [Hirose]
  • Output optics status [Somiya]
    • suspensions for OMMT1/2 is same as IMMT1/2, ask Takahashi-san to add drivers to his list: JGW-L1605193

    • we have to make vacuum compatible PD/QPD for OMC by 2018.3
    • beam shutter: prototype done, AR coating and driver circuit design not yet
  • Magnetic noise, actuator noise calculation for cryogenic payload [Michimura]
    • Ask Tomaru about the parameters and actuator design, range

  • Task list update (TaskList) [Michimura]

Next meeting

2016/8/8 14:00 - 15:00

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KAGRA/subgroup/ifo/MIF/Minutes20160725 (last edited 2016-07-25 14:55:23 by YoichiAso)