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Participants: Participants: Y. Aso, T. Ushiba, E. Hirose, K. Izumi, Y. Enomoto, K. Arai, K. Nagano, K. Kokeyama, M. Nakano, K. Yamamoto
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 * OMC status
  * DC PD Preamp SN1 was broken, but replaced
   * transfer function of DC PD should be measured within a few % for calibration
 * General comments from Koji's Kamioka visit
  * Many people assembling and installing things without looking at drawings
  * Many works that can be done remote are done at Kamioka. Work at Kamioka is very expensive.
  * Slow channels may be needed for monitoring things(PLC based? Beckhoff? Acromag?)
 * Mach-Zehnder modulator [Yamakoh] [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=8029|JGW-G1808029]]
  * PD noise was updated and worse
  * A/I: Look into requirement calculations again
   * Phase noise for f1 RAM, which comes from asymmetry of 1st MZI, gives the most stringent requirement
 * There will be LLO report from Kokeyama-san at next ISC meeting.
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   * RF amplifier for EOM to be requested to AEL soon. [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9211|JGW-T180921]] {*}    * RF amplifier for EOM requested to AEL [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9260|JGW-T1809260]] {*}
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ISC Meeting on 2018/11/19 14:00 - 15:00

Participants: Y. Aso, T. Ushiba, E. Hirose, K. Izumi, Y. Enomoto, K. Arai, K. Nagano, K. Kokeyama, M. Nakano, K. Yamamoto

Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/6676627462

Next meeting

2018/12/3 (Mon) 14:00-15:00 (JST)


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  • OMC status
    • DC PD Preamp SN1 was broken, but replaced
      • transfer function of DC PD should be measured within a few % for calibration
  • General comments from Koji's Kamioka visit
    • Many people assembling and installing things without looking at drawings
    • Many works that can be done remote are done at Kamioka. Work at Kamioka is very expensive.
    • Slow channels may be needed for monitoring things(PLC based? Beckhoff? Acromag?)
  • Mach-Zehnder modulator [Yamakoh] JGW-G1808029

    • PD noise was updated and worse
    • A/I: Look into requirement calculations again
      • Phase noise for f1 RAM, which comes from asymmetry of 1st MZI, gives the most stringent requirement
  • There will be LLO report from Kokeyama-san at next ISC meeting.


  • Main topics for Phase-2 [Michimura]
    • Fix initial alignment scheme for full IFO
    • Finalize ALS scheme and RF AM generation scheme and finalize lock acquisition scheme
      • Enomoto?
    • ISC modeling, especially ASC modeling, for intermediate IFO configurations
      • Tanioka for ASC?
    • Cabling diagram
    • In-vacuum RF PD and RF QPD
      • Izumi will ask LIGO people first. And ask Doi for handling fabrication?
      • Laser welding would be tough (resonant circuit cannot be re-tuned)
      • Use similar design to OMC DC PD preamplifier?
    • Readout DC PDs and OMC
    • Design output optics on optical tables
  • Mach-Zehnder modulator [Yamakoh] JGW-G1808029

    • Displacement noises of 1st and 2nd MZI do not meet the Phase 2 requirement.
      • A/I: Redo the requirement calculation with 10W input, SRM reflectivity of 70%. Check the calculation (DC power, signal extraction port etc.).
    • Measured modulation depths for each EOM alone fluctuates very much. To be investigated.
    • Plan for O3
      • Work on noise hunting etc until Nov 26 (before Yarm alignment starts)
      • Do technical readiness review in December
        • Displacement noise, modulation depth, residual amplitude modulation, phase noise, long term stability
      • If MZM do not meet the requirement by the review, we will block one of the arms of 1st and 2nd MZIs.
        • We will loose 7/8 of the power, but it is OK for now
        • Do MZM characterizations when possible
        • In case we need more power, we will replace BSs with mirrors (and MZM R&D on site is terminated for the time being)

      • MIF will prepare RF PDs for three-f in parallel
    • Future plans
      • Make monolithic MZM?
      • Make a wind shield?
  • RF modulation system
    • Three-f or f3
      • Agreed to work on both three-f and f3 for redundancy
      • O3 requirement for MZI was calculated (and met?)
        • A/I: The deadline and when to disassemble MZI (remove some of BSs) when the requirement was not met are to be discussed
      • A/I: How to proceed with broadband PDs for f3-f1/f3-f2? Modify our resonant RF PD? (BB PD also necessary for SPOP (and SPOS))
    • Low noise VCO
      • Two Prototype Low Noise VCO for ALSX and Y assembled (JGW-D1808968), and noise of the one of them was measured. Meets the requirement.

      • We need three real ones for ALSX, ALSY and FSS
        • 110MHz for FSS? FSS AOM driver broken. Status? {*}

      • For PLLX and PLLY, Keysight E8663D is used.
        • A/I: Need to develop a code to sweep the frequency.
    • RF source
      • Harmonics Generator arrived {*}

      • We currently have 6 Agilent N5181B, but we need 7 JGW-T1706762 {*}

        • PMC PDH (15MHz)
        • Refcav PDH (51.75MHz)
        • IMC PDH (13.78MHz)
        • seed for Harmonics Generator
        • ALSX PDH (33MHz) (NOTE that 33MHz for ALSX PDH, not 32MHz)
        • ALSY PDH (32MHz)
          • Not necessary until Yarm commissioning starts (mid-Nov?)
        • seed for ALS VCO (~70MHz)
      • RF amplifier for EOM requested to AEL JGW-T1809260 {*}

  • Common mode servo board CMSB wiki JGW-G1808547

    • Summarized, requested to AEL JGW-T1809210

    • We will make 20 boards, and 10 will be assembled as chassis
    • We currently have 5 chassis and used for 1st MZI, IMC, CARM, PLL X, ALS PDHX
    • Needs 4 chassis more soon: 2nd MZI, PLL Y, ALS PDHY, ALS COMM summing node
    • 6 chassis for spare: MZI, IMC, CARM, PLL, PDH, summing node
  • OMC status {*}

    • OMC was locked from the digital system klog #6846

    • DC PD Preamp SN1 was broken. To be replaced
    • DC QPD amplifier not arrived yet
    • Calculations on DC power and circuit noise -> Somiya & Arai

    • Electronics status
      • In-vac DC PD amplifier board finalized JGW-D1809177

      • In-air DC QPD amplifier board not arrived yet
  • ITMY inhomogeneity JGW-T1808715

    • We should check impact on sensitivity and locking as soon as possible
      • For both O3 and full bKAGRA
    • There was a discussion whether we should re-optimize OMC for BRSE or DRSE without homodyne angle optimization.
    • ASC simulation by FINESSE show worse signal when ITMY inhomogeniety is added (a few % degradation in shot noise?)
    • higher order contents, especially odd-order modes are worse
    • But still need to check the Finesse code (alignment loop not closed yet)
    • FINESSE calculation on ASC was not reliable since Gouy phase tuning was not done
    • Working on Gouy phase tuning
  • SRM-M with metal parts
    • Characterization results?

  • RF generation using Mach-Zehnder interferometer [Kohei Yamamoto] JGW-G1707309 JGW-G1807655 JGW-G1808029 {*}

    • simulation on imperfections (MZ arm asymmetry, MZ lock, EOM phase difference control etc.)
    • calculate requirements on MZI displacement, EOM modulation phase difference, EOM imbalance
    • Requirements derived from full Optickle simulation and those derived from transfer function between displacement of MZI and sideband power kind of matched after implementing RAM into calculation for the latter. However, we need more investigation on the following issues:
      • Modulation depth for RAM generating EOM changes the requirement.
      • Spectrum shapes of the requirements for mid-fringe do not match. Maybe coming from accuracy of the mid-fringe?
      • Unknown frequency response of the transfer function from the displacement of MZI and sideband power
      • Check if caluculated RF oscillator amplitude noise is relative one or not with simple Optickle model
    • calculations for requirements on delay line lock displacement noise, parallel EOM MZ lock displacement noise, EOM modulation phase difference, EOM imbalance on-going
    • Relative f1 PM and f1 AM also needs to be adjusted (CQG 31, 095003 (2014)). Another EOM for f1 or relative amplitude adjuster between two EOMs?

    • Requirement on carrier power loss?
    • Comment from Stefan Ballmer
      • Similar calculation was done in LIGO in the past. Displacement noise requirement for MZ was tough (~1e-14 m/rtHz).
      • Any in-air interferometer suffer from jitter and frequency noise which cannot be suppressed.
    • Ref: LIGO-T040119

    • MZI implementation starts in May, probably before high power laser installation
    • RF oscillator noise requirements for MZI should also be calculated
  • IMMT1 and IMMT2 transmission [Michimura, Takeda]
    • IMMT2 transmission optics are too much squeezed
  • DC QPD holder [Michimura]
    • beam height should be 4inch to use similar mount, with small modification of spacer (instead of 3inch in JGW-D1402607)

      • RF PD, RF QPD boxes are designed for 4inch beam height
    • stages are not needed for ISC DC QPD
    • design new ones; they can be very simple [-> Michimura?]

    • calibration can be done in different ways
    • put strain relief and anchors for cables to protect QPD board
  • OMC and OFI [Somiya]
    • look for OFI with larger aperture [Somiya]
    • DC PD and DC QPD [Michimura]
      • DC PD not available. Look for product with similar specs
      • DC QPD available from RS
  • In-vacuum RF PD and RF QPD {*}

    • we need them within 1 year, considering OMC REFL and AS RF
  • In-vac beam-dumps {*}

    • required spec?
  • Actuator noise modeling [Michimura,Miyamoto]
    • Summarized in the paper JGW-P1707051

    • Needs to implement frequency noise, but FSS modeling with ALS is complicated [student!]
    • Discuss mirror vibration from heat link {*}

      • Meeting on July 14 [Yamada, Miyamoto, Ushiba, Michimura]

See this page for other agendas.

KAGRA/subgroup/ifo/MIF/Minutes20181119 (last edited 2018-12-03 10:39:19 by YutaMichimura)