Differences between revisions 7 and 8
Revision 7 as of 2023-07-24 15:58:08
Size: 308
Editor: miyoki
Revision 8 as of 2023-07-24 16:22:54
Size: 899
Editor: miyoki
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  * 2/7 CARM out of loop measurement.
   * Old estimation: shotnoise should be below the unknown noise (< kHz).
   * For noise budget: If shot noise at in-loop PD1 limits, the shot noise of PD2 has no coherence with shot noise at PD1.
   * Analog excitation is necessary for injection. But MOC is connected at this point. So we need cable reconnection. SW can be introduced?
  * 3/7 RF PD
   * We have several.
   * Shunt R should be removed. Tune RF properties.
  * 5/7 Reck preparation: OK
  * 6/7 Where we should put PD2?: Wide space
  * 7/7 Schedule: Aug/21~28 (2 days)

CARM signal detection by using 2nd PD 2023/07/24

Participants: Komori, Aso, Miyoki, Ushiba, Uchiyama, Miyakawa, Akutsu,

Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/5045179604


  • Presentation by Komori-kun

    • 2/7 CARM out of loop measurement.
      • Old estimation: shotnoise should be below the unknown noise (< kHz).

      • For noise budget: If shot noise at in-loop PD1 limits, the shot noise of PD2 has no coherence with shot noise at PD1.
      • Analog excitation is necessary for injection. But MOC is connected at this point. So we need cable reconnection. SW can be introduced?
    • 3/7 RF PD
      • We have several.
      • Shunt R should be removed. Tune RF properties.
    • 5/7 Reck preparation: OK
    • 6/7 Where we should put PD2?: Wide space
    • 7/7 Schedule: Aug/21~28 (2 days)

KAGRA/subgroup/ifo/MIF/Minutes20230724 (last edited 2023-07-24 16:46:22 by miyoki)