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= KAGRA Interface Control =


== Contents ==

~+1. [[#scope|Scope of each subsystem]]+~

~+2. [[#interfacetable|Table of the interface items between subsystems]]+~

~+3. [[#workinggroups|Working groups for important interface issues]]+~

~+4. [[#parameterlist|Parameter list]]+~

~+5. [[#tolerance|Requirements and tolerance]]+~

~+6. [[#dutyfactor|Duty factor]]+~

~+7. [[#reference|Reference]]+~


== 1. Scope of each subsystem ==

 * Tunnel (TUN/TU): ~-''Tunnel design, Underground lab area, Access tunnel, and Safety''-~<<BR>>
 * Facility (FCL/FA): ~-''TBD''-~<<BR>>
 * Vacuum (VAC/VA): ~-''Two beam tubes, Chambers, Baffles, Beam targets, Layout, and Pumps''-~<<BR>>
 * Cryogenic (CRY/CR): ~-''Cryostat, Shield, Cryo duct, Cryo-cooler; Cryo-suspension, and Heat link''-~<<BR>>
 * Vibration Isolation (VIS/VI): ~-''Four Type-A systems, Seven Type-B systems, and Several Type-C systems''-~<<BR>>
 * Mirror (MIR/MI): ~-''23kg Sapphire mirrors, Silica BS, Small Silica mirrors for PRC, SRC, MC, OMC''-~<<BR>>
 * Laser (LAS/LA): ~-''180W laser, 10-50W laser for iKAGRA, Laser control system, and Optics for lasers''-~<<BR>>
 * Main Interferometer (MIF/IF): ~-''MIF design (length, RoC, layout), LSC, ASC, Lock acquisition, and Commissioning''-~<<BR>>
 * Input/Output Optics (IOO/IO): ~-''Input optics between laser and PRM, and Output optics including OMMT and OMC''-~<<BR>>
 * Auxiliary Optics (AOS/AO): ~-''All the optical systems that are not included in MIF or IOO''-~<<BR>>
 * Analog Electronics (AEL/EL): ~-''TBD''-~<<BR>>
 * Digital (DGS/DG): ~-''Real-time control, Data acquisition, IFO tuning, Automatic operation, and Information collection''-~<<BR>>
 * Data Analysis (DAS/DA): ~-''Management of observation data''-~<<BR>>
 * Geophysics Interferometer (GIF/GI): ~-''Baseline interferometer and Arrangement of sensors and benchmarks''-~<<BR>>

||<style="border: none; color: #80FF80; font-weight: bold;"> A list of allocated items to each subsystem is [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=***|here|width=300]].||

== 2. Table of the interface items between subsystems ==

|| ||<:>TU||<:>FA||<:>VA||<:>CR||<:>VI||<:>MI||<:>LA||<:>IF||<:>IO||<:>AO||<:>EL||<:>DG||<:>DA||<:>GI||

||<style="border: none; color: #80FF80; font-weight: bold;"> An interface item table at a glance is [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=987|here|width=300]].||

== 3. Working groups for important interface issues ==

 * [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=774|Layout]] (VAC,MIF,AOS,IOO, etc.)
 * [[???|Cabling]] (VIS,CRY, etc.)
 * [[LCGT/Meeting/Instrument|Interlock]] (MIF,IOO,LAS, etc.)
 * [[???|Detector diagnostics]] (MIF,DAS, etc.)
 * [[???|Connectors]] (VAC,CRY,DGS etc.)

== 4. Parameter list ==

 * Parameter list is [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=***|here]].

== 5. Requirements and tolerance ==

 * Requirements are given in the parameter list. Each parameter must be not so far from the required value as to '''deteriorate the sensitivity by less than 1%'''.
 * Tolerance is given for some of the parameters by calculating the robustness of the sensitivity. See [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=***|here]].

== 6. Duty factor ==

 * The target duty factor of KAGRA is '''80%'''. Breakdown of the time loss is shown [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=932|here]].

== 7. Reference ==

 * ~-[[LCGT/Meeting/Reviews/External|External Review documents]]-~
 * ~-[[https://granite.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/svn/LCGT/trunk/mif/doc/DesignDocument/|MIF design document]]-~
 * ~-[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=570|Cryo-payload parameters]].-~
The page has been moved to [[KAGRA/Interface|here]].

The page has been moved to here.

LCGT/Interface (last edited 2012-06-06 22:29:59 by KentaroSomiya)